Hey there!
There's a birthday side story and a jozawa side story in the Raindrop Side Stories book. The birthday one is for Bakugo's birthday and for 500k reads on this book!
Thank you and enjoy~
(y/n)'s POV
"You're kidding right?"
"Of course not you idiot," Kacchan scoffed.
"Why should I be your lab partner?"
"Because, everyone else in this class is stupid as hell."
"If I didn't know any better, I'd think that was a compliment."
"Tch, whatever water bitch. Just take the offer or I'll beat your ass," he scoffed, slamming into my shoulder as he passed. What a fucking jerk. I swear, I was never going to get along with Kacchan. I joined Izuku on my walk home, receiving a text from Ai asking if I could spend a little while at his house. Izuku, of course, was okay with it.
"Thanks zuku," I stated.
"It's no problem," he replied.
"You want to stop for something to drink?" I asked, pointed towards a small shop. He nodded and I crossed the street, holding his hand. When we stepped in, I fished out some money from my bookbag,
"Hey, so I actually got invited to a party!" Izuku stated as we waited in line.
"Really? When?"
"This weekend," he said. "I don't know if I should go though. I think people are counting on Kacchan going and I know he won't want to see me."
"Hey, screw him. You should go if you want."
"I guess, but I also heard they're playing like grown up games. Like 7 minutes in heaven and spin the bottle," he said.
"Yeah, I don't really want to participate," he replied.
"I mean, if you want to go, then go. If that stuff doesn't sound like fun then don't," I shrugged.
"What if you came with?"
"If you want me to, I can."
"Eh, I didn't really sell you on the idea. I figure we would be better off just hanging out together," he said. I stepped up and ordered for the 2 of us, paying. He gave me a gentle thank you as we stepped aside to wait for the order. "Besides, I think showing up to play kissing games with no experience is kind of embarrassing."
"You should kiss Kacchan," I joked.
"No way! I'm not asking for a death wish," he said, his skin turning a gentle pink.
"I mean, I'd offer to help you practice, but I barely know," I shrugged. "Plus, I figure you probably don't want to do that with me."
"Yeah...no offense!"
"Nah, that's like kissing my brother," I stated and he smiled slightly, letting out a soft laugh. We picked up our drinks and he followed me out of the coffee shop. "You hear about that sludge villain starting to cause trouble?"
"Yeah, I'm sure All Might can handle it," Izuku stated. I stopped abruptly when I almost ran into someone. I leapt back, my drink sloshing against the lid.
"Watch it water fountain."
"Get out of my way," he scoffed.
"Sorry would've been nice," I muttered and he glanced down at me. He was sneering at me, teeth gritting.
"Yeah, it probably would've," he shot back. I glared at him and Izuku looked nervously at us. Izuku was no stranger to fighting back, but lately he had been on edge around Kacchan. I wonder what he wasn't telling me.
"You alright? I saw you guys from a ways away." I glanced round at a boy our age, holding napkins in the event I had spilled something.
"Piss off dude, you're not even a part of this," Kacchan scoffed. He had a point, but he didn't have to be so mean.
"You don't have to be so rude. Just leave them alone," the boy stated, pointing towards me. Kacchan looked positively pissed and Izuku just watched him storm past, not picking a fight. I glanced as Kacchan left, turning to look at the boy.
"Thanks," I stated.
"No problem. Here," he said, handing me the napkins.
"I know him, he's usually like that. It's really not a big deal, but I appreciate--" I glanced up to see he was gone and Izuku, who looked back from Kacchan leaving, was just as surprised. Where the hell had he gone?
"Hey zuku?" I asked.
"You remember in our last year of middle school, there was this kid that helped us when I ran into Kacchan. Like we were heading back from a coffee shop and news of the sludge villain had just broken? And he just came over, defended me, gave me a napkin even though I didn't spill anything, and then just disappeared," I stated. Izuku glanced up from his homework, pondering it for a moment.
"I vaguely recall. Why are you thinking about that?" he asked. With Kacchan away at his internship alone, I had time to hang out with Izuku. Kacchan was bound to come back soon and I had promised I wouldn't leave to talk with my dad's old coworker until he returned.
"I don't know, something about that guy just seems familiar," I stated. "I mean now."
"You know, I think he was the guy that attacked school," I said. "With the sound quirk."
"Wait--what?!" Izuku asked, his attention drawn closer to me.
"I feel like they look similar," I said, "Minus the blackened hands."
"Well he had been working with Chouka," Izuku pointed out. "I still don't quite understand why he would work with her like that. I mean, he didn't even go to our school. He had no clue."
"Maybe a love triangle or rather string. Chouka liked Kacchan and maybe he liked Chouka. What was his name? Reo," I said.
"You sure?"
"As trustworthy as you can find my memory...I'm pretty sure," I stated.
"He died in prison, didn't he?"
"Everything is getting so crazy."
"Lay it out for me."
