Kaphter 35

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(Oo0h slightly longer chap today 😤👌 y'all welcome)

Mira's POV

( Before fight in cafeteria )
I squeaked at the boy as he looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

I asked him to follow me. And to my surprise. He actually did. That must mean he must have feelings for me! It was obvious.

He followed me instead of that big headed bimbo.

Before I could continue with my confession he spoke up.



"Your not fuckin allowed to call me Katsuki. It's Bakugou."

I gulped. This... doesn't sound good.Well I mean. I'm Mira! I also made it into UA! I quickly placed a strain of purple hair behind my ear. I looked at my feet then quickly back at his eyes...

They seemed so unimpressed. And just bored.

He was also extremely tall. Considering I'm shorter then that fat would be n ever cuter relationship!

"I- uhm..." I stuttered. When it comes to Katsuki. I've loved him ever since I saw him at the enterance exam. The way he took down every thing in his path. But when I went  to confront him. I saw him carrying a girl...

Little did I know.. that girl was her. His girl friend.

The thought of her made me sick...

Every time I saw her next to him I always said something. She didn't deserve him.

Every break, is try to speak to him, every time before and after school I tried to conjure the bravery to confront him.

During the UA festival. I went against his group in the Calvary battle...

He destroyed us. Took us out of the game as I fell to the ground from the large explosion. This only pushed me to like him more..l I wanted him... it felt as if I need him.

The thoughts of him subsided as I looked at him. Right then and there. He was infront of me now.

"I wanted to tell you what I've been holding in for a while.."

I paused as I sucked in a huge breath.

"I like you! I mean lot! I've seen you around and I've been in love with you from the day of the enterance exam. And I wanted to know how you felt about me!" I bursted out as I faced down. I felt a massive weight lift off my shoulders.

That confession would've won him over. Fuck that bitch. I looked up slowly, I'm positive he'll like me ba-

"Who the hell are you?"

His voice was harsh. My eyes widened. My soul felt shattered. It was being ripped apart from piece to piece.  I smiled slightly. Before I could say anything he spoke again.

"And besides that, I'm dating y/n. Go find some one else."

He shoved his hands in his pockets and left me there.... why her

Why fucking her....

I left. My eyes brimming with tears. I still love him. No matter what.

I left to the cafeteria...

Thoughts flooded my mind as I couldn't fully understand.

My childhood wasn't the cleanest. With my family being Never around... I knew why but I couldn't tell a soul. They were villains. He seems why I live by myself and the need to become a hero.

Why was it that she got everything.. a powerful quirk... a boyfriend I loved from the very beginning... a family who was at least there.

It wasn't fair..

And that's where I saw her smiling. And his hand on...her..thigh...

She made him Let go as she left with the trays in her hands....

Why did she... she of all people be blessed with everything that I don't!

I bet her families rich. And her quirk is powerful... hell her dad was electro!

Then it hit me...

Her parents were electro and a lady who graduated one of the best schools in Japan. They were well known....

It was simple knowledge about what happened to them. Every great hero was shaken up by it. By their death.

They died... the dad dying when an attack at a city occurred. And later the mother commiting suicide.

What ever. That was years ago.

She approached me and that was where the fight began....

Katsukis POV

(Also it's the weekend)

I woke up to a god awful sound...

It was screeching. Wanting me to tear at my own ear lobes.
I didn't want to face such a tragic sound. A sound that could cause the largest of men with the largest of egos to shiver.

I turned to face the noise. It's ear piercing scream getting louder every inch my arm went towards it.

I slammed down on the button.

Stupid fucking alarm. Why was that even on. It's the weekend...

I placed my arm back next my body as you wrapped around me. Your body stretched onto mine and our legs tangled.

How did this big gloof not wake up to the alarm? Was she fuckin dead?

I check her pulse....

Nah she's good.

Then my eyes widened... it was on because of tHE SHOPPING TRIP Y/n WANTED TO GO TO WITH THE CLASS.


She returned with a sickeningly sweet hum.

"Come on. We gotta get up..." I whispered as I placed my hand onto hers that was out stretched against my lower stomach. I rubbed my thumb over it ever so gently. Fuckin hell.

"Noooooooo five more minutes I swear." She whines as her hair moved slightly.

" no come one I need to take a piss. Can you move."

I just stared at the cieling as she starts to grip around my body harder.

"Hey- don't grip onTO ME HARDER."


"Get off of me nerd!"

She took a deep breath as she kept her eyes closed.


I let out a deep sigh mixed with a growl as she quickly rolled over so she sat on my lap. She then got onto all fours and hovered over my face.

She lowered herself slowly so she still propped herself up by her elbows.

"Hey~" her voice was soft as she whispered slightly.

"Hi... you know I still can't move."

" exactly"

"Fine. What do I have to do to get you off me."

" your so fucking predictable."

"Shut up." She smiled as she pressed her lips against mine. Her voice was so soft.

It felt as if it was happening for minutes when in reality it was a couple seconds.

She broke the kiss first as she looked into my eyes. Her e/c eyes could shine through the darkest of days. She was fucking beautiful.

"You're still not off of me." I whispered in a response as our faces were mere inches away.

"SIKE. Still ain't getting off of you." Her voice hummed as she lower head head onto my chest and hugged me tightly.

"Christ..." I hugged.

Fucking nerd.

I hugged her back as I sat up with her still tangled around me.

I stood up and scratched the back of my head rubbing my eyes and giving a slight yawn. All while she was clinging on to me.

I grabbed my phone and stood in the full length mirror and snapped a picture. I smirked at the picture and put my phone back onto the night stand. I stripped her from my body as my hands were under her arm pits. Her body sling down like a small yet lengthy cat. She just.... stretched...

