Make Ups | Chpt 111

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Hello peoples


(y/n)'s POV

I scrolled through the news, catching a few things about me and Kacchan. After hearing him say he had been censoring the bad stuff from me, I had begun to wonder exactly what was said. I suppose that was just me looking for certain trouble. My mother came into the kitchen, everyone else still asleep. 

"What are you doing up?"

"Eh, nothing," I shrugged. I just gestured to the plate of food I had made and she went for it. I was going to wake everyone up soon anyways.

"What are you looking at?" she asked.

"Just news," I replied. She eyed the food before turning to me, resting against the counter. 

"(y/n), we haven't really gone out have we? I've just been around here and we stay in when you come to visit," she said.


"Why don't we go somewhere?" 

"Sure, like where?"

"Maybe the park, the mall? I haven't been to a mall in literal years," she said, taking out a plate. 

"Yeah, of course," I agreed. I paused, looking around at our surroundings. "Hey are you ever going to move back into our actual house?"

"Oh," she said, pausing. "I mean, I don't really see much point. I suppose we could move back, it's just sitting there isn't it?"


"Do you not like being around here?"

"No, I do, it's just been a while and I'd kind of like to be home. With you," I pointed out.

"I haven't been there in years too."

"Room is just like you left it," I added and she nodded. 

"We can stop by on the way home, I think Ai likes it here while I'm still adjusting. So she doesn't have to take care of her lame old sister alone," My mother admitted. I just nodded.

"You're not lame," Ai called, rolling her eyes. She walked past me, shoving my head and I glared at her. 

"You're always welcome to stay whenever," Mitsuki added and she and Masaru followed behind Ai. Kacchan grumpily walked in behind them, still tired. That was a switch, seeing as he usually was awake far earlier than I was. I had to admit he had quite the restless sleep last night. It got to the point he actually had to move away from me, he was squirming far too much. He sat down next to me, a bitter expression on his face. 

"Did you want me to come with you to the exams today?" I asked.

"Tch, no, I don't need you to follow me there," he scoffed. I gave him a knowing look to which he brushed off. 

"Well maybe I'll catch the end of it after hanging with my mom," I said.

"You should be nicer," Mitsuki scolded.

"I'm nice!" he argued. I just placed a hand on his forearm, discreetly under the table. Mitsuki placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you for breakfast and thank you for him," she said, seating herself. Kacchan steamed and I just squeezed his arm. He gripped my hand with both of his instead, tugging it into his lap. The adults started talking and Kacchan turned to look at me. His eyebrow was twitching and I gave him a soft smile. 

"You're going to do great on the exam today, I promise," I said, using my free hand to lightly brush his cheek with my hand. He seemed to relax, face tilting down. I stood up to get him a glass of water, retrieving my hand. That was definitely why he was so restless. If he didn't get his exam today, it would be beyond embarrassing. It wasn't that he wasn't capable, it was just his sour attitude. Hopefully, now with me he would do a lot better with that. I filled up the glass as Ai suggested a mall we could go to. I set it in front of him to wake him up a little. 

"Yeah, that nice outdoor one is a little ways away from here," Ai explained. 

"That sounds good. (y/n)?"

"Yeah that's great," I replied. 

"We can head out right now, walk there?"

"Sure." I turned to Kacchan, offering up a fist. He deadpanned, looking at me for an opporunity to skip out on the gesture. When I didn't budge, he just set his knuckles against mine. "Kick ass."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," he scoffed, tugging his hand back into his space. I dashed upstairs for a few things before I headed out the door with my mother. We started out of the neighborhood, walking around in the warming weather. 

"It's nice out," I said.

"That it is," my mother replied. Conversation was still a little dry now that we had laid everything out on the table. My mother brought up Kacchan just 10 minutes away from the house. "You and Katsuki are very well matched."

"Yeah, I think so too. He's a really good person."

"I remember you coming to see me and you absolutely despised him," she said. 

"Yeah, he and I didn't really realize how well we worked together. I that dumb kid," I shrugged, shoving my hands in my pockets. 

"I can tell. I regret comparing you to me and your father," she said. "You two really know exactly what the other person means and is feeling."

"Sometimes...sometimes I think I'm going to marry him."

"Right now?!"

"What? No way," I scoffed. "We've only been dating for a few months and we're like 16."

"Right," my mother replied, turning the corner to a stretch of shops. Towards the end of the street was the mall. 

"It's just that, I think about it and I really don't expect to date anyone else. It worries me sometimes. You hear about those high school sweetheart couples that get married and end up divorcing."

"I don't really think you would," my mother stated. "He's very right for you and it seems like he wouldn't want to ever break up with you. When you think about it, you already fear the aspect of it, which most likely means you'd do anything to make things work if it gets rocky. You're only freshmen. I think you need to get out of your own head so much."

