Hello there
Bakugo's POV
I turned my head against my pillow, straightening out my legs. I looked over at my desk, which was occupied by (y/n). She was scrolling through a website, the brightness on her laptop darkened. It didn't do much to help her eyes because she was sat slightly hunched, her face close to the screen. While she had said she wanted to go see the woman Amaya today, she wasn't in the office today. She was trying to get into contact with her to schedule a time to speak. She was trying to figure out exactly how to even get into the new lab. This one was a little more private and the guest passes in needed someone to be a guest to. All she could really do was wait for her to respond, but she continued working...aimlessly scrolling. She wasn't getting an email from Dai anytime today either, so as she refreshed her screen again and again I grew fed up with how she was dealing with this.
She had promised me that she wasn't going to get too hung up on this.
"Come lay down."
"In a minute," she said, brushing me off with a wave of her hand. I looked as she didn't even turn around from her searching.
"No, come lay down now."
"You are not going to find anything and watching your email is going to make you go crazy. Just let it go," I stated. "She'll reply when she does." She turned in my desk chair looking at me. She huffed slightly.
"If it were you, you would get it," she stated. She picked up her laptop, getting up from her chair. She headed for the door, sulking.
"Where are you going?"
"Internship," she stated and I sighed, knowing she still had a good amount of time before she had to leave. She left, shutting the door roughly. I sat up from my spot, letting out a sharp breath from my nose. I rubbed at my face, getting up to force myself to the gym. I could talk to her when she gets back. Maybe I was a little harsh. She was just finding out more stuff about her dad and subsequently her. I grabbed my bag, stomping off to the gym.
When I returned I was worn out and hurting, having taken out my frustration through my training. I wiped sweat from my brow to keep it from my eyes, showering off as much of the pain as I could. I sat myself in the bathroom, showered and dressed. I began wrapping my forearms as I did frequently, however finding myself still angry and frustrated I couldn't get the wrapping right. I let out a pissed grumble, letting the wrapping fall apart again.
"Hey bro," Kirishima said, entering the restroom. "You good?"
"Fine," I muttered.
"Need help?"
"You sure?" he asked, tilting his head. He was already wearing his idiotic shark pajamas, probably having come in here to brush his teeth or something. His hair was down, which he had been getting more comfortable wearing around.
"Fine," I said, holding out the wrapping to him. He smiled slightly, coming over to seat himself in front of me. I held out my hand, letting him wrap it. Usually I would let (y/n) do it if she offered. She liked doing it for me, but asking now would not be a wise decision. She was still gone and probably angry.
"Work out too hard?" Kirishima asked.
"I guess."
"Ehh, hopefully it's not too bad," he said, wrapping up my other hand and forearm for me. I just glared at my own wrist, watching it disappear under the wrapping. "You okay man?"
"Usually you'd have something to say about how shitty my hair looks even when it's down," he stated. I didn't think his hair was all that shitty, it was just the most memorable part about him. It was actually something I kind of liked, but he didn't need to know that. And I wasn't going to go around calling him loyal or nice, which were the parts I liked better than his hair.
"Your hair is fine," I scoffed.
"You really okay?" He asked, tucking the wrapping so it was secure. I let out a breath, figuring if I was going to tell anyone, it would be Kirishima.
"Fucking--water bitch won't ease up on this whole dad's identity hunt," I scoffed. "She spent all afternoon on her laptop trying to talk to his old coworker."
"Awe man," Kirishima breathed.
"I just told her to let it go for a while and she got pissed, leaving for her internship," I shrugged, clasping my wrapped hands together.
"I'm sure she knows you're worried. I don't know, maybe you should be a little easy on her. This is the first she's hearing about him in...like forever right?"
"Yeah...I was probably a jerk about it."
"Eh, you can talk to her when she gets back, don't worry about it," Kirishima stated.
"The more and more you say that to me, the weirder it gets," Kirishima laughed.
"Shut up loser," I bit back, rolling my eyes.
"Hey, Denki and Sero are in my room right now. Why don't you come hang with us?"
"They're annoying," I pointed out. Kirishima shook his head, standing up and heading to the sink. He went to brush his teeth like I had expected him to when he first came in.
