Balancing | Chpt 53

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(y/n)'s POV

"Here," I said, offering up guest badges to Izuku and Shoto, pulling one around my neck as well.

The straps were worn and some of the badges were creased or bent at the edges and no doubt dirty from continuous use, as I assumed the dull receptionist never stopped to wipe them off. I headed down the hall, pressing the elevator for my mother's floor. The two boys, who had been mainly silent except for conspiring with one another the entire train ride, were stood protectively on either side of me and silent again. The ride up the 2 floors was silent too. I led them down the hall and to her door. I knocked, tugging it open.

"Mom, I'm--"

"You're being targeted? How could you not tell me?!" I barely got a glimpse of anything before my face was shoved against my mother's collar by her hands.

"Wha- mom what are you talking about?" I asked, trying to tug away from her hug. How had she so easily fallen and hurt herself so badly if she had such a death grip on my head? I felt my face heat up smushed against her sweater, knowing Izuku and Todoroki were watching from behind me.

"Oh I was so worried about you!" she hummed and I groaned slightly as she peppered kisses on my hair.

"Mom seriously wh--" I glanced up finally from her shoulder to see that the police were sat comfortably on the small couch in the room, notepads in hand. I pushed back my mother finally to get a better glimpse at them, my mother taking my hand.

"I'm glad you're here," she said. "Hello Izuku."

"Hi Kawasaki-san," he replied awkwardly, accepting her outdrawn hug. It had been a long time since I heard my mother's last name. I had given up trying to get mine changed to her in the school system and people always just called me (y/n). I didn't try to think about Hatanaka often.

"And you are..."

"Todoroki, mom," I replied. Her eyes widened, staring at him for a moment.

"Shoto correct? Nice to meet you dear," she said, offering her arms in another hug. He glanced to me and I nodded, causing him to accept. I glanced back at the police officers, feeling Izuku place a hand on my arm. It made me even more nervous now that my mother knew about my target situation. Why were they even here?

"Please excuses us Kawasaki-san," one officer said, standing up. "We're going to interview a few nurses, we'll be back soon." I watched the pair leave, my stomach in a knot.

"Why are they here?" my mother let out a sigh, gesturing to the chairs.

"My fall, they presume it's medical malpractice," she said, "I'll gladly explain further, but I want to know exactly what is going on with you and why you've been lying to me?" I felt my face grow hot, my face adverting from both my mother and my two friends. "Is this why you aren't allowed to visit me alone?"

"Yeah..." I said. I glanced at Todoroki and Izuku who didn't seem as awkward as I suspected them to be. It was obvious I had been holding in a lot of stuff and they wanted to know too, not to mention they probably wanted me to get out everything for my own sake. I took in a breath.

"What happened?"

"Well obviously you know that villain that attacked at the school gate a while ago and you know I got caught up with him. Apparently he snuck some note in my pocket and the police were trying to figure out what it said."

"They thought the note was for UA," Izuku added and I nodded.

"It was for me because when I went to go look at the note at the station, it was in that stupid language I made up as a kid," I said. "Not even you knew it."

"Oh my..." she said. "Who knows that?"

"I have no idea. I've never taught anyone," I replied, shaking my head. "But it was pretty obvious that the note was for me and he attacked me for a reason. He was predicting all my moves, that's why I was knocked down so fast."

"He was predicting all your movements?" Todoroki interrupted and I felt my face flood with guilt. I forgot that no one knew about that one besides Shinsou who had seen it with his own eyes. That was another thing I had kept to myself. I had no idea why I felt the need to keep everyone in the dark. It hurt so bad most of the time for both me and the other person and it made me feel like such a terrible person. There it was again.

"Yeah..." I said, swallowing heavily. "But someone else is out there, targeting me right now and they must've been working with the man who attacked the school. So I'm not allowed out alone."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to freak you out," I said, my throat tight. "I didn't want to cause you to be here any longer." She shifted to sit beside me and Izuku moved away to allow space for her to sit.

"I need to know these things," she said, brushing down my hair. "You need to tell me." I nodded, mumbling that I was sorry as she tugged my head down and my face was back against her sweater. I relaxed into her, knowing that this was what I had been needing lately.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Well, the police suspect malpractice, but you and I both know this hospital very well," she said, taking my hands. "I don't think that was it?"

"Why would it be their fault?"

"Honey, I've got no idea what happened or how I fell. That chunk of my memory is just gone and I didn't hit my head," she said and I felt my stomach drop.

"Really? Do you think someone attacked you?" Izuku said, inserting himself into the conversation.

"If someone did, I don't know. They're increasing security around here anyways," she said, looking towards the two boys.

"What injuries?" I asked. She tugged her sweater down her arms, a simple blouse underneath. Her arms were littered with purple bruises, some so small she looked like she had been pelted with rocks. I placed a hand over my mouth, Izuku peering over. I glanced to Todoroki who was staring carefully at my mother's right arm.