"Right, so we meet this kid for like 2 minutes and I think it's Reo. Chouka is meanwhile going crazy I guess. They meet and have some sort of pow wow. Reo makes the first move at school and gets captured. He's in prison and Chouka becomes a suspect after she attacked my mom while she was under care. The police officers get involved and start covering for her while pretending to work the case for me. Reo dies and the day after, Chouka is brought into the station. She starts getting help and Tsukauchi figures out the officers were helping. Meanwhile, Tsukauchi was helping me figure out the stuff with my dad and he was working with Joue to find out what was up with Chouka. All of that was happening until I figured out my brain was messed up and found out everything with my dad from my mom."
"It seems plausible that was him," Izuku said. "I mean, it could've just been a coincidence."
"Yeah... I don't know. Just something about that piece of my life just doesn't seem complete. Now that I'm moving onto to figure out things with my lineage...it just doesn't feel right."
"You're probably nervous. I would be if I was finding out things about my dad," Izuku said. "I mean, all I know is that he's in Taiwan breathing fire or something."
"I mean, it seems like we're kind of different in that respect," Izuku pointed out. "We might not know our dads, but clearly you've experienced some trauma with him that I just haven't. He's gone for me, but I don't really care about that part of my life. I've got All Might as kind of a father figure. Don't say that to Todoroki."
"I won't," I said, chuckling. "I get what you mean. I just...want to know."
"He was a piece of your life that you just don't remember. My dad was never a part of mine. There's nothing for me to remember but there is for you. I get you're nervous, but it really seems like something you want to do," Izuku stated and I nodded.
"Thanks, I'll see you later," I replied. "I've got to meet one of my dad's old coworkers and Kacchan should be back by now."
"See you (y/n)."
I grabbed my backpack, heading to Kacchan's dorm. I knocked on his door and he opened it, slightly sweaty.
"Hi KitKat," I greeted and he smiled ever so slightly.
"Hey water bitch," he scoffed and I smirked. I entered as he continued cleaning himself up. We had a little bit before we had to leave. He hadn't really said anything about it. After our dispute, he had grown careful of accidentally coming off unsupportive. Kacchan offered up a glance and I brought up his day.
"How was the internship?" I asked.
"Eh, it was cool just getting to work by myself. Fucking IcyHot is always in the way otherwise," Kacchan said, gesturing his head to the door. He was already ready to go. I remained sat on the bed as he stood with the door open. "What?"
"Nothing, I'm coming," I said, gripping my backpack strap. His eyebrows furrowed. "Just nervous. Could you...?"
I held out my hand so he might tug me up and force me out the door. He grasped my hand, pulling it up to his mouth. He kissed the back of my hand before pulling me up. I was a little more willing now.
"Hi, we're here to see Amaya?" I asked, the old man at the desk looking at me tiredly. He picked up the phone, paging her to the front lobby. I stepped back, looking towards the staircase up to the labs. You couldn't see the top of the stairs from here, which I assumed was one of the benefits of their design. Kacchan grasped my hand as if he were nervous, but he was really just getting a handle on me. We had to wait a good few minutes that felt like an eternity before a small woman came down the stairs.
She was short and thin, a majority of her weight at her lower center. Because of that and because already looked exhausted, she drudged down the stairs. Her hair was rather thin too and just by the way she looked, I wanted to rush over and open the door myself. She, however, opened it up and held it open for us. Kacchan took a large step in that direction to grab a hold of the door for her.
"Come on in," she stated, gesturing towards the staircase. I grasped the guest pass around my neck, heading through the door. "I was surprised to be hearing from anyone after your father's disappearance."
"It's been an odd thing to explore," I replied.
"Well...I'm Amaya, you can just follow me up to my office," she said, turning fully. When we reached the top of the stairs, there was a main open space. A lot of the area was filled with the more superficial stuff, like odd sculptures and different plaques with laboratory achievements. There were a lot of books everywhere, the scene reminded me most of a doctors office just with far less people. She led us to an elevator, taking us up a few floors. I exchanged glances with Kacchan in the silence. She wasn't really making any kind of conversation. Then again, neither were we.
She seemed reluctant, even over email. I didn't quite know what I was getting myself into. After stressing myself about it all for a day or so before Kacchan and mine's fight, I had run into a dead end. Amaya was quite literally the last piece of my dad I had to learn about. I was nervous that she might not have anything for me to go off of and that this would end here. At the same time, the thought of that was relieving. There really would be no more. Most likely, I would learn that my father was a stellar coworker, despite being a piece of shit to his wife and child. Maybe I would finally get a picture of the guy. I was beginning to believe he had planned his final absence ahead of time, getting rid of every trace of himself. It was kind of overboard, but then again so was I. Must be where I get it from. What would I do if more things opened up today?
"Hey," Kacchan muttered, gaining my attention. He nudged me forwards and I realized that we had arrived at her office. We entered and took the 2 chairs on the other side of her desk.
"What did you want to know?" Amaya said, letting out a breath when she sat in her chair. Kacchan's eyes trained on me and I spoke.
"If you could just tell me what Yoru was like, that would be great," I said.
"Your dad?"
"Well to be quite frank, I think he's the worst project manager I've ever had," Amaya stated. "He was not a people person, very strict and very rude when things weren't going exactly as he imagined. I remember the only other guy on our project got so stressed over this deadline he missed work for 3 days. When he came back Yoru just ripped into him. I felt so bad and the guy quit. Like a month after he died of a stroke, it was just awful."