"Just come dude," he insisted and I just pout. They weren't as bad as some of the class was, but they were idiotic a lot of the time. I guess I could use a little entertainment, I was getting a little too fed up with everything today. More than usual. Maybe it was just the way it struck differently. Kirishima brushed his teeth before leading the way back to his room. He let me in to overhear their current conversation.
"No, I'm just saying that yes Midnight is objectively hot but she's like scary hot you know? That's why I'm saying Joue is the hottest female adult in the school," Kaminari said.
"Listen to yourself talk dude."
"Ugh, dude send yourself to jail," Kirishima stated.
"It's not like I have a crush on her or anything weird! She's literally like my mom, I'm just saying in the instance we went to school together I would think she's pret--"
"I'm begging you to stop," Sero said.
"Is that why you go and bother her when you have nightmares?" Kirishima asked as he sat down.
"No! Shut up!" Kaminari blurted. "I'm not the one with a crush on her, Blasty is."
"That's all on you loser," I scoffed, sitting myself down on the floor with them.
"You guys are mean."
"We're not the ones being gross."
"Whatever," Kaminari said, scooting over to lay himself on me.
"Wh--Why?" I asked.
"You're the comfiest," he stated and I rolled my eyes.
"Wow, little argument," Sero said. "Must be tired."
"Shut it stretch." I just sat against the side of the bed, Kaminari weighing me down. He was the clingiest out of everyone in the group, Mina being a close second. Kirishima had said something about it being because of his lack of friends as a kid. I felt slightly bad for him, seeing as he wasn't a terrible friend or guy. While I had relished in people being afraid of me for a long time, he had it forced upon him. So I suppose I'd let him get away with it once in a while.
"Okay, but just thinking logistically who's the hottest guy in our class. Like number 1."
"Not you," I scoffed.
"Rude!" Kaminari called, shifting to sit up a little but still on my side. "I'm thinking Todoroki."
"Why? Got a crush on him?" Sero asked.
"No," Kaminari scoffed. "He's too boring. I just mean the girls always talk about him."
"Ugh," I grunted.
"Doesn't everybody have a crush on Midoriya?" Kirishima asked.
"Fucking Deku? Yeah right," I scoffed.
"He's a nice guy, that's why. He's not like...hot hot," Kaminari said.
"Why are we talking about this?"
"It's important. Isn't this what girls do at sleepovers?"
"Why are we doing it then?" I scoffed.
"They seem to have a lot of fun," Kaminari said. "What about Shoji?"
"I guess he's tall," Kirishima said. "That's generally a liked thing."
"Plus he's a really good guy."
"What about Bakugo?" Kaminari said.
"Get off me when you say that."
"I mean, Todoroki is pretty. He's hot sure but more pretty. So I say it's a tie between Bakugo and Shoji. Bakugo might be too pretty though," Kaminari mused, as if I weren't here. I decided that was enough sympathy, shoving him off me. "What? (y/n) must like you for some reason."
"I don't know what kind of gay or bi disaster you're having, but leave me out of it," I stated. "Don't you have a crush on that weirdo from the lower class?"
"Shinsou," Kirishima added.
"Wh--no! Of course not, what would make you think that?!" Kaminari scoffed.
"It's kind of obvious dude, I've never seen you take more interest in a person than Shinsou," Sero pointed out, leaning back.
"You guys are so wrong."
"You sure? You and Shinsou seem like a really good match," Kirishima said. Kaminari glanced his way.
"I guess."
"You should go for it dude," Sero stated. Kaminari smiled slightly before looking to me.
"The further away from my girlfriend, the more I like you."
"Yeah man," Kirishima said.
"I was...afraid you guys would be weirded out that I'm Bi. Like since we're bros."
"It's cool dude," Kirishima said, offering him a fist bump. "Just don't tell Aizawa."
"What? Why?"
"Isn't Shinsou like practically his kid?" Sero asked. If I had to hear about Todoroki's secret love child theories one more time, I was certain I would lose it.
"Shit, you're right," Kaminari said. "I may be screwed."
"Pay attention when we study and Aizawa will be nicer," I pointed out, as if it were that easy.
"You have the right idea but the wrong bitch," Kaminari said, shaking his head. Everyone talked a little while longer, Sero mentioning something about how his family wanted to take a vacation this Summer and hopefully bring Mina with. I glanced at the clock, figuring (y/n) was back by now.
