Not Your Fault | Chpt 54

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Hiya. If you haven't already check out my Kaminari x reader. It's uploaded every Sunday!

I also made a Hawks x Reader one shot per someone's request.


Bakugo's POV

"Shut the fuck up Shitty Hair."

"I'm just saying I didn't mean to confuse you!"

"I'm not fucking confused."

"Well I get that you don't want everything to revolve around (y/n), but didn't you see her? You should go to her! Be there for her!" I glared in his direction.

"Do you really think I'm that fucking stupid? Just because you said I shouldn't revolve my life around water bitch doesn't mean I'm going to just cut her out completely. You really think I would do that? She had Half n Half and she trusts him for whatever reason." I held out an arm to stop us from walking. "If she needs me she'll find me. I'm not the only person in her life that she finds fucking comfort in."

"But you should be there! Because it's important she knows you care."

"Why are you so fucking hell bent on me going to find her?" I asked and he stuttered.

"Well, I just wouldn't want her alone with Todoroki or something," he said and I grimaced, looking at him in an accusatory way.

"Shouldn't you be relieved that I'm not bothered by it? Do you think she'd going to do something with him?"

"What?! No! (y/n)'s totally not like that. That's...stupid," he said and I narrowed my eyes at him. Kirishima was idly rocking between his feet and avoiding my gaze. He was truly the worst at keeping secrets and he clearly wasn't telling me something.

"You do think that, don't you? Does she still like half n half and she's just not telling me?" I asked. It stung slightly to think and even more to say out loud. She wouldn't do that after she promised me she'd stick with me would she? I wasn't losing her? Why should it matter, I shouldn't be placing everything in her, that was just stupid. I shouldn't be, but I was placing everything.

"What? No, no I swear. I was just taken aback at the fact you weren't jealous!"

"First of all, not fucking jealous. Shut your mouth. And second of all, don't lie to me. I know you Shitty Hair and I can tell you're lying."

"I'm not!"


"Bakugo." I glanced round to see Aizawa stood near the end of the hall. "May I speak to you for a moment?" I looked back to Kirishima with a glare, before leaving the conversation as it was. "You're not in trouble."

"What is it?" I walked slightly adjacent to my teacher as he stared ahead. He didn't look too good and he let out a sigh, running a hand across his chin.

"I've been in contact with the police, we're going to see them right now. They've had a breakthrough in (y/n)'s case and they believe you may have something to do with her targeting."

"What? I'm not against her! Why would I do that?! Is she okay?" I blurted and as Aizawa glanced my way and huffed, my eyes darting away in embarrassment.

"She's perfectly fine Bakugo and they don't suspect you've done anything against (y/n) like that. They received evidence that this person may be targeting (y/n) because of her relations with you," he said, pressing open the door to the principal's office. Inside were 2 officers and principal Nezu, however (y/n) was nowhere to be found. Wasn't she involved with this? Where the hell was she?

"Hello young Bakugo," principal Nezu said, crawling up onto his chair. "Please sit down!"

"What the hell is going on?" I felt Aizawa's hand on my shoulder, guiding me to a chair. His fingers pressed slightly into my shoulder and I frowned, knowing I should bite my tongue considering whose office I'm in.

"Hi, I'm officer Goya and this is my partner office Murano."


"We're heading up your friend (y/n)'s case. We just wanted to relay some information to you that involves you and your safety," the police officer continued. "We wouldn't want to worry your mother or father."

"Sure." I shook my head slightly, looking over to Aizawa. So this was why he looked abnormally tired today. He always did, but this was proving to be a bigger issue. Was that why (y/n) was so tired too? Why hadn't she just told me? She had to have figured this out today, not 2 days ago. That wasn't it.

"We received this threat to the office yesterday morning, as the officers on the case," officer Murano said, handing me the sealed note. I was fairly sure it was the same handwriting as the previous one from the brief time I saw it in Aizawa's hand, the day it was retrieved. I could feel my eyes widen at the contents of the note before it was taken away from me. "We were suspecting that it was a person from your childhood that may be upset from any relationship you may have with (y/n). You two are not dating correct?"

"Uh...we're note dating."

