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Qulsum's POV.
I was home again curious as heck.
"So I met an editor today." I say walking into the living room.
"Yeah? Did you ask him if he'd be willing to edit for you?"
"Sort of. "
"Thats good. Does he seem like he's a nice person? I mean would he be weird to bring him for dinner?" She asks and I laugh.
"I honestly have no idea!"
"But I gave him your number because I didn't have a phone so he said ok.
"Mine? You silly! You should have given Yaseen's or he'll think you're talking to a man in secret!" She says bursting out into laughter.
"I'm not so sure about that. He's like 50. He actually looks young I guess but he's old. It says in his biography."
"Yeah? What else?"
"Well he doesn't give out his full name he just goes by J.R to people but in the whole bio it says Adam."
Her smile slowly fades and then she presses her lips and smiles.
"Wow so he seems like a more private kind if person."
"Yeah. It says nothing about his personal life."
"Wow! He's probably a really boring person then."
"He's kind of like Yaseen actually." I say and she laughs.
"I hope not."
"Well. It seems that way. "
"But all that aside. I have a surprise!"
"Yes! Ready?" She says.
She pulls out a box.
"Unwrap it." She says giving it to me.
"It's for you." She says smiling as I held the phone in my hand.
"Oh God!" I squeal.
"Everything's set in it already. So you can just get your editor to call you." She says and I smile and hug her.
"Thank you So much Jazakallah" I say and she whispers ameen.
"By the way. I invited my friend over she brought her daughter and her daughters friend AND SO YOUR FRIENDS WILL COME OVER TODAY!" She says and My mouth hangs open in shock.
"Oh God! This is SO MUCH! I've been gone for like 3 hours and all this?"
"Yeah." She says wiping a tear as she looked at me.
"Why..why are you crying?" I say as my smile fades.
"No nothing. Don't worry about it. I'm glad you're happy." She says getting up and taking a heavy breath in and out and smiled.
I was confused. It seemed to me more like she remembered something. But maybe I'm just overreacting. I should be happy!
My friends and I hung out inside for a bit and talked to my mom and then the four of us went out in the front.
"We should prank call." Riley says as she scrolls through her phone.
"Yeah! With your phone!" Fatima says.
"Lets prank call your husband!" Sam says raising her voice and I laugh.
"NO!" Riley says.
"Yeah lets just call a rand-" Fatima begins to say.
"No it's okay. It's gonna be fun. Especially since he's at work."
"No no. He'll get mad and stuff. Never mind." Sam says backing down.
"We don't have much time my moms gonna be here in 5 minutes." Fatima says.
"Im calling him." I say dialling in his number.
We waited but he never picked up.
Once again. I called he didn't pick up.
"Ok ok just leave it -" Fatima says but she gets cut off because Yaseen was calling!
"OH MY GOSH HE's calling back!" I shout and we all freak.
"SHUsh!" I say and they all snicker as I pick up.
"Yes UM HELLO!" I say in a manly voice.
"Hello? Whose this."
"It's .. "
"A stripper!!!" Sam whispers.
"Um this is a strip club... You called earlier we never picked up -"
"Excuse me?" He says.
"Yeah. So this stripper wanted to-"
"No. What the f*ck! Don't call back." He says and hangs up.
And we burst out laughing like a bunch of idiots.
"Im calling him back." I say and he picks up right away this time.
"Man dude did you think you could just threaten me and think I wasn't gonna call- whats that noise? Are you running out buddy. That's right bro you better run cuz We bout to get-
"Um Qulsum..." Fatima whispers and I put my hand out.
"So anyways we're gonna catch your ass -"
"You should stop..." Sam says getting up and the rest too.
"Man once you get-" I stop. Yaseen was right in front of me standing there looking down at me.
"We tried!" Sam says as they say waving and running towards their car.
"Man. What?" Yaseen says.
"I must have called the wrong-"
"Give me the phone." He says and I hesitate and then give it,
"You like this phone don't you?"
"Yeah. Your mom bought it for me." I whisper looking down.
"Well I don't like it." He says and I look up and out of no where he throws it aggressively right on the cement.
He walks towards it steps onto it and then looks at me waiting for my reaction.
"Why did- I Just got it like 4 hours ago!"
"Well I hope you enjoyed those 4 hours. Next time think before you do stupid things. Don't test my patience." He says walking past me.
I picked up the cracked phone. Glasses had shattered he threw it so hard!
I can't believe he would do this! I just can't deal with this! I was just joking.
I went inside and walked around reflecting.
"Oh God!" My mom says and I look up at her frustrating face.
"What's the matter?"
"Someone keeps calling but doesn't reply!"
"Weird. By the way thanks for inviting my friends over.. But um how exactly did you find out...? Like numbers and all that."
"Oh you know your friend Noor? She came remember I told you.. The friend that came over with her friend and her mom." She says with a small laugh.
So how long have you known her?"
"A very long time. She was actually my sisters friend more than mine. She came over a lot when we were all younger. But now it's different."
"I see. "
"Well I'm going to continue writing. Hopefully the editor will call."
Yaseen's POV.
I came back from the mosque and by the time I was home the lights were shut. It was late and I didn't even realize it.
The house was completely quiet. I switched the light on and my mom was laying there she must have fallen asleep waiting for me.
I went up grabbed my blanket and went back down and put it over her.
"When you do get married you'll treat the girl well right?" My mom asks.
"Yeah." I mutter.
"Good. I have to make sure you do."
"I don't wanna see her until the day of the wedding. Alright?"
"Why... What if she wants to see you? How about just a picture."
"No. I don't wanna see. And if the girl won't accept this deal then she's not worth my time. "
"Humble yourself Yaseen. It's not good to be so prideful."
"It's not pride. If I don't want to see her why must she see me. "
"Because a marriage requires-"
"Mama, please."
She nods and forces a smile.
End of flashback.
Qulsum didn't see me. She agreed. I said I'd treat her well. But I didn't. I want to apologize but she'll end up getting close to me, it's better off this way.
I went up and went into her room she was sitting there on the laptop. She looked up at me and then back to her laptop.
I cleared my throat and took a step inside.
"You should sleep." I say.
"Okay." She says quietly.
I open the door and begin to leave.
"Um don't you need something?"
"You just came to tell me to sleep?"
I don't know why I went. I shut the door and walk off.
What is wrong with me.
Hey guys hope you enjoyed let me know what you think I love feed back!
As usual
~Be Loyal and Stay Royal~
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