It had been 5 months since the incident. And Paintbrush has been feeling like themself again! But the someone who seems off this time, is
Silver Spoon...
♡Paintbrush POV♡
They thudded their foot repeatedly on the dazzling front porch. The same Chives with a bow-tie ran back over to the door. The last time when Paintbrush had asked him,"Why can't I come in!? We're friends! I'm telling you!"
Chives had simply given them a glare, and shut the door again. And when they got angry that stupid STUPID! Chives, he had ran away!
Paintbrush flamed up from anger once they saw the Chives return
"Okay," Paintbrush said in the calmest voice they had, Listen here Chives-!" Paintbrush stopped once they heard a voice, "Chives! scatter will you!" Paintbrush instantly recognized it as Silver Spoon. Chives cleared the way with a polite bow as Silver Spoon came into view, "I-I'm sorry my dear, Chives isn't the bri-SMART- Smartest!" Paintbrush laughed, not realizing their face was flushed. They stared at each other for a moment. "Did you...need something?" Silver Spoon asked Paintbrush. Oh! Right! "I need you to come with me!" Paintbrush yanked Silver Spoon, "Where are we going?!" he asked.
◇Silver Spoon POV◇
The roller coster in front of Silver Spoon and Paintbrush seemed reached to the stars. Silver Spoon shook in fear while Paintbrush flamed up, "This is going to be AWESOME!" They started running to the line, Silver Spoon trailing slowly behind them. For a moment, he had been sure that Paintbrush was bringing him to a calm, romantic, place so they could express their undying love for him. Okay, well not all that...just some. But he knew that unfortunately that wasn't something they would do.
"Ugh...." Paintbrush sighed after 10 minutes of waiting in line. "Can't you just pay for V.I.P?"
Silver Spoon looked at the long looping line infront of him. "Well of course I could... But I...Don't want to rob you on a lesson on patience!" Paintbrush looked at him smugly. "Is the royal advisor scared?" They crossed their arms, waiting for his response. "N-No! Of course not! HA me? Afraid? You-You're afraid!!" He said, trying to belive that it was true. Paintbrush burst out laughing, "Ah, c-chill out! You-your killing me here!" They continued laughing, "You're making of fool of yourself my dear..." Silver Spoon grumbled, looking away from them. Paintbrush wiped the tears off their face, They still giggled time to time but otherwise stayed quiet. "Don't worry-my dear!" Paintbrush teased, as they held his hand. He looked at their hands intwined and could feel himself starting to blush. "The worst thing that could happen is if we die! And Mephone can't respawn us...And we die forever..." Paintbrush trailed off. At that moment Silver Spoon wanted to walk away and never come back but he knew he Paintbrush would never let him, or anyone else, forget it. He gripped Paintbrushes hand harder, "If this doesn't kill you then I will." He warned Paintbrush, who laughed in response.
♡Paintbrush POV♡
"YESSS!" ٩(๑•̀o•́๑)و Paintbrush exclaimed as they and Silver Spoon got into the front spot of the roller coaster. Paintbrush found it hard to put on the seatbelt with Silver Spoon holding their hand so tightly. Paintbrush scoffed, they found it cute how much he was afraid(Couple goals!)
The coaster slowley started its way higher, and higher, and higher. Paintbrush could see Silver Spoon freaking out next to them. The roller coaster passed a cloud and finally it was at the top. Paintbrush flamed up, while Silver Spoon clung to them, saying "I swear after this I'm gonna-!" The roller coaster dipped over the edge and WHOOOSH!!!
Paintbrush screamed and held their arms up (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧while Silver Spoon cried and hugged them tightly ŏ̥̥̥̥~ŏ̥̥̥̥.
The coaster went around loopty loops, went upside down, and had a sheer drop that could make objects not wearing seatbelts fling away in the wind. It slowly came to a stop, and when Paintbrush got out they practically had to carry Silver Spoon to a seat in the shade. He was completely frozen in fear. Paintbrush held back some more of their laughter, trying not to smile...But they felt all warm inside.
Is this feeling... Nah! Its just the sun!...
◇Silver Spoon POV◇
Silver Spoon finally shook himself back into reality. Paintbrush was next to him, and they hugged him. "Ready to ride it again?" Paintbrush laughed. "Don't. Just Don't. Don't even joke about it, please." Silver Spoon shook in fear at the memories.
The walk back was a delightful one. All Paintbrush would talk about is how scared he was. Hand in hand, Silver Spoon wished he could replay their moonlit walk forever and ever... When they finally reached the front door, Silver Spoon begrudgingly waved good-bye to Paintbrush.
He watched them turn around, and start walking back to the hotel. Paintbrush then stopped, turned, and ran back over to Silver Spoon. They gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before they ran back home. Silver Spoon instantly started blushing.
D-Did that just happenΣ(///°□°'///)!!?
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