"They may suspect that you two may be because of any close interactions and it appears that they have some sort of feelings for you. Is there anyone who you could think of who would feel this way?"

I paused, racking my brain. I could barely even remember anyone from middle school, let alone anyone who showed any interest in me. Despite what I used to think, I really didn't have that many friends in middle school or elementary school. I cringed at the thought that I didn't have anyone like that, someone to connect to. It was, in theory, easier to be like that but in practice it was the most painful thing. It made sense why this person would hate (y/n) if they liked me so much. She was the first person...

"Bakugo?" I glanced up, realizing that I hadn't said anything for a while.

"Oh, no," I replied. "I can't think of anyone."

"We're looking into past school records for anyone," office Goya said. "Anyway you would know how they can see you?"

"Quirk maybe?" I said. "Maybe the sports festival. They could've seen me there. I don't know anyone from school except Deku."

"Izuku Midoryia." I watched one of the officers scribble down the name.

"It's not him, don't write his name down."

"We have to consider all suspects," officer Goya said. I felt my blood boil over. As much as I hated Deku for hiding his quirk from me and as annoying as he was...(y/n) considered him to be important and the scribbling pencil across the pad of paper was pushing me over the edge.

"He's not a suspect, he's just a--" I felt a hand on my shoulder and I whipped my head back to Aizawa who shook his head.

"We're just taking him into consideration. He might know someone, he's from your childhood as well correct?" I nodded solemnly and he wrote something else down. I grumbled under my breath. It made me quite uncomfortable just how much about (y/n)'s life they knew. They came in here knowing we had been childhood...whatevers...and they seemed to know far too much about her than what needed to be known.

"Now Bakugo." I turned to principal Nezu. "We want to ensure your safety, so I'd like it if you'd take someone with you when you leave campus like (y/n) is doing. We'd also advise that you not exit campus with (y/n)."


"We just don't want a situation that results in both of you getting hurt or in trouble," he said. "It's quite obvious that your friend seems to attract trouble."

"Excuse you?"

"Well we both know about the tabloid scandal and her speech was far from what was expected of her." I glanced to Aizawa who was wearing a grimace of his own. Aizawa had liked her speech, but it appeared that it had gotten him into trouble with Nezu. "(y/n) is in a bad situation that now involves you, which is endangering another student."

What?! If anything, the freak who liked me too much going after (y/n) was my fault. No, it wasn't anyone's fault. It was just unfortunate and if everyone kept treating this like it was (y/n)'s fault, I had no doubt in my mind she would be feeling awful about it now. I could even picture her keeping her physical distance while we talked, knowing that they were watching and she was putting me in danger. Not like it mattered if I was in danger or not.

"This is--" I felt Aizawa's fingers dig into my shoulder and I tugged it away. "What have you told (y/n)?!"

"She was informed exactly as you were. We just came from talking to her after talking with her mother," officer Goya.

"Her mom?! Her mom is in the hospital!" I said, the ache in my chest at a dull roar now.

"We had other business to attend to with her, such that doesn't concern you. Thank you for you cooperation, you know your safety guidelines. You may go."

"What? Absolutely n--" before I could even say another word I was uprooted and steered from the room by my teacher. "Aizawa sensei I--"

"I know you have strong opinions about your classmate, but sometimes it's just better to stay silent. They're helping the case, whether it may be harming the individuals for the time being, and I don't suppose getting on their bad side is a good idea Bakugo," he said.

"But even Principal Nezu was--"

"I know." I stopped, a scowl on my face. "I've been dealing with the aftermath of the speech for weeks now. I'd hope you wouldn't relay that information to your friend, seeing as I've kept it from you all for a while now. A lot of things that reach the public, shouldn't reach the public. That's why I was the hero that I was. Please return to your dorms and be mindful of what you say Bakugo."

He turned the other way, walking off to where the teacher's lounge resided and I scuffed the ground with my shoe, cursing. He was obviously right, as he usually was. He was concerned for his students, including (y/n), which meant piling on the fact she was in trouble for her speech wasn't a good idea. I just meandered back to the dorms, my head tucked to my chest as I watched the tiles under my feet.

