♡Paintbrush POV♡
Paintbrush was surprised when Silver Spoon brought them to a park of all places. To them he never seemed like someone to like the outdoors. It was a very lovely park however, with blossoming tree's and crystal-blue lakes. Looking at Silver Spoon beside them, they wished they could hold that gaze forever, but they could never find the right words to express how they felt. While they were caught up in the confusion that was their emotions right now, they didn't notice Silver Spoon practically dragging them to the entrance. Paintbrush looked at Silver Spoon and could feel their facing turning a firey orange-red. Stop blushing! He's going to think your in love with him or something dumb like that! Paintbrush gulped knowing that they themself already knew that they were...
◇Silver Spoon POV◇
Silver Spoon had proudly displayed the park to Paintbrush, but the look of 'Oh, Okay...not what I was expecting' had felt like a slap to the face. Hmph! Chives had been so certain that this place was a good option!
Paintbrush and Silver Spoon walked down a paved path by one of the lakes, a place Silver Spoon knew would set the mood and yet not distract them from each other. Paintbrush already struck up an argument as usual. "He's not going to spend all that money! And weddings are like, a bajillion moneys!" Paintbrush and Silver Spoon were arguing/gossiping/flirting about whether Paper and Oj were going to get married anytime soon. "Oj will have plenty of your 'moneys' after scamming Chives out of who knows how much money!-Relax, it's not like he has to take care of everyone and handle a committed relationship at the same time!- Dearest they've already been engaged for what, 2 years?! I don't doubt their relationship only if they ever are going to get married." The back and forth argument halted as Paintbrush stopped and thought for a momment. Silver Spoon glanced at Paintbrush, their hands still entwined together. Paintbrush looked painstakingly beautiful, the lake glimmering behind them could never compare to Paintbrushes beauty.
Paintbrush went on for a couple more minutes until they noticed him looking at them. "What?" Paintbrush blushes and smiles awkwardly. Silver Spoon felt himself blushing a deep silver. Smiling he said, "Simply admiring your beauty my dear." Silver Spoon held both of Paintbrush hands and pulled them close.
♡Paintbrush POV♡
Paintbrush felt themselves melting in Silver Spoons arms. Paintbrush stopped to look at his face, he looked so... Confident! It made Paintbrush want to kiss him even more than before. What am I thinking?! Paintbrush still couldn't shake away the thought, they hardly could think at all anyway...They're bristles flamed from their flustering. Silver Spoon still held them, and the world seemed to pause when he held them. The sun lit up the lake in the distance and blossoms fell from the trees..."Theres something I've been meaning to tell you my dearest." Silver Spoon said, caressing their face with a new love Paintbrush believed was all for them. Paintbrush felt fluttering from inside them. They knew what he was going to say, and they waited eagerly for him to say the words. Silver Spoon looked uncertain for a moment, then snapped back to brimming with a new-found confidence. "I-It seems you have tripped me dearest, and I can't seem to get up now."
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