"And I don't remember falling, the staff just said they found me on the ground," she said.

"Kawasaki-san?" We all looked to Todoroki who had interrupted. He stood up, holding out a hand for the arm he had been staring at. She offered it up to him and he turned it slightly. We all watched carefully as he placed all five fingertips at points on her arm, connecting the dots. He laid his palm flat, signifying that it was certainly a hand that had been laid on my mother.

"And that's not from hero work?" I asked her as Shoto took his hand back. She shook her head no.

"Oh god," I said, placing my face in my hands.

"Don't worry honey."

"How am I not supposed to worry about you?" I asked. "What if they attack again?"

"There's more security, it will be fine," she said. "Besides, I'm a old pro hero. I know a thing or two you know."


"Don't you worry about a thing." Her lips pressed gently to my forehead as I let out a struggling breath. Easier said than done. Her hands took my face to look up at her, cupping my jaw with a soft smile. When my eyes met hers, her expression changed as she studied me. "Why do you look so tired?"


"You're so tired," she said, rubbing my cheeks with her thumbs. I let out another breath through my mouth and she let go. "Did you stay up too late because of that dance?"

"I guess that's part of the reason," I said.

"What's up?" she asked, moving my hair from my face again.

"A lot of things."

"I've got time," she said. There was a knock at the door and I spotted the police officer that had excused himself and his partner earlier.

"Kawasaki-san, we'd like a moment with your daughter," they said and I glanced back at her. She kissed my forehead yet again, patting my arm gently to force me up. I swallowed tightly, pressing down my other issues to describe to her after I talked to the police. I headed for the door.

"So I assume grades are good with you two?" my mother asked and I smiled slightly as I brushed past the cop and out the door. That was always something my mom did, like in my favorite interview of hers. The one where she was interrupted by a villain and easily slid back into the interview after the attack was done. She always knew just what she had to do, but she never let it get to her nor would she show that. She knew how to be vulnerable for the right amount of time as to not worry those around her but also allow her to empty her mind of her stress. She could just go from battle to her wonderful self so effortlessly.

I wished I could do that.

That was always what I was trying to do, to shield people enough from my pain but let them know so that it wouldn't kill me. Clearly I wasn't balancing it at all right and I was keeping it all to myself. I didn't know how much would kill me, but I could tell now that it was turning me into a person I did not want to be.

"We don't mean to alarm you, but we seem to have made a breakthrough in your case and we have reason to suspect that your mother was brought into it."

"A breakthrough?"

"Yes," the second officer replied. I had yet to even hear him talk. "I'm officer Goya and this is my partner officer Murano. We know you've met with the chief, but we've been investigating your case as it is."


"We received a threat to the office yesterday to cease all investigation," officer Murano, the first one to speak said. "Apparently, your relation to one of your classmates Katsuki Bakugo seems to be in play here."

"What?!" I blurted.

"We have the note threat here," officer Goya said, handing me a sealed bag. There was a scribbled note inside.

Back off the UA student case. Katsuki is mine, not hers!

It was not signed obviously and the handwriting was very clearly a girl's. It matched the first note towards me, meaning that this was the same person or at least someone with excellent copying skills. I handed it back abruptly, feeling horribly sick to my stomach. I wouldn't be surprised if I threw up, just to top it off.

"You're close with the boy correct?" I nodded simply, averting my gaze. My fingers rested gently against the base of my throat and my collar, goosebumps arising all over my body.

"How close?" Officer Murano asked.

"Very. I've known him since we were kids, but we only just started to get along and we've considered dating, though we're not right now," I replied. As I looked up, I gripped the hem of my shirt with a tired and worried expression.

"We suspect that someone who knows of you and Bakugo is upset by your relationship and wants to break up whatever the two of you may have. Is there anyone from your childhood that you can think would be jealous? Anyone very close to Bakugo?" Officer Goya asked. I paused for a minute, scanning over my elementary and middle school classes. There wasn't anyone I could think of except the 2 boys who used to be good friends with Bakugo. I told them their names, though it was pretty obvious it wasn't them. No one had even seen the boy with wings for years since he disappeared and I had no idea what the other was up to, but I could tell it wasn't them. It just made no sense.

"Do you have any questions?" Officer Murano asked and I shook my head.

"You obviously have order not to go out alone, and we hope you won't go off campus with Bakugo. We've informed the school about the order and he's advised to stay with someone off campus as well. It seems whoever this is doesn't intend to hurt him, but they do intend to hurt you so please be safe. We've installed extremely good security with your aunt and your mother as well as increased security staff here. We intend to keep everyone safe. You sure no questions?" Officer Goya finished and I still shook my head.

I couldn't believe what was happening to me. And now Kacchan was drawn into it which only made my heart ache even more against my rib cage. I felt light-headed, tired, and horribly sick. It was killing me too that I didn't even have a license to ensure that I could handle this myself.