"I'm leaving," I stated.
"Awe! But blasty you just got here," Kaminari whined.
"Don't call me that."
"He's got to get back to his girlfriend," Sero mocked and Kaminari slumped up against him instead, letting out an 'ooo' sound. I grit my teeth slightly, heading out anyways. I made my way back to (y/n)'s room in the hopes that she would be there. When I glanced down the short bit of hallway to her room, I could see that she was standing outside her door with Deku.
"You get it, right?" (y/n) asked.
"I mean, from my perspective sure, but we are a little obsessive don't you think?" Deku pointed out. For once he was actually making a point I thought was valid.
"But it's my dad. After like 16 years of no memories about him and all that's happened, how can I not try everything in my power to find out more about him?"
"I mean you're putting in a lot of effort, which is good," Deku said, "But staring at an email hoping it will come won't solve anything."
"I guess...Wash said the same thing." So she was obviously talking about earlier and it was clear she had discussed it with a few people so far, the last one being Deku.
"If there was something to investigate or something more that you could do, you would do it. No need to waste time, energy, and...well mental stability on stuff like this." I understood was Deku was saying, which was a much better way than I had said it. I had been getting better at holding my temper now that I was with (y/n), but I guess I had let it slip at the wrong time.
"I get it," (y/n) replied. "Thanks Izuku."
"No problem, and hey we should really hang out more. I miss having you around," he said.
"I know, we keep saying that and then don't," (y/n) stated, laughing slightly.
"Well, I have to get to bed, I've got a make up test in English early tomorrow morning," Deku stated. "Sleep well."
"You too dork," she said, smiling at him as he walked off. There was a long period of time that I would've been so overly jealous of them just talking, but it was past me. I rubbed at my wrists, watching (y/n) turn to head into her room.
"Wait!" I called and she stopped, hand on the door knob. Her head turned as she looked at me, hand falling from the knob.
"Hey," she greeted, apprehensive but still striking up a bit of conversation between us.
"I'm sorry I was so mean about it earlier," I said.
"I'm sorry I got so defensive, I just don't know how to stop myself sometimes especially when it comes to my father," she replied.
"Can we just call it on that and actually be around each other this time?" I asked.
"Yeah. And for the record I haven't checked my email since I left," (y/n) stated. "I can check tomorrow."
"Cool, I hope she responds." She nodded her head towards her room and we entered. She paused, stopping me with a hand.
"Actually, can we sleep in your room tonight? I just don't want to be around my laptop," she asked and I nodded. She gathered up a few things before we both shifted over to my room. I sat myself down on the bed as she disappeared to shower after her internship. I scrolled through my phone for a while, waiting for her return. When she did, I set my device aside so I could lay flat and watch her move around the room. I wanted her to lay on top of me, but I didn't want to say it out loud, so I just waited for her to crawl in the bed and go from there. She set her stuff down by my small bookshelf before she stopped, looking up at the books. "How come all your books are facing backwards? You can't read the covers."
"That's--don't touch th--" she pulled out a manga, unfortunately of the romance variety. She stared at the cover before looking at me, but my eyes were already trained on the ceiling.
"You read romance manga?"
"Those are Mina's. She just has a lot of shit and no room for it," I stated.
"No these are yours, I can tell," she replied, taking it back over to the bed. She hopped over me to sit on the covers, flipping through the pages. "Kacchan this is so cute."
"No it's not, shut the fuck up."
"Is that why you're so romantic?" she asked. She watched as my face turned a warm shade of pink.
"Rude," she said. "He would never." (y/n) pointed to the book page at a random character. I snatched it from her hand and she pout.
"Why don't we get a new romance one and read it together."
"Because that's gross."
"You're gross," she retaliated. I gave her a look and she just stuck her tongue out at me. She laid down, sneaking under the blanket with me. Like I had hoped she would, she laid herself relatively on top of me. She placed gentle hands on my chest, the weight of her body sinking against me. She laid her head where my heart was, turned to the side. I craned my neck to look down at her and she had shut her eyes. I ran my hand up and down her back for a while before I broke the silence.
"Fine...we can read one."
She didn't answer, exhausted and already asleep.
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