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Qulsum's POV.

After last nights conversation I couldn't sleep properly. For the first time I didn't wanna stay here anymore.

When he told me to just leave. I actually cried because of that. And the whole scene just keeps coming into my head.

Still it won't leave my mind. I just don't know how to end this.

I finally got up got ready and opened the door and took a step outside this cold room.

I walked towards my room. Well Yaseen and mine.

But it's more mine cause I usually sleep in it.

I peeked the door open and slowly walked in and looked around for my laptop.

"What're you doing in here." I jump in shock hearing him.

"Just to get my laptop." I say turning to him.

"Um... I'll just ..come later." I say shutting my eyes and turning around.

Is this a dream? Or am I actually in a room with Yaseen with nothing but a towel wrapped around his bottom half. Please be a dream.  This is embarrassing.

"You can stay here. I'm leaving anyway." He says stopping me.

"No it' I- it-i mean-" I began to say as I walked forward and literally just smacked myself against the wall.

"Ow." I whisper rubbing my forehead.

"Why?" He asks walking towards me.

"Um.." I shut my eyes. This is probably the most uncomfortable awkward situation I have ever in my life gone through.

"You-you seem..busy" I say and he bent down and looked me right in the eye with his head only an inch away.

"Am I making you feel uncomfortable?" He whispers.

"Next time knock before you walk in to MY room." He says.

I stared at him and then put my finger out and poked his arm.

He stepped away and looked at me with his face in shock.

"I was checking if this was real or a dream." I whisper and he smiles.

"God. What.. Here you can touch this arm too. You must like muscular me-"

"No no no, I was-"

"Anyway I don't really care. Go sit. You can stay." He says walking towards his closet.

I just walked towards the bed grabbed my bed from then side and opened up my email.

I looked up and watched him comb his hair.

He was dressed up after 15
Minutes and then he simply stood in front of the bed.

"Can you.." He begins to say and I look up at his frustrated face.

"Last night..I'm s-" he stops and runs his hand through his hair.

I didn't respond really and he left. He didn't even finish his sentence,

He tried to say sorry. I just know it!

I went down and saw my mother in law going through the album.

I walked towards her. She noticed and looked at me and smiled.

"You're up! It's quite early."

"Yeah..what're you-"

"Come sit." She says and I sit next to her.

"That's Yaseen." She says pointing to a picture.

"He's so cute." I say smiling.

She chuckles.

"And look this was his first day at school." She says and I begin to laugh at his outfit.

She flips the page and theres picture of her and a man and Yaseen I assume.

"Hold on..that's the editor.." I say pointing to the picture.

"That's right. I know I should have told you earlier. But he's my husband." She says and my mouth drops open.

"What happened?" I ask and she pressed her lips and tries to give me a smile.

"Ma'am there's someone here to see you." Saima says looking at maa and she gets up.

"We'll finish later." She says rushing away.

I continued to look through the pages. It seems that Yaseen's smile was fading as he got older. The album consisted only of family pictures maybe or friends but he was not in them.

To me he's the moodiest guy ever known. It's kind of creepy if you think about it.

Like last night he kind of lectured me, and then like half an hour later he barges in forcing me to get out. AND THEN THIS MORNING! He just became calm.

Does he have a disease?

I opened up my laptop and smiled seeing an email from the editor.

"Salamalaikum." I almost dropped my laptop hearing Danish's voice.

I looked up and they were all there except my dad.

"Walaylumsalam. What a surprise mama, come sit."

"Do you guys want something to eat?" I ask getting up.

"I'll be back." I say heading out.

I made some coffee and put some cookies in a plate. I went out and stopped and the coffee almost spilled.

"Watch out." Yaseen says taking a cookie and popping it in his mouth and walking away into the kitchen.

I take a deep breath out and walk into the living room.

"Saima where's maa?"

"Oh she's still on the phone." She says and I nod.

I placed the food and filled the cups.

"You must like it here." Zainab says breaking the silence.

"Yeah." I say looking down and smiling. Trying not to show how happy I felt.

"Where's your husband?" My mom asks.

"Oh he's just in the kitchen." I say trying to sound casual like everything was cool between us.

Actually it was. Maybe he's starting to like me.

"He didn't even say salam to us."

"Oh. Sorry.."

"Salamalaikum!" My mother in law says walking towards them and shaking there hands with a light hug.

"Sorry I was just on the phone with a family member."

"Oh that's fine."

"We really meant to come see Qulsum anyway so-" Zainab begins to say but My mom cuts her off.

"She's just messing around. Anyway how is everything?" She says with a small laugh.

"Good Alhamdulillah. Qulsum-"

"She's probably enjoying it the most" Aliza says interrupting ever so rudely.

"I wouldn't say that. Ever since she's come life seems to just get better."

"So how was your trip?" Danish asks.

"Good. It was pretty exciting-"

"Obviously, since you've never gone out of country." Aliza says and something in the way she was talking made me feel like she was trying to embarrass me.

"It's the first time Yaseen actually took someone along. Even I haven't. Only in his younger days.

"That's good." My mom says.

"Anyways enough about me how are you guys? How's baba?" I ask and all the sudden all there fake smiles fade off.

"Is he alright?" I ask.

"He's actually so much happier nowadays." Zainab says and the rest of the three look at her looking confused.


"Yep. He gives us more money and he even spent some quality time with us. We went to-"

"Excuse me." I said getting up.

I went right up to my room and stopped seeing Yaseen. I was at the verge of crying but I held it in.

"What-" before he continued I walked off into the room next door.

I shut the door and slid down and sat.

"He's much happier nowadays"

Is this what he's always wanted? For me to leave? He's happier now because I'm gone. I'm his daughter. He didn't even come to meet me! Why!

What is wrong with me? Do I have a quality in me that makes people want to stay away from me? Have I been doing something wrong?

It hurts. It does, when you get this feeling that no one cares. I'm blessed to have such a caring mother in law and my friends. I don't think I've ever felt alone when I was with them.

They're like my family. I don't express things directly but I hope they know that I really do care for them.

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As usual

~Be Loyal and Stay Royal~

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