"Wait...so my dad wasn't...like a great guy to you all?"
"Nope, sorry," Amaya stated.
"What about me? I was told he used to bring me into his office."
"Oh yeah, he brought you all the time. He'd have to bring you in and I could tell he got really frustrated when you were distracting. Like kids do. I don't remember much about you though, all I really remember was him being the worst boss and then just disappearing. The police were here for weeks afterwards until they just couldn't find him," Amaya said. "I do remember you would play with my son sometimes if I brought him in."
"Yeah, it was a handful of times," Amaya said. "...unfortunately my son passed away. I had him a little bit before your father announced your mother was pregnant. I believed I talked to your mother a few times while she was pregnant with you. I will admit, Yoru was a mean boss but he was lenient when I was pregnant. Your mother was very nice too. They...probably felt bad because I've got no idea who the father is. It's most likely some random guy I barely remember," Amaya stated. "My son lived until he was 7 when he was hit by some crazy driver. I wish I could remember more about the time he was here, but the older I get the harder it is to hold onto those kinds of things. It was only a few months after that when your dad disappeared and then a year after that the lab shut down."
"I'm so sorry. What was your son's name?"
"I know, it's a pretty common, boring name. He was just a calm little baby," she said. I looked over at Kacchan who seemed confused. Reo was the name of the guy who had attacked me. From what I knew, he had died in prison at an age similar to mine. If this was the same kid, did he fake his death? Did someone help him? No that didn't make any sense. He would've showed up in the system when they put him in prison. Unless he got rid of them. No trace of him, no trace of my dad. Were they related?! How could someone fake their death twice??
"What quirk did he have, if you don't mind me asking?"
"My son was quirkless and I can magnify things with my eyes," she stated.
"What did he look like?"
"(y/n)." Kacchan stopped me for a moment to consider what boundaries I was pushing.
"No, its alright. I understand what it's like, she's just curious," Amaya reassured. "He must have his father's hair because he had bright pink hair and my brown eyes. Despite that, he still had no quirk develop.
"Uh, hold on," I stated, pulling out my phone to find the report on Reo they had posted. I held out the phone once I had found it. "This guy doesn't look familiar?"
"Oh no. If you're trying to insinuate that this person is somehow my son, that's not at all true. They must have the same name. There's another Reo working in this building," Amaya stated. She had a point. There were a lot of people named Reo in Japan, including this periwinkle haired boy in grade school. I knew I was trying to find something out of nothing. It just didn't add up and I was being ridiculous.
"No, that's alright. It's just...I saw my son get hit and pass," she pointed out. "Is there anything else?"
"So you said my dad was mean, what did he look like?" Of course her description matched the many I had heard already.
"I unfortunately don't have pictures, you'll just have to wait for the ones you already are. All I can really tell you is that he wasn't all too nice like other people think. I'm sure the lab owner told you he was a great worker, huh?"
"Kiss ass," she scoffed. "Well he wasn't nice to us and he certainly wasn't a great role model for you."
"He would leave you unattended sometimes, get mad when you needed something, things like that. I'm pretty sure my coworker threatened to call CPS on him, they were always fighting," Amaya said, shaking her head.
"Well, thank you," I stated. "If anything ever comes to mind just shoot me an email. I really appreciate you helping."
"It's no problem," she said, standing. Kacchan stood with me, having been dead silent the entire time. I shook her hand, heading for the door. I opened it up before I heard a soft call. "Wait."
"Yeah?" I asked. She let out a breath and Kacchan narrowed his eyes, staring in her direction.
"I didn't want to mention anything about it, but I remember catching a glimpse of him reprimanding you. I don't know what you did, but he was scolding you and I remember him slapping the side of your head. I was more concerned than normal because you weren't crying or anything. So I told Shunsuke about it so he might actually take it up with CPS. Obviously, things turned out like they did," Amaya stated. I pressed my lips together in a tight line.
"Again, no sweat," she said. I left her office with Kacchan, a furrowed brow and a frown defining my expression.
"You good?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," I stated. "I'm not going to go after this anymore."
"Huh? Why?"
"I've learned enough about him being an asshole," I stated. "I was talking to Izuku earlier and he said something about how he was content never knowing his dad. It's different because he was never there to remember and mine was and I just can't remember him. But either way, I don't know why I want to know more about the fucked up shit he did. I have a great aunt and a mom who cares a lot about me and I have all my life. Fuck my dad, he's a bastard."
"Hey. (y/n). Relax," Kacchan stated. That was kind of amusing coming from Kacchan. I realized that I had been getting a little angry, actually steaming at the ears as my body grew hot with anger. I placed hands at my ears, covering it up.
"I realize now that I've just been sad or curious about these things. I haven't been angry with the injustice I experienced."
"You deserve to be mad."
"I do."
"You should fucking blow shit up," he suggested.
"You do that."
"We'll work something out," he stated. I let out a soft breath, laughing ever so slight. We headed back down the stairs and I took Kacchan's hand, pressing my lips in a thin line. For once...finally...
I was furious.
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