Trust issues

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He stares at me.

"Who're you talking to?"

"No one. I'm just on facebook. See." I say turning my laptop.

"Doing what?" He's acting like a suspicious parent.

"Talking to a friend."

"What friend?" He asks taking a step closer.


"Is that a girl?"

"Um yes. I only talk to friends who are girls." I say and he seemed doubtful.

He nods and then takes his coat off.

"For a couple days I'll stay in this room." He says.

"Oh okay." I say getting up.

"What're you doing?"



I stare at him blankly.

"Um to the other room?." I say I kind of made it sound like a question.


"Because you-"

"No. You'll stay here too." He says.

"Sit." He says.

"I said sit." He repeats opening his closet.

"Um okay." I say sitting back down.

He went towards the bathroom with some clothes and I kind of felt uncomfortable. I don't want him to stay. No offense but it's weird. The way he gets nice and rude.  This man cannot be trusted.

He came back out in a simple black t shirt and sweats.

"Did you..." he begins to say scratching his head. Was he trying to flex and show off his muscles in front of me?

"Were you going to marry someone else before me? I mean before my proposal did you already..have someone in mind?"


"Don't play dumb. I'm asking you a simple question, did you or did you not have someone in mind before my proposal? In school? Another guy?"

"What? No. Of course not."

"You didn't talk or hang out with any guy?" He asked looking at me suspiciously.

"I talked to some, but just normal classmates. I told you my friends are just girls I don't hang out with boys." I said.

"SO you didn't have a boyfriend or anything?"

"Of course not, it's haram. I didn't have time for that kind of stuff." I said.

"Did you have a phone before?"

"No. Why?"

"Just answer. Don't say anything extra."

"Who do you text?"

"My friends. Only on facebook. But now I have a phone. "

"Let me see."

"See what?"

"Who you text."

I stared at him in shock. Is he serious?

"For what?"

"Is there a problem?"

"No. But-"

"but what? Are you hiding something?"


"Then let me see."

"But why?"

"Because. I can. Let me see."

"You don't trust me?"

"No. I don't."

"So you think I have a boyfriend or something."

"I don't give a f*ck to be honest. But it matters. So you better not. Because it's not gonna end well. Let me see your crap." He says snatching the laptop away from me.

"Whose Nick?"

"A classmate. All the boys I talked to was in school times check the date and it was just for homework or class work. Nothing else."

"What the f*ck. What about Asad?"

I shrug.

"You never replied to his shit?"

"Not really. He use to text and talk to me a lot."

"You liked him didn't you."

"What? No. Never."

"You're lying!"

"If I was lying then why would I let you see these chats?"

"Your sister showed me your texts on the phone."

"How could I be texting if I never even had a phone!"

He rubs his forehead clearly frustrated. What is wrong with him?

"Ask anyone! I never had a phone until this one! Why would I be with someone? Why would someone even want to like.. date me? Have you seen me? Like I wear a hijab and I never even went out with friends."

"So your sister's lying?"

"Maybe she got confused. She was probably kidding around. She always does that. She means no harm."

"God. Why do you keep backing her up?"


"Stop trying to cover up. I know she's not messing around. I can see it I'm not blind and you're just trying to make me think she's not a fake ass bitch." He ends off and I stared at him in shock.

"Don't say that. Say sorry." I say and he smirks and then it fades and turns into a dirty look.

"No. It's the truth and you know it."


"I don't care. Let's see.. Whats this?" He asks turning the laptop towards me.

"It's a group chat."

"I know that. What's this shit about going to the beach."

I smile.

"Oh we're gonna go to the beach." I say smiling and looking down.

"Why are you getting red?"

"Oh. I don't know." I say.

"So there was no other guy you wanted to marry? Before?"


"Listen to me very carefully." He says staring right at me.

"If you ever lie or hide something from me I will hurt you. Do you understand?"

"Well I mean you don't trust me anyway so-"


I nod.

"Just to let you know. Even IF I did it doesn't matter because that's in the past. It would be sinful but not betrayal to you."

"I don't care. Stop talking." He said cutting me off.

What an arrogant little brat. I hate your guts Yaseen.


Yaseen was on his laptop sitting in the bed while I sat on the indoor swing chair that my mother in law recently got.

I got a phone call again and I quickly picked up. I know it's the editor.

"I can't talk now I'll call you back in a bit." I say and hang up. Yaseen was staring at me but I pretended like I didn't notice.

"Who was that?"

"Just my friend."

It was around 11 pm and I had left the room and stayed with my mother in law and talked with Aliza and I came back and Yaseen was up putting the laptop away.

"Are you going to sleep?" I ask.

"So are you." He says.

"Where? The couch is gone." I say and he nods.

"On the bed. Like usual." He says.

"Then where will you sleep?"

"Stop asking questions. Go change."

I got changed and put my clothes in the basket. I was trying so hard to act like Yaseen wasn't there.

I untied my hair and tied it up again in a tight pony tail. I was trying to stall.

"You can sleep here." He says.

I got in bed and laid down.

For some time I just didn't sleep. I kept shifting around and tried to find a way to sleep.

I sat up and looked to see if he was asleep. He was.

I'm so use to sleeping alone. Why all the sudden did he decide to come sleep here? Is he getting use to me?

Oh God, does he like me? Maybe he does! Maybe he just can't express it. Maybe I'm just over thinking. Why would he like me? I do nothing but bother him, no it can't be. But maybe he's just lonely or cold so he wants body heat. Yeah that's probably why.

I laid back down and shut my eyes. If he's sleeping comfortably I will too.


~Be Loyal and Stay Royal~

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