Qulsum's POV.
After 2 hours of sleep I went down to find my mom. I felt my stomach grumbling it's been a while since this has happened.
I went towards the living room and quickly turned around seeing Yaseen sitting there eating.
"Stop." I hear him say and I shut my eyes and turn around.
Not again.
"You better not come near me." He scoffs.
"You left me!"
"I don't break promises. I told you to be there! I TOLD YOU DIDN'T I!"
I flinch as soon as he raises his voice.
"Did I tell you?" He asks lowering his voice.
"Did I?" He repeats and I shake my head up and down.
"Then where the f*ck were you? I swear I wish you got stuck there so bad."
"What would you tell your mom?"
He doesn't respond and then stares at me giving me a deathly glare.
"That you died." He says under gritted teeth.
"You don't break prom-"
"I don't wanna hear that big mouth of yours any more. F*ck off please." He says putting his hand out like he was a king.
I stare at him and raise my eyebrow.
I walk over and sit on the couch in front of him.
He was staring right at me. I'm not surprised because if he came and sat randomly I would too.
I looked at him and he suddenly looked uncomfortable. He looked away and popped a walnut in his mouth and put his eyes onto the laptop screen.
I didn't say anything I just sat there. Hoping maybe I could get use to him.
"There we are. I was up looking for you!" Mama says walking in. She stops and looks at me then at Yaseen then back at me and her smile just grew wider and wider.
"So! Come on time for our family game!"
"You're actually serious?" Yaseen says looking up at her and then for like 2 seconds his eyes land on me and then he quickly shifts his eyes to the ground. His eyebrows were furrowed and he just looked so angry.
Damn can he relax.
"Yeah! Come on it'll be fun. The plumbs are ripe and the weathers great."
"Then what are Russell and Jared gonna do?"
"They'll... Play along too." She says shrugging.
"BUT They're obviously gonna win since they do all this garden stuff all the time! It's their job. Not fair game." I say.
"Oh my God you can't be serious! Its fu- ITS PLUMB PICKING"
I flinch and take a step back.
"Stop scaring her. So what if its plumb picking?" His mom says taking my hand.
Oh he must be so mad that she's taking my side.
"Women..." He scoffs walking off clearly irritated.
"He's such a kid sometimes" she whispers and then the two of us laugh.
"Ok we're gonna wait out in the garden!" She calls out and starts to laugh.
"How was he when he was a kid?" I ask.
"Oh he was such a passionate boy, so outgoing and ambitious. He had so many jobs in his mind. He use to wanna be super heroes, he use to love the idea of flying. He'd watch birds and planes all the time. He'd just stay silent and watch."
"Did he have friends?"
"Back when his- when he was young? Oh yes. He was quite popular with the ladies too. I mean they were only 10 but they fancy'd him. Him and his friend. But as they got older they grew apart..."
"-I thought you guys were gonna be in the back?" Yaseen says and we walk out.
"I picked black berries before though." I call out as I pluck a plumb off the tree.
"Yeah? Where?" Ma asks.
"Oh it was by our school." I call out again
"Did the thorns not hurt you?" Yaseen suddenly asks.
"Oh thankfully not-"
"-ah that's a shame." He whispers and I grit my teeth.
"I'm not clumsy like you." I snap looking at him.
He smiled and laughed quietly.
"Says you. Must we go back to our trip." He says laughing and I couldn't help but smile. For a second he seemed like he was happy. Like the rest of us. For once he wasn't smiling in a fake pathetic way.
Suddenly he stopped and let out a small cough and stopped smiling.
"I-" he clears his throat and walks off.
"Where are you going?" His mom calls out. I was just as surprised as she was.
"That was.."
"I've never seen him laugh like that in years..." Maa mumbles looking towards where he had wondered off.
"That was weird." I say.
"Sorry. I just...I'm so surprised." She says.
"Why is he so... Dull. Like he hates his life." I say trying not to sound like a complete incon- basically not trying to act like Yaseen.
"It's a long story."
"Well we have time."
"Let's go inside."
"I guess we won't be having family time again. It didn't go so.." I say and she laughs.
"Sumi.. I'm sure I don't need to tell you about Yaseen. He's just...he can't seem to open up to people, he doesn't make friends AT ALL. He absolutely hates family bonds or and bond whatsoever.
I know it's hard but I see change in him. You might not but believe me I do." She says as we walk inside. Suddenly her phone rings and she picks up and I nod as she walks off.
