Friendly Fan Advice!(3)

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              ♡Paintbrush POV♡

Fan and Test Tube sat at the end of Paintbrushes bed. They both cast glances of pity towards Paintbrush, as if they wouldn't notice. It made Paintbrush burn inside, hopefuly not on the outside... They didn't need their pity...nor did they want it! "I'm so sorry Paintbrush, I wouldn't be able to believe it if Test Tube cheated on me with someone I never even met..." Fan nervously looks at Test Tube as if she was going to dump him at any given moment. Test Tube just nods, (how?) "Fans right, even though I, myself would never!" Test Tube glares at Fan, who guiltily looks away from her."I-I know...But umm, did-did um you-you Paintbrush, have like a fight with umm, her?" Fan quickly adds. "I'm managing fine by myself!" Paintbrush snaps, sparking a bit but not catching ablaze. Still, they looked away, sure they were annoyed at Fan and Test Tube right now, but still, they could feel themself starting to tear up.

         ◇Silver Spoon POV◇

When Silver Spoon checked in on Paintbrush to see if they were still being stubborn, they were crying their heart out yet again. Silver Spoon felt so sorry for Paintbrush... He had feelings for them back on III, but inevitably never caught on they felt the same, which just led to him... putting the game first, and losing them.(>:C)
He still knew that he loved them, but right now he understood Paintbrush proballyyyyy wouldn't want to jump into another relationship after what happened. But I am nothing like Lightbulb. Silver Spoon thought with a bolt of rage.

Fan and Test Tube waved goodbye to Paintbrush, as they left the hotel. "You know..." Fan whispers to Paintbrush before he leaves, "Lightbulb-she sorry about...You know she loves you." Paintbrush stopped waving and looked down sadly at the thought of Lightbulb. "FAN!! Sorry Paintbrush he just Cant.Take.A.Hint!" Test Tube dragged Fan away, and as they passed Silver Spoon who heard them say "So...I've never seen Paintbrush like that... When, I mean, if operation Lightbrush falls through,what about Paint...y and Silver Spoon? OH! FAN! YASSS!!!" the rest is just giggling. Fan and Test Tube give Silver Spoon a 'we know that look' look as they get into their car. Fan mouthes 'SilverBrush!' and Test Tube closes the window after noticing him and they drive off. "Hmph!" Silver Spoon huffs as Paintbrush walks up next to him.
"How do you put up with those...those..." "Nerds? Dorks? Indoor dwellers?" Paintbrush offers, "Well, I was going more along the lines of 'insensitive imbeciles,' or perhaps ruffians would suit them better... " Silver Spoon replies with a side smile to Paintbrush, expecting they'll call him out for being rude towards their friends. Paintbrush laughs and quickly covers their mouth to stop themself, a wiggly smile spreading across their face. Silver Spoon smugly smiles at them, and they punch his arm quite forcefully. "Shut it!.." They mumble, still smirking. Silver Spoon continues to smile back at them, while holding onto his arm because that really hurt and he didn't want to show it. The sun fading from the sky implies its near evening... And Silver Spoon can't help but think about how beautiful Paintbrush looks in the pink glow of the sun.
"C'mon," Paintbrush claps their hands together "I need some more break-up ice cream, that's the only good thing about having a new ex."Paintbrush says, rolling their eyes. Paintbrush then grabs his hand and pulls him with them to the hotel entrance. Silver Spoon sighs as he went back into the hotel, breaking apart from Paintbrush. He notices Cabby among the few objects around, and they make eye contact. Cabby wheels up to him and asked
"So...amusing visit?" she asks, clearly eager for gossip, but Silver Spoon can hear a twinge of jealousy in her voice. Probably from Test Tube not even looking at her. Hmm, I could probably get a favor out of that information... Silver Spoon snaps out of it, remembering that's how he lost Paintbrush the first time. "You know what I've noticed about Paintbrush?" Cabby pulls out a file, but upon seeing his expression, putting it back in. I wonder how much she's written about me and Paintbrush in there... "Let's keep this off file," Cabby laughs sheepishly. Holding her arms close to her as if she was controlling the urge to write down everything he had said. Silver Spoon watches Paintbrush take two cartons of ice cream from the fridge, and accidentally shutting Cheesy's hand in the door.
Cheesy looks like he going to cry, his small smiling face begging for death. "Well I guess its wrong what they say! I don't scream for ice cream!" knee slap. Paintbrush sighs, clearly annoyed.
Silver Spoon watched them lovingly, "It's so easy to fall in love with them..."

I drew this so you can all feel Cheesys pain :')

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