Her eyes were half lidded and her h/c was knitted every where.

"Get ready. We gotta get to the mall in like. Half an hour. One on get ya ass up."'

"But I don't wanna... I don't wanna socialise..."

"I don't give a flying rats ass what you want, you agreed to do this and dragged me into your fucking mess. So if I have to go so do you."

She groaned when I placed her onto her feet, she was wearing some booty shorts and a singlet... I couldn't lie, her body suited it way to well. I wanted to keep her like this for myself. But she would be annoying after a while. I mean I live with her at the moment so I can't be complaining.

She finally cooperated as she brushed alto the tangle from her hair and put it in a low messy bun. (If you have short hair. Uhm... you do you ;))

I put on some clothes I thought looked good.

( I saw this and was like oh BOY SO HERE THIS IS WHAT HES WEARING.)

(Hey except you can imagine what ever you want...)

I put on some cologne and my shoes and propped my hoodie up. Not fuckin bad may I say. All those mall trips I went to with y/n really helped.

Now just gotta wait for her. Slow ass.

Your POV

I was placed on my feet slightly as I grumbled all the way to the bathroom. I brushed my hair and messily put it in a messy bun... (again short hair you do you)

I brushed my teeth and got into the room, choosing some clothes to put together. I looked onto the bed to see Katsuki. I'm the outfit I chose for him while shopping one time. He was sitting on the bed with him on his phone. I shrugged as I grabbed some clothes and went back into the bathroom.

Since it was coming out of winter. (Fuck man lucky bastards who actually have winter. I'm in 40 degree heat aka 100 f and over)

I put on a long sleeve shirt that hugged my body perfectly.  Followed by fish net leggings underneath some slight ripped jeans.

(Okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I love fish net leggings under ripped jeans. It's like my aesthetic )

(Kinda like this except some converse shoes)

I walked out with some cute alien socks on.

I personally felt like shit. I didn't want to do today. I didn't wanna do any day but I had to... I gotta get ready for the camp coming up in like 2 weeks.

Thinking about the camp gave me butterflies. I couldn't wait to do it.

I stood infront of Katsuki waiting for him to respond, he looked up and choked a little.

"Holy shit y/n. You can't go out fucking like that!" He semi yells as he stands up. He too, off his jacket and puts it around me. It hangs right above my knees as I looked up at him confused.

"Why? No. I'm fine." I retorted, giving him back his jacket and putting the shoes on. I grabbed my phone and placed it in my bag. Followed by my wallet and what ever I wanted.'
"Come one. We're gonna be late." I stayed in a matter of fact kind of way.

"What the fuck! It would be your fault!  Your annoying ass wouldn't get off of me!" He growled as I turned and faced him.

"You still love me." I stuck out my tounge slightly and made it down the stairs.

"Still annoying, none the less."

I rolled my eyes as I wished Mitsuki good bye. We walked down the street next to each other until we turned a couple of blocks down. I went of my phone and scrolled through some shit. Instagram mostly.

I got a notification on my phone saying.

'Lord explosion murder updated for the first time in a while.'

I quirked an eye brow as I looked at him.

"What did you post on Instagram?"

"I don't know... " he looked away as he smiles slightly.

I clicked on it and there I saw...

Me in my pjs clinging onto Katsukis body. He's wearing grey sweat pants and he's shirtless.

The caption was .... kinda cute...

"Hot mess with a hot bitch👌"

I liked it and apparently so did 285 others did in a span of half an ones at the comments to see Mina spam the fuckin area.


I smiled.

"Little shit"

"What ever." '

We finally made it to the shopping centre and we all met up in the food court.

The first thing I saw was a flash of pink run up to me and squeal.

"You guys are to cute!!!!" I blushed slightly and shrugged.

We all decided to go into two different groups. One for the girls and one for the guys. Nearly every one in the class showed up and we all agreed. Except for Katsuki of course but he needs to stop being a baby.

We broke off as Momo suggested a nice clothe shops nearby.

"Soo... Momo...." I said slyly placing both my hands behind my back and walking.

Her attention was on me now with curiosity.
"You and Todoroki.." that was all I said as her face erupted into a million shades of red.

"I- uh what about Todoroki-kun."

"You know what I mean." I said smugly as she was left a stuttering mess. The girls giggled and basically begged for the gossip.

It was obvious about those two. They always hung around each other and when voting for class president. He voted for her. And they just look awfully cute together.

We went into the stores. I bought some cute shorts and followed by some under wear. There was this cute red laced bra with matching under wear.

'Katsuki would love this...' was all I thought as I tried it on. It fitted perfectly against my  chest. Definitely would love this....

We all walked out with a newly bought clothes In hand and laughs in the air. This wasn't so bad.

Next was the swim wear. Except.

When we were walking down the shopping mall within the crowd I saw I mop of gorgeous orange hair with elegant long rich brown Wings. They kinda reminded of Rylin's wings. But I just shrugged it off. I walked along and I accidentally brushed shoulders with some one else.

The bags they held went every where and i couldn't help but turn around and help them.

"shit..." I mumbled as I continued.

"I'm so sorry! Here let me help you."

I crouched down and picked their bags and as I early got back up.

"Y/-...y/n?" It was a... familiar soft sweet voice, I looked up to meet with the purplish grey eyes.


I did it woof.

Also I'm just sitting here. Looking at the 100+ notification that I wake up to. Thank you so much for all the support and comments! I legit cackle when I see them 😂

Lastly don't forget the profile contest!!

Submit it to me on my instagram ( @dorkzyy)

And he cut off is in a bit over a week away!

Lastly if u don't have anything better to do... don't s-end that time reporting funny as comments. Their funny and meant as a joke. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️ ALSO I BROUGHT THEM BACK.

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