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"It's been awhile, Garth. How are you?" Browning asked as the man walked in with a different air about him. He felt light on his feet.

"I think it's safe to say that for awhile now I've been...happy."

"Oh? Find a stable relationship?"

"Yes, with Dr. Young. This change means that not only have I started dating again but she's nothing like the one's I usually toss myself into bed with. She's financially independent, no father issues to speak of as far as I know, and I doubt that there's an insecure bone in her body." Images from their first morning in bed together swam through his mind as he spoke.

"Well, congrats, Garth. That's quite the break from the cycle you've been weaving for yourself."

"I was moving through the cycle because I was I was worried about actually getting close to those women from before."

"Go on."

"I didn't think it was possible for me to be in a stable...anything. I'm a coroner with wonky, unpredictable hours and I could get called in at any time day or night. Annie knows that and she understands because her hours are rather similar. She's the first person I've actually opened up to without paying to see them, so to speak."

"Have you mentioned to her, your...starter feelings?"

"About the first time I saw her? Yeah, it was one of the first things we talked about the day we-" He chuckled.

"You know, I still don't know how we even got there."


"How we ended up flirting like that and talking about the actual act. I mean, first I'm in the friend zone as she openly tells me about her relationships, you know, when I ask and then I'm out of the friend zone and in bed with her."

"After her relationship?"

"Yes. After it failed. She didn't see it working out anyways. I met the guy and I know why too."

"Mind me asking?"

"Not at all. He intimidated her."


"You would think but no it was financially." Garth explained.

"I don't think I understand."

"She's fond of fast food and on their first date he took her somewhere really pricey."

"I can see how that would be out of her comfort zone. So you're really happy, then?"

"Yes, very."

"Have you talked to her about your mom?" That seemed to change tunes in the man and he sighed, gazing up at Browning, the guy that had subtly helped him stay intact with his humanity rather than letting him be all about his job.

"I need to talk to you about my mom." From there Garth told him about the phone call he had with his mother a few days ago while Anemone had been over.

"Well, this is new. Talk away." Garth had never spoken about his parents before as most of the appointments consisted of conversation about his job or relationship.

"My mother is all I have left and she's been around long enough to where you would think I would know her. If you'd asked me about my mom a month ago, I would've told you that she's a generous woman that frequently forgets her own husband has passed on. But the day I start a real relationship, she calls me up to let me know that not only has she finally started dating again but she's dating younger men. On top of that she sounded and acted like a completely different person and I don't know how to translate it all. Did she change or has she always been this way? That is the question that has been on my mind most whenever I think about her. I'm glad she at least calls me before she goes out on dates so that I know some basic information, but are her and I...switching rolls?"

"Is that how it seems to you?"

"A little bit. She sounded so much younger and different on the phone. She asked me if I was dating and I quote "another treacherous young gutter snipe". My mom, as far as I'm aware has never spoken those kinds of words-let alone in the tone she had."

"She told you to call her more often, so maybe you should call her and talk to her more to see if this was more of a sudden change or if she just felt obligated to not show the side of her you weren't used to seeing. At the same time, you don't call her often, do you?"

Garth sighed because it was true. He hadn't been able to find anything to talk to her about and was afraid that he'd see her and be wrong about her and not be able to understand the woman she was or had become. After his dad passed away, he was more worried about getting all close to his mom only to have to deal with it all over again once she followed after him. The fear of more loss weighed strongly on him, even as a man working as a coroner.

By the end of the day his homework was to first call his mother and then after awhile...visit her or invite her over.

"That has got to be the most progress we've made since you started seeing me. I didn't even know about your father or your relationship with your mother before today. I'm glad that you felt capable of opening up to me about this. Until next time."

"See you later, Dr. Browning." As he left the room, he wondered how Browning would react if he told him that he was working with a serial killer. Then he spotted familiar light brown hair seated nearest the door with her back facing him. One would normally assume she was a client or a relative of one rather than a therapist. For one to sit in the lobby of their own building after hours was rare as most didn't want to see or risk interacting with more people, especially after a long day. Even though they had been seeing one another for almost a month and known each other quite a bit longer, he found greeting her challenging. He didn't know what words to greet her with or if-

Aw, screw it.

"Hey." This was a lot easier than his mind had made it for him. Annie took her time looking up at him and once they locked eyes he noticed she had probably been deep in thought.

"Just finish for today?" She shook her head.

"Just a break. I have some time left if you want to hang around in my office until my next appointment gets here." She offered with a smile.

Garth followed her and as they made their way to her office he remembered something.

"I've never been in your office before."

"You haven't? Oh yeah, you haven't. How interesting. Then you have yet to see how OCD I am about my work space."

"I doubt it's that bad."

"I may not alphabetize my books or anything that would make what I have a real problem but I have a lot of time on my hands."

"Oh, I know you do."

"How?" She asked, her curiosity well hidden as she unlocked her office door.

"I've seen your work and am a bit of an admirer; out of pure fascination for their meticulous nature usually."

When Garth first laid his eyes on the interior of the room, he saw immediately why people were less likely to suspect her of her nightly antics.

"You get children in here?"

"Sometimes, sometimes they are more like an inner child of sorts. It is something to take one's mind off the severity of certain topics no matter the age. It all depends on what they like to do because the more they like it the more at ease they will be talking about it...that is, after they're comfortable enough around me."

"What do you mean inner child?"

"Hm, it is actually a lot more off base than that. Multiple personality cases with a child persona being one of the identities. I try getting medium sized legos and toys as safe as one can get a toy. No items a client can use to choke themselves or stab, cut- the works. I don't like the thought of being held liable for trying to help a client feel more comfortable only to have them take advantage of it and use a plastic fin of dinosaur or fish to cut themselves."

"Is that possible?"

"In the hands of a disturbed or depressed mind, just about anything can be turned into a weapon."

"Is that how you got scratched that time?" Garth was referring to the time she mentioned being able to leave early due a mark she received while with a client.

"No, that was one of their nails catching my skin and breaking it a little. They had filed their nails to make them rather pointy."

"Was it their first appointment with you?"

"Second. It was during a breakdown they were having. An internal battle from my perspective and I made the unprofessional mistake of reaching out to them to see if they were okay and could still hear me."

There was a beeping sound coming from the phone on the corner of her desk. It was an older one with a thick coiled cord. Anemone smiled at him as if she knew of the thoughts he had in his mind. She was careful but still had a phone in her office that particularly screamed dangerous in the hands of a client.

She knew that he was going to worry at least a little.

"Not to kick you out but my next client is here. I'll stop by later if you promise to be home." She stood up and hugged him. This was a first.

"I'm glad I was able to see you so early."Anemone beamed somewhat uncharacteristically.

"Same. I felt quite lucky to gain my courage and say hello." He smiled back delighted that he had an obviously positive impact on her day.

"Text me the time?"

"Of course. I wouldn't miss being lulled to sleep by your vociferous to the point of sounding nearly violent snores." He chuckled seeing her roll her eyes at him. This was ideal, this kind of interaction and atmosphere felt so unnaturally healthy.


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