"Easier said than done."

"Come on, you've got to show me some of the new hero things. I've been out of the game for way too long," she said, picking up her step. It was kind of unnatural to see my mother walking around outside, but I suppose that was from my perspective. She fit in perfectly to this kind of life. Those injuries and the hospital had completely sucked the life out of her. After getting beat up far too frequently at work and now to my knowledge at home, it seemed the hospital was imminent. I only wished she had just retired sooner. 

Perhaps if my father had left sooner she wouldn't have been in the hospital at all.

I shook the 'what ifs' from my head, knowing that didn't serve me any good. I followed along with my mother, guiding her to a hero store. She looked around with me.

"So you're interning with Wash, how is he?"

"He's good, one of my classmates Shoji is also interning. It's actually really fun," I replied. 

"Ugh," she said, picking up a piece of Endeavor merchandise. "Must he be everywhere?"

"Well he is the number one hero now," I pointed out.

"What a shame," she commented and I snickered slightly. 

"I'm waiting for them to try and sell light up mustaches," I joked and she made a face of disgust for a moment before chuckling. 

"Who's number 2 again?"


"Mmm right," she said, humming to herself. 

"Oh don't tell me you're attracted to him mom, he's way too young for you," I said.

"Considering who I married, I think I have a little wiggle room missy," she said. I gagged and she just smirked, walking further into the store. 

"Woah!" The both of us glanced around to the shop keep who had brought his attention abruptly from a customer to us. "Cascade! You haven't been out in nearly 8 or 9 years!"

"Never been in this store," my mother said. The customer who had been previously irked by the interruption, changed moods as they became aware of who she was. She talked with them and I just watched, her face lighting up. It was reminiscent of those older videos of her, the ones I loved so much. She was really quite the character and I hadn't seen it in so long. 

"And you're (y/n), nice work at UA!" the shop keep complimented.

"Thank you, I do my best."

"I'd love some autographed things," he continued and my mother agreed. He disappeared and the person shopping offered up something from her purse for her to sign. He returned, allowing my mother to sign somethings. He looked to me, gesturing for me to come near. "You wouldn't mind signing a few things?"


"Sure! You're definitely bound to be top ten in the future," he said. He offered up a poster of the class girls and a few other things containing the entire class. Of course we didn't have much, but I was just impressed that he had things of us already. I peered at the poster, action pictures of us at the sports festival. I signed near the photo of me and then on the bottom of the class. "You're in class 1-A, surely you could get some things signed by Eraserhead."

"I don't know about that one." He didn't have any official merch on account of how he ran his hero career. I doubt that he would be willing to sign something, even if I pestered him for it.

"Ah, that's alright! Thank you so much ladies," he said retrieving his things. My mother looked to me warmly, exiting the shop with me. 


"Sometimes I think you forget exactly what you're signing up for," she said nudging me. "Fame is just a little part of it."

"Wow...I hadn't really thought too hard about it," I replied.

"I think you'll do a great job, show me right on up," she commented, heading into a clothing store. I just smiled, walking behind her. Time passed and we ended up at the food court. "I'm not so certain I'd like to meet that classmate."

"Yeah, Mineta is disgusting," I scoffed. "You should come by and meet my teachers and classmate next weekend. Now that you can, they'd probably let you tour the school."

"That sounds very nice, I'd love to speak with Eraserhead again. We've only spoken once," she agreed.

"You can meet my counselor!"

"Of course, that sounds great," she replied.

"Yay, now I'm excited," I said, sipping my drink. It felt really nice to finally go out with my mom like this, like I was younger. We'd take trips to the grocery store and get little snacks on the way home. Fridays were a great day because we'd always stop to get treats and eat them in a new place everyday. That was a great time when I was younger, something I very much remembered. "Okay so I'll make sure Mineta is like locked away or something. Oh, and my friend Kaminari is kind of weird sometimes. He's got a lot to say about Bakugo's mom."

"Oh my..."

"Yeah, don't listen to him, he's got a really weird sense of humor."

"Have I met your friend, I saw her in the sports festival, Mina?"

"Maybe? You'll really like her. After you come around the school, maybe we can go out with all the girls!"

"That sounds wonderful."

"There's a hero gala coming up, so we've got to get things for that."

"You can wear one of my dresses," my mother suggested and I beamed. She smiled, reaching over the table to nudge my cheek with her thumb. "I love to see you so happy, beautiful girl."

"Thanks mom." I glanced at the clock. "Oh shoot, I think Kacchan is going to be done in like 40 minutes. We should go!"

"I'll head back home. You two can come back for dinner," she said. I stood up, figuring we could take 2 different trains. 

"Are you sure you can get home by yourself?"

"Yes, I'll be quite alright Raindrop." My mother pecked me on the head.