"Thank you (y/n). We'll make sure Katsuki won't get into any of your trouble. You may return to your mother. We'll let you know of any further information."

"Thank you." The both stood and I remained sat in one of the hallway chairs for a moment. 'My trouble'? It was mine wasn't it. And Kacchan was involved in yet another bit of it, on top of the fact I had been lying to him. I stood and I nearly stumbled back to my mother's room. So that was why they were really there. It wasn't really medical malpractice. It was my curse looming over until it just ruined every last aspect of my life, including the lives of those closest to me.

"Yes, I used to do Tai Chi. I'm glad you're teaching (y/n) that," my mother said as I re-entered. "(y/n), what's wrong?"

"I think I'm going to throw up," I said, my face hot and uncomfortable.

"Oh my are you sick? What's the problem?" she asked, standing. Todoroki and Izuku stood too, watching with concern.

"They said they think they're targeting me because of Kacchan."

"What? That's not what they told me," she said, leading me to couch. Izuku offered up a hand which I took as I collapsed back onto the cushion.

"They said that there's another note threatening them to get off the case and...and that the person might be someone from our childhood because they said that Kacchan is theirs not mine."

"Oh my, that's horrible," she said. I felt my face begin to well up and I very much didn't want to cry in front of Todoroki to add to the list of people, but I couldn't help it as tears rolled down my cheeks and I choked out a sudden sob. I could feel Todoroki's wide eyes on me. I felt Izuku's hand on the back of my head. "Raindrop, don't cry."

"Things have been tough," Izuku murmured.

"There's something wrong with me," I said, my voice shaky as I sniffled hard. I couldn't breath smoothly, my breath in short hiccups as I wiped aimlessly at my face.

"No honey, there's not. Just let us know what's wrong," my mother said.

"I'm just so worried and I'm the reason you got attacked and now Kacchan is in this too. I don't know who is doing this or why they're doing it. It's so frustrating and It just adds to the reason why I can't sleep." I felt the dull ache in my chest grow tight and squeeze my heart. "and I already feel so guilty because I've been lying to his face for days now and it just gets worse every day because he's so nice to me now and he cares so much and he's sorry for what he did in the past and I'm just a liar. I went behind his back and kissed his best friend and then told him I'd help him open up to me and other people because he's not used to that thing. He trusted me with something so important and I'm so afraid that when he finds out it'll ruin it. I'm--I'm--I feel so dark inside, like there's something so wrong with me because I keep doing these evil things. It just keeps piling on and I feel like a villain. I just want to be like you mom, because you're so good at balancing other people's feelings and your own. I don't know what I'm doing and I hate it so much..."

I trailed off, sobbing again. I couldn't care anymore about how embarrassing it was to cry now, I had too much built up not to. My fingers were cold and numb, shaking until I felt Todoroki's figure take one of my hands in his warm one. Izuku rubbed along my back and you could hear the gentle circles his hand ran along my spine in between the painful sounds I was making. My mother wiped the tears from my face with a tissue, her fingers sifting through the front strands of my hair that were stuck on my wet cheeks.

It was like everyone finally understood and for a moment everything had balanced out. I wasn't keeping anymore secrets that were weighing down on my back and everyone knew how I felt. I just wasn't going to rebound as skillfully as my mother but at least it was progress. I knew I had to talk to Kacchan and very soon. It was just something that had to be done. I knew my family would be safer and though the situation had thickened with Kacchan's addition to my targeting, it was something that could be solved. I felt the dark feeling in my veins subside for a moment and I felt myself begin to stop crying. I could and I would find out what that evil inside of me was and find out how to keep it from ruining me like I had so willingly let it do these past 2 days. It was crazy I could slip.

"You are not alone," my mother said. "You are not a villain and I know you are so much like me. I didn't figure this out until I was an adult, so don't feel like you're behind. I have no doubt in me that you'll be an even greater hero than I was and I will proudly await that moment. You'll figure this out and you can use that patience that you have. You'll know what to do with the young Bakugo soon enough, I know that. Have faith, Raindrop." She hugged me tight and I myself buried my face in her collar.

I let out a calming breath as my exhaustion took over me. I knew I would finally be able to sleep a little tonight. The feeling made my chest feel warmer than it had in a while. I glanced up to Todoroki and Izuku who soon exchanged glances with each other. It made me happy to know they cared so much that they too felt relief from my crying, now that I had finally let it all go. I shifted to hug Izuku, then Shoto. A soft thank you escaped my lips at each hug, though they really hadn't done anything too explicitly. It was just what felt right.

"Now, are you ever going to tell me about that dance?" she said. "You did promise." I wiped underneath my eye, with a soft chuckle. My mother winked at me, guiding me along the rebound to let Shoto and Izuku know that everything was alright for right now and calm their minds as well. I was already learning quickly how to gauge exactly how to do this.

Thank you.


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