Qulsum's POV.
I heard a door open and my eyes shot open.
Yaseen was here. It seems he had taken a shower with his hair all wet.
"It's almost 1 pm." He says. How does he know I was awake. I didn't even move.
"Oh. Shouldn't you be at work?"
"It's my house. I can be here when I want. And it's a weekend." He says.
"I was just curious that's all."
"Yeah. Curious." He mumbles.
I sat up and his eyes landed on me. He was wearing a baggy white t shirt and some shorts. These kinds of clothes did not suit him. I'm so use to seeing him in suits and sophisticated clothes it seems so odd seeing him in casual wear.
"What're you staring at."
"No nothing. Just that I'm not use to you in these kinds of..clothing.." I say shutting my eyes. I feel so embarrassed saying that.
He nods.
"You shouldn't be. In fact you shouldn't be use to me." He says pushing his hair back.
"Actually. Tell me something." He says coming up to me.
"Do you think it would make a difference in your life if I wasn't here?"
"Of course!" I blurt out.
"Unfortunately, it's not a mutual feeling. Because it wouldn't make a single difference to me if you were out of my life. Actually besides the fact that I would feel much more.. Open."
I didn't really care about his crap anymore to be honest.
"You know I think you're disabled." I say and he looked shocked.
I myself didn't know I was just gonna blurt that out.
"No offence" I said heading towards the bathroom.
"Why did you tell Yaseen lies avout me." I say walking into Aliza's room.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Aliza. Stop trying to..." I was kind of getting frustrated.
"Qulsum just shut the f*ck up. I'm a guest."
"Then act like one!" I say raising my voice.
"Woah! Qulsum don't say shit to me. Just remember if shit goes wrong you're gonna end up back with us and you're gonna regret the way you've been treating me. And you owe us money. 3 thousand dollars shouldn't be too hard."
"What? For what?"
"1 thousand for me, 1 thousand for Zainab and 1 thousand for Danish."
"I can't just throw money! Its not even mine!"
"Listen here Qulsum, there's so many ways I can ruin your marriage don't make me do it. Think about it."
"Every month you give us -"
"Aliza. Stop doing this. I mean this is m-m this is my house, I live here, I'm married to Yaseen not you , the money I make and I get is for me to keep or spend. I know we have our differences but it needs to end. We're sisters -"
"Oh no. No no no. Hell no. You're my servant. Now shut that mouth of yours you sound like your husband. Bitch shut the fuck up and get out of my view-"
"Aliza. Enough of this. Grow up. Alright? I'm not letting you treat me this way anymore. I'm sorry but this is the truth." I say getting up.
I spent some time out in the garden and then hear mama talking,
She was with the gardener. Perfect.
We sat on the bench and I decided confess.
"Mama, i know you're gonna hate me for this but I feel like if I want to get my story published I need your support. I want to keep the editor." I say.
"Look. You're such an amazing person, you're like my Role model. I know its hard on you but will you allow me to work with J.R?"
"Qulsum... Okay." She says.
"Thank you. Thank you so so much. Um so last time he came things didn't go so well.. So will you come with me? This time he's invited us to dinner."
"Qulsum that-"
"Before you say no, just.. Just think. When you see each other, things wont be so awkward. This is just ..it's professional. Nothing else."
I called J.R and we had a short chat and he invited us over. Aliza was actually enjoying herself saying she's gonna go out with friends and have dinner.
Yaseen... God knows.
We got ready and surprisingly mama dressed up pretty well. With her hair flowing ever so beautifully and her outfit on point absolutely flawless.
I feel like this dinner is going to be very significant to bonding.
We knocked on the door and J.R was right at the door.
"Salam Alaykum. Come inside." He says holding the door open.
"It's a pretty house." I say and he smiles.
"It gets a little lonely though. A big house with one guy and 2 workers. Kinda sucks." He says as we follow him into the living room.
"Why don't you get a roomie?" I say and he laughs and so does my mother in law.
"I'm a grown man. My friends are married and have kids. And I don't wanna take any chances with a random guy thank you very much." He says and I laugh.
"Sir me Delrio is calling." A guy says.
"I'll be right back." He says walking off.
"Mama! Come in here's your chance to talk!"
"He should talk to me first." She says and I chuckle.
"Fine. If you really don't like him then why didn't you give him a divorce?" I whisper and she smiles.
"See. I know you still have hope. You need to try. He still cares I can tell." I say and she nods.
"You're right. I'm a grown woman."
"Good. It's gonna be great."
He comes back minutes later.
"Sorry. So anyway where were we?"
"Wait.. Yaseen didn't come?" He asks and mama looked at me with a sudden guilty looking face.
"Um. It's not that easy." I say quietly.
"Actually we haven't told him about this thing." I say and he nods.
"Well um ok. That's fine. It's just..it'd be nice to...never mind." He says.
"Do you guys wanna eat now? I don't wanna get the food cold." He says and we nod and follow him out.
I was honestly feeling uncomfortable. It's just a waste of time. It's just awkward. What was I thinking? Coming in between them to help fix their problems? I'm so dumb. Well you learn from your mistakes right.
Well I guess this just means I'll have to find another editor, cause this just won't work out.
"Did you learn to cook?" Mama says breaking the silence. J.R looked surprise as was I.
He clears his throat trying to keep his cool.
"Yeah. Just for today. If I'm busy then the chef or I just eat out."
"I thought you said eating from restaraunts wasn't good for health." She says.
"Well..things changed."
"It's good." I say taking a bite of the pasta.
"It' her favour-" He stops and then coughs.
I look towards my mother in law who was looking down holding herself from smiling. They remember things from before. Love is strong.
"I mean, I'm glad you like it." He says. For the rest of the time we ate and then we had a chat about the book and meetings. I wanted to avoid the topic because I don't plan to keep him as my editor. So we're just wasting time.
Soon after we left.
"You were right." I say as we walk into our house.
"What do you mean?"
"About this. I was wrong. I decided to find another editor.I'll tell him tomorrow." I say.
"Why?" She asks.
"Because I realized it's a mistake. You guys.."
"Sumi, I had fun today." She says.
"I'm glad we went. I just..I feel like old memories when we weren't married and just exchanged looks. I don't know what happened I just... I still..miss him. Sumi you have no idea..."
"Ok ok! Don't worry I just thought you..This is good"
Hey guys! Sorry I took so long. Funny story, sort of.. But I thought I had already published it last night but I guess I didn't so sorry!
I'm struggling a little right now. But here's the chapter, sorry if there's a lot of grammar mistakes I just published it without proper editing. I'll fix it.
And as always
~Be Loyal and Stay Royal~
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