"Oh before I forget, do you...think you could get the name of dad's old lab?" I asked. Her face shifted to confusion and worry.


"Just...I want to read about it, stuff they did in the past is all," I said. 

"I suppose. I'll try and find the name," she agreed.

"Thanks mom," I said, pecking her on the cheek. I ran off, heading quickly to the testing center. It was pretty empty, the make up test being run by some heroes. There was supposedly a small conference for some other heroes today, which was why Aizawa wasn't attending the exam. I signed in and was allowed to seat myself in the stands. I spotted Kacchan and Todoroki besides each other. They were actually speaking to each other calmly. I was impressed as a figure sat beside me.

"Hey!" I looked to Camie, smiling at her. "Saw you come in. I thought I'd say hello."

"Oh, well hey," I replied. "You going to get your license too?"

"That I am! I'm guessing you're here for your classmates," she said, gesturing to the pair.


"They're a really dynamic pair, I've been seeing them work well together. I think they're going to be great heroes. I mean, just look at Bakugo. He's an unstoppable force."

"He is."

"He's a great partner to work with, we seem to get along well," she said. I looked over to her, just nodding simply. Her eyes shifted over to me, wide and adrenaline filled. I actually leaned back slightly when she winked at me, an excited smile on her face. "Well, I've got to get back. Great to see ya!" I just nodded, letting her run off and into the space. She nearly ran into Kacchan who gave her an annoyed look. He had mentioned that he was working okay with Camie however long ago. I knew for a fact that he didn't like her, so I didn't know why my stomach felt sick. He had already explained that he was demisexual and demiromantic. So he'd need an emotional connection before romantic feelings blossomed.

Had he connected with Camie like that?

Bakugo's POV

I let out a breath, one last test before I could receive my license. I was rather focused on how proud (y/n) would be of me when I did actually get it. 

"Well done on the last test," Todoroki complimented.

"You too."

"We are friends," he said and I just shook my head, rolling my eyes. I was doing my best to keep my temper under control. I wasn't about to fail for a second time. I was actually kind of nervous, hanging on the words of encouragement (y/n) had left me this morning. I was really gunning to ensure I got what I wanted and got what would make me happy. That meant the license itself and (y/n)'s praise, as selfish as that seemed. Camie nearly crashed into me and I shot her a glare.

"Just talked to (y/n)! It's so sweet she's here for you guys," Camie commented. I glanced up, my eyes brought to (y/n) shedding her jacket, one of the very few people in the testing center. She looked up, catching my eye. She gave me a thumbs up and smile and I smiled slightly myself. "She wishes you two luck." Camie placed an arm around my shoulders and I shrugged her off. 

"That's nice, thanks Camie," Todoroki said and she just looked at him oddly, laughing in response. What was with her today? We set up for the next challenge. I was already sweating from the previous ones, but that nervous and tired sweat bode well for me anyways. I gripped my hands in fists, careful to not rub them together and cause an unwanted explosion. Camie went through, completing the task easily. Then IcyHot.


I stepped up, hitting each target in the quickest time yet. I landed, letting out a breath now that I was fully done. I felt excited eyes upon me as I returned with a sharp breath. 

"Nice job," I commented first, hoping that would get me in good grace. We had to wait around for the results, though I was sure I would actually get it this time. I felt my chest swell, sneaking glances at (y/n). Even though she was far away, I could tell she was smiling.

The results came upon the board, nearly too slow. 


I heard (y/n) actually start clapping for me and I grinned. Todoroki even smiled a little, having passed himself. I finally wouldn't have to go to these classes anymore. That meant more time with (y/n) and even my loser extras. Weirdly that made me really happy. I spotted (y/n) making her way down. I honestly wanted to just scoop her up in a hug, despite the fact IcyHot was still here.

"Yay! Great job guys! I'm so happy!" Camie called. I turned to look at her briefly, my body going into a tense shock when she grasped my head. She pulled me down to her height, kissing me on the mouth. My eyes widened and I shoved her off quickly. That didn't stop her from continuing her celebration. Todoroki looked to her and then to me, meeting eyes with me. He had very clearly seen what happened. Why hadn't Camie made some kind of move towards him, he was moreso her type. She had told me herself. Camie turned to me with a smirk, winking in my direction as I remained slack jawed. "I prefer them with less anger issues and green hair, but that was nice. See you guys!"

Camie nearly bolted off and Todoroki placed a hand on my shoulder, giving me a look, before running after her to investigate. I shook my head, turning to spot (y/n).


She had stopped her run towards me all the way across the arena, standing still with her arms slack at her sides. She just stared in my direction, bewildered and disappointed. From where I could see her, her mouth closed and she just glared at the ground, hands closing into fist.

I didn't know what to do.


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