◇Silver Spoon POV◇
Silver Spoon waited impatiently outside Hotel Oj. The manager who was unsurprisingly Oj, was joyfully writing silver-tied Chives a parking ticket. "Yes that's a 500 dollar fine! None less!" Silver Spoon had never seen the glass so excited. He couldn't care less about the money, Where are they?! Silver Spoon had even gotten a shine and polish for the occasion. It was disheartening how little Paintbrush seemed to care...
♡Paintbrush POV♡
Paintbrush fell out of bed, their alarm clock still beeping away. I OVERSLEPT
Paintbrush quickly grabs the flower clip (Sunflower clip) brushes their bristles till they shine. And they even had some polish for their metal bit. Paper opened the door and scared the life out of Paintbrush. "Can you hurry up and go see what your boyfriend already!" Paper looked displeased, Paintbrush blushed along with flaring up, "B-Boyfriend!? Nonononnonono, were just friends?!" Paintbrush awkwardly replied. Paper looked at Paintbrush smugly, "Okay, I'd better check on mine anyway..." Paper held open the door for Paintbrush to run out.
They almost carefully avoided most of the objects who were already up, probably from all the commotion, but as they lunged for the door they landed on their face with a 'Plap!' they jumped back up again but before they could open the door, "Have a nice DATE with your Boyfriend!" the voice was from Trophy "NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Paintbrush flamed up and yelled before leaving outside the door.
◇Silver Spoon POV◇
Silver Spoon waited boredly still, listening to Oj adding zero's to the parking fine was far from amusement. He suddenly heard yelling from inside the Hotel. Oj sighed and face palmed, "There they go again..."
Paintbrush pushed their way out the door and slammed it behind them. Silver Spoon blushed, Paintbrush sometimes wore a clip in their bristles, but they never used polish! "I hope that's the brand I recommended my dear!" Paintbrush stopped flaming but was still blushing.
"Silver, I would've had to win like, 4 seasons of Inanimate Insanity to get a single dollop." Paintbrush rolled there eyes, then smiled at him. Silver Spoon felt all warm when they smiled at him like that... "Well you look just as lovely without it my dear," Silver Spoon said as he guided them to the looooooooooooong limo. Paintbrush flamed up and blushed violently, trying to cool it before they got in the limo. When they sat down, they smiled and fidgeted with their clip. "Do you know where we're going?" they asked, desperate to change the subject. "Or are you admitting that I'm better at thinking things through than you?" Paintbrush smirked at him, their eyes darting away when he looked their way. Silver Spoon smiled and put his arm around Paintbrush who blushes in turn, (smooth( ≖ิ‿≖ิ ) Paintbrush rapidly tries to not blow up the roof. "My dear I have
quite the place in mind,"
QUITE THE ROMANTIC PLACE THAT IS! Paintbrush looks curiously at him, "And your better at some things than me," Silver Spoon says graciously to Paintbrush, trying to distract them from asking questions about where they were going. A smile slowly spreads across Paintbrush's face.
"Like looking more like a fool then I could ever," Silver Spoon finished, bracing himself as Paintbrush punched his arm. "Silver Spoon!" He could see Paintbrush was having a hard time trying not to smile. Silver Spoon smiled back at them, they were both blushing now. "You Idiot! I'm totally going to get you back for this!" Paintbrush had a wobbly smile on their face. Silver Spoon guessed he was probably...just a tiny bit worse at hiding his feeling for the other than Paintbrush was.
Well played...