I didn't particularly want to find Kirishima again, knowing he was definitely hiding something from me about (y/n). It wasn't something I wanted to deal with right now. I turned to the lounge, spotting (y/n) with half n half and Deku. She nodded as she spoke, letting them leave towards the boys wing of the dorms. I watched her wring her hands as they walked away and she turned her back to them, stepping over to the wall. I watched her chest rise and fall dramatically with her breath and she placed her head back against the wall, her eyes shut.

"Slip n slide." she glanced up suddenly from across the room and I closed the gap between us slightly, leaning up against the couch. Her hands stopped wringing because she knew I would pick up on her nervousness, but that was fruitless considering her face was a pretty dead giveaway.

"Hey..." she said, her voice small. It was tough to gauge whether she had been crying, seeing as I had never seen her do it before nor did I have very much experience with crying people, besides Deku. "You must've heard the news, huh?" she laughed slightly, but it died out in her throat when she tried.

"It's fine." She looked my way, her lips pressed into a small frown. "You don't have to worry about it, because it's not your fault." We hadn't exchanged any words indicating exactly what the other was talking about, but we both knew anyways.

"I'm s--"

"Don't even say it." she stopped, swallowing and nodding. "It's not your fault. We're both in this now. Together."  She winced at the word as I walked closer to her and I could see her take 2 hesitant steps away from me, blocked by the wall.

"I need to talk to you. Fully." I stopped my advance towards her, my nerves running over and making my stomach sick in my abdomen. Talk about what? This? "I'm really tired Kacchan." I felt pity wash over me now, looking at her fully. She still looked exhausted and worn, her eyes not quite as bright as they usually were. "I can't do this now. Not when I feel like I can sleep just a little. I need it."

"Talk about what? The targeting?" I asked and she paused, searching for the right word.

"That...and everything. I just need to talk to you about everything," she replied. The phrase made me feel like she was going to cut things off with me. What could everything be other than that? She would hopefully explain Todoroki and her hurt arm, which now looked fine. Perhaps she would tell me why the police were with her mother. Maybe she would tell me what Kirishima was hiding from me. Did I even want to know? I looked at her and she stared expectantly back at me, wringing her hands again.

She knew why she wasn't sleeping. She knew why she felt so awful. And I could tell she was dying to tell me. I just nodded and she crossed her arms over her chest to stop her hands from tugging on one another.

"I don't want to go back to my room alone." The sentence was simple, but I knew it was her way of asking me to come with her even if it wasn't directly. She seemed like the person to just ask directly, but she was beating around it now like I did. She clearly didn't want to push me, waiting for a response to know that this was in my comfort level. It baffled me how she still took the time for me in her worsening state. I held out a hand to her and she slid a shaky one into place there, allowing me to clasp my hand around hers. I could see now that her arm was free of any sign of injury and she seemed to be using it fine. Why had it been so painful she needed to hold it earlier? I knew I wouldn't have that question answered until she awoke tomorrow, if she could even sleep that long. Whatever was bothering her was still bothering her.

We walked along, hand in hand to her room and she let go for just a moment to unlock her door. She led me to the bed without saying anything and we both sat against the pillows. She laid down against me, hugging around my abdomen so that her face rested against my chest. It felt odd. I wasn't a stranger to the feeling of her against me as we fell asleep, that was nothing new. What was foreign, was the idea that we were doing this on purpose, the both of us collectively here like this. We had never made it a goal to find comfort in each other like this, to hold each other not accidentally. I pet down her hair, relaxing back finally and I could tell she had already passed out from the exhaustion. My eyes were heavy from just today and knowing (y/n) had even managed to hold her own head up all this time, clearly dealing with something I could sense was much worse, was mind blowing. She was so much stronger than people gave her credit for. I peered down to see that her eyes were closed and her breath almost matched mine. I just ran my hand through her hair, grateful she had gotten enough sleep and even if I were uncomfortable with this I would've still done it anyway.

It made me feel important she wanted to let me know what was going on inside her head and even though what might be told was scary to think about, I still desperately wanted to know so that maybe she could return to herself. It made me nervous to know something that important had to be relayed to me. It made me nervous to expect hurt when she woke up. I had a feeling it would. I just shut my eyes and rest my hand on her back, tugging her up against me.

For the moment, this was fine.


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