I pull out my laptop and sit on the couch and lean back.
I began writing once again. I stopped typing as soon as my eyes landed on a book laying under the other couch. It must have fallen.
I crawled down and reached my hand in to take a hold of it but I stop hearing footsteps.
I looked up and Yaseen was staring down at me with his hands stuffed into his pockets.
"What the f*ck are you doing? Playing f*cking hide and seek with yourself? Gosh. What an idiot. Honestly you're so pathetic." He mutters and walks past me like a complete douchebag ! I'm not a baby!
I pull out the book and get up.
I flipped open the page. It wasn't a book. It was an album.
"Oh I must have dropped that!" Ma says popping out of nowhere and almost grabbing the album from me.
"Yeah..can ..can I see it?" I ask and her smile fades away.
"You could. But I got a call and my friends daughter went to some library. A famous author David Manchester is signing autographs would you.."
"CAN I GO!" I shriek and she nods.
"Yes ofcourse. I'll get Yaseen to drop you off."
"He doesn't seem okay right now-"
She nods.
"Hm yes you're right. I'll get a driver. You wanna go grab something to take?"
I smile and nod.
A couple minutes later I went out and waited as the car pulled over and I got in.
"So how long have you been driving?" I ask popping my head forward from the back seat.
"Quite a while." He replies.
"Oh. How much is a while" I ask.
"Around 20 years." He says and my mouth drops open.
"You don't look that old." I mumble and he smiles.
"I started off as a taxi driver."
"Oh then what happened"
"You actually want to listen?"
"Nothing..it's just usually its not the case."
"Well go on." I say smiling.
"I drove a taxi for maybe 3 years."
"Then a man came and attacked me. He was drunk and When I got out to take him out he got up and it was bad honestly. But I went unconscious I don't remember anything beyond that. I was gone to a hospital I didn't know who or how I got there but the guy was Yaseen's fa- the library's here." He says.
"Wait who was he?"
"Nothing" he sighs and I get out and run into the library.
The line up was crazy. This is gonna be a while.
I looked around and my eyes landed on a man in a grey suit. He was around his mid-50's .I've seen him. I can't remember. But I have seen him.
He was looking through books ever so casually.
I slipped out if the line and began digging for David Manchester's books. He was the famous writer who came to visit here.
I took the book and checked the back. Bingo. The man's face was there. He's an editor. I knew I knew him!
But he's an author as well! I remember reading one.
I guess he didn't wanna be shown too much.
I kind of casually walked towards him and pretended to look for a book like him.
"Hi!" I say and he flinches.
"Hello. How are you?" He asks.
"I'm good thanks. You're an editor right?" I say and his brow raises up.
"What kind of book are you looking for?" He asks changing the topic.
"Hear me out. I'm writing a book and I need an editor."
"What's that got to do with me?"
"We can work a deal out.." I say and he sighs then continues to look for a book.
"Sir please. Just give it a chance. If you don't like it don't edit it."
"There are plenty other editors and publishers." He mumbles.
"Sir. Please" I say and he groans.
"Please sir."
"I said no. Please don't anger me." He says and as soon as he said that I froze.
He sounded so much like Yaseen at that point. Who knew there were more men out there like Yaseen,
"Alright. How about this. You give me your name and number. If I decide to change my mind I'll let you know. Is that alright?" He says calmly.
"Thank you sir." I say and he nods.
"Ok whats your name? Qulsum"
"Last name?"
"Rami." I say and he begins to write then stops.
"What?" He repeats.
"Rami. Thats R-A"
"I got it." He says.
He clears his throat and then stares at me.
"Who um. Is this your uh.. Your last name..?"
"Oh yeah It use to be Abi but I got married to a guy. And his last name is Rami. So mine is Rami."
He nods.
"Anyways um. Whats your number?"
"Oh..I don't have a phone." I say feeling embarrassed as hell.
He smiles and then stops.
"Excuse me. Is that funny to you sir?"
"No. No. My apologies. Um how shall-"
"You can call my mother in law."
He looked up and then looked at me blankly.
"Ya-ya ok" he says and I nod and give him the number as well as my email.
"By the way I know your name isn't Adam.J.R" I say turning back.
"I choose to keep my name private." He says and I walk off.
I was finally going out. Well I was third wheeling. Ya super lame I know but everyone's just so busy. I'm guessing Sam's boyfriend was rich or something they were eating at a really boujee restaurant.
I wanted to dress nice and classy. I looked into my closet and tried on a few dresses until I finally went with a white dress that went until my ankles. It was fitted from the top and flared a little from the waist down. Why did I never wear this. Probably because I don't really go to events.
I matched some cute jewelry and slid into some flats because heels are too much a hassle.
I went down and headed for the door until Yaseen came in front of me blocking me.
"Where are you going?" He asked not even bothering to look at me. Oh of course the man is too good to talk to losers like me.
He's the loser. Nobody likes him. At least I have friends and people don't use me for money that I don't have.
"I asked you a question I don't like repeating myself." He said finally taking a glimpse at me then away.
"Having dinner with a friend." I said and he looked at my face then down and back up. What an ass. Why would he do that. I done it to him but I never made it obvious.
"Why are you dressed like that. Go change." He said staring into my eyes.
"What's wrong with it? It's pretty."
"Ok so? Why do you want to dress pretty for? Is this friend a female?"
"Ofcourse it is."
"Ya it better. You're not wearing that especially at this time."
"It's like 7 o clock. What does the time have to do with my clothes."
"It doesn't matter. You won't wear that out alone."
"Do you want to join me? Her boyfriends coming too so it won't be weird."
He stared at me.
"That's what I thought. I'm going to go now."
"No you're not. Go and change. Her boyfriend is coming?"
"I'm not going to change. I'm going to be late."
"Why do you wanna dress nice? Hm? Go wear a hoodie or something. Why are you trying to impress other people?"
"You have got to be kidding me. You guys had my clothes changed and now I wear it and you're getting mad I'm wearing it."
"I want you to look presentable and classy you're my wife. But you don't need to wear stuff like that. Throw it out."
"Yaseen you're being ridiculous."
"Put on a coat then."
"Enjoy your evening." I said heading for the door but he grabbed my wrist. Basic move.
I tugged a little but I knew I couldn't break free.
"Change or I'll make you." He said reaching under my scarf and tugging on the zipper in the back.
I pushed his hand away before he could actually unzip it.
"What's wrong with you. People can literally walk in."
"You're right this should be done in private." He said pulling me close to him like a controlling psychopath.
"That's not what I meant."
"Come on its time don't you think?" He said putting his hand under my chin.
"No. Can you- can you stop." I said struggling to keep my confidence. The distance we didn't have was bothering me.
"Why? We're married."
"Ya vut we're not in love. We literally do not like each other whatsoever. So let's keep it that way. I stay away from you, you stay away from me. I think we work best that way."
"Intimacy doesn't require love. As long as we're both...you know-"
I winced at his disgusting entail ty and the fact that he had no shame in saying it straight to my face.
"Ya you're gross. So I'm going to pass. You can always find someone else though."
"See Sumi...when you dress like this..." he said placing both of his hands on my wait.
"It gives me different thoughts. I wouldn't mind just taking you upstairs on the bed despite hating you."
"Ya...okay well that's creepy."
"Shut up. Other men will feel things. Let's avoid that."
"I'm not changing."
"CHANGE! What is your problem why can't you just listen!"
"Why are you getting jealous? What I wear should make no difference to you. I don't care what you wear , who you're with what you're doing. You can have an affair for all I care and I wouldn't bat an eye because I do not care. I think that's what you said to me on our wedding night too so look at that big guy we agree on something." I said giving him a smile.
"I'm not jealous. Especially for you. Have you even seen yourself. You're pathetic."
"Ok so why are you getting mad that I'm wearing this?"
"Because you're still my wife."
"Okay and? Suddenly I'm you're wife. Was I not your wife that day when you kicked me out of the restaurant?"
"Shut up."
"No you don't get to decide when I'm your wife and when I'm not. You have no right so stop acting entitled to something you have no entitlement too. Stay away from me and I will do the same because just like you don't care about me I don't care about you."
"You're going to regret everything you said during this conversation. Go through that door and you'll be waiting there for the night you realize that right?"
"So you're going to lock me out of the house?"
"Yes I will."
"Ok then do it. I don't care. I would love that actually staying out at night."
"What is wrong with you. Do you not think about what could happen to you? Like are you living in some fantasy world where everyone you meet is good? Like come on surely you can't be that naive you're old enough to know how this cruel world exists."
This guy is ridiculous.
"Oh my gosh you care for my well-being?"
HI GUYS! What you think?
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And as always
~Be Loyal and Stay Royal~
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