Oof I'm already on 10?! The heck
We both ran up the stairs, entering his room. His room has changed a bit while I was gone. He still had some All Might figures but he had new posters and new sheeting. It was nice.
I saw his bed, it was king single bed. It could fit 3 of me if I layed on my side. I smiled menecingly as I stared daggers into the bed. I made eye contact with Katsuki, while looking back down to the bed
"Don't you do it Y/n..don't you dare. "
I smiled continuing to look at him then the bed. the urge was to strong, I ran towards it and full on dived into the bed, feeling the fluffiness of the bed. It was so nice.
Katsuki tsked as he sat at the end of his bed. I just layed there, legs and arms spread like a star fish. I giggled as I turned my head to his direction.
"This is a nice bed! Do you... do it... On this bed too? " I snarked obviously making it sound dirty. His face turned bright red and he threw his hands everywhere.
"W-What! No fucking way!" I laughed.
"What so you don't jump on the bed? "
He gave me a death stare as I continued to laugh. His face was still a little red. I sat up quickly, I poked his cheek gently.
"Katsu-kun... Katsu-kun! " I whined while continuing to poke his cheek.
"What...the fuck...do you want? "
"I'm bored."
"Then jump on the bed or something. I don't know. "
"But Katsuuu-kuun. "
He looked at me and smirked. Taking me onto the bed and him on top of me, he decided to tickle all the spaces he did when he was little.
I was panting for air as I continuesly laughed, trying to get him to stop.
"Katsu...stop..." I said in between giggles as he slowly began to stop the tickling.
We stopped as we looked at each other. He was sitting on my lap, reaching over me,and I was slumped under neath him.
I went completly red. I covered my face with my hands as I internally screamed. Then an idea struck me. I don't know if katsuki is ticklish or not?!
I seductivly moved my hands from my shoulders Slowly down his chest. He showed as if he didn't mind what I was doing.
As my hands reached his quite muscular chest and I couldn't help but smiled. His face was a little red as I suddenly shoved him over making him lay on the bed. I had to move fast. I sat on his lap and pinned his hands down on the bed. This looked quite freaky but..
I smiled widely. I started tickling the guys stomach then his arm pits. Going for him to crack a smile. Eventually he started to smile. He didn't laugh but you could tell he was only slightly ticklish.
"Awww... you're not that ticklish are you Katsu-kun? "
He looked disappointed as he slightly pushed me off of him. He sat up and started to walk away, clearly frustrated.
"Katsuki? What's up? "
"Nothing... just leave me alone. " he half whispered and slammed the bedroom door as he went into the bathroom. I just sat there, dumb founded. What was the matter? Did I say something wrong? Did he not like being tickled? Did he have a dramatic back story on how he can't be tickled?!
I walked out and knocked on the door.
"Katsuki...did I do something wrong? "
No response.
"Katsu-kun? I'm sorry...for whatever I did. If you told me what I did I could apologise properly. "
Still no response. I sighed quickly facing a piece of paper and wrote my number on it.
I walked back to the bathroom and slid the note under.
"If you want to talk about it just text me...okay? " I mumbled the last part and started to walk down the stairs to be seen by Mitsuki and Hikaru having a chat.
"Hey Y/n! Where's Katsuki?" she asked.
"Oh he's in the bathroom. But I was wondering when were we leaving? "
"Oh I have work in 10 minutes so I can't walk you home and there's no light for you to protect yourself so your staying here for the night. "
"Oh okay...wait...WHAT?! " I paused slightly while continuing.
"Where am I going to sleep? "
Mitsuki had to think for a moment. I knew for a fact there was no guest rooms any more, they made that a study room.
"You could sleep in Katsuki's room? You use to do it when you were little so why not now?"
Hikaru nodded in agreement.
"I don't mind, but will he? "
Hikaru shrugged and so did Mitsuki as Hikaru stood up .
"I'm not sure but I'll pick you up in the morning alright Y/n?"
"Alright...fineee. Bye Hikaru. "I said giving him a hug them returning up stairs again. Suddenly my phone vibrated. It was an unknown number.
From unknown number
To :you
Where are you?
It must've been Katsuki as you texted back.
From you
To: unknown number
Sitting on the stairs infront if the bathroom. Where are you?
From unknown number
To: you
In the bathroom. Haven't fucking moved.
From you
To: unknown number
Taking a large dump aye? 😂
I snickered at my text as I heard a slight growl exit from the bathroom. I decided to get up from what I was doing and knock on the door again.
"Katsuki your mum says i'm staying for the night...and I have to sleep with you. "
No response.
"Why are you ignoring me? "
Suddenly there was finally a response.
"Because you fuck with my feelings, you did it again! Saying how your staying over just so I can speak. Fuck you"
I sighed. He's having a tantrum but when was I messing with his feelings?
Oooh...when I sat on his lap and touched his chest...ahhhh
"I'm sorry...but i'm really staying over, Hikaru had to leave for work and he said I could stay and since you guys don't have the guest room, she said I can sleep in your room. "
I heard a sigh as he unlocked the door. He was still upset. I could tell. But he went down the stairs now making eye contact with me as he walked away in a quick pace.
"Oi, is Y/n staying over?"
"Yes Katsuki, and she's staying in your room. I suspect no funny business." she raised an eyebrow, teasing the poor male. He stormed up the stairs and into his room. I followed as I sat on the floor.
"I'll sleep on the floor. I don't want to make you mad at me again..." I said, I felt bad. I didn't mean to hurt his feelings like that. But what feelings does he have to mess around with?
"No you won't. You'll sleep on the bed with me. There's enough room for the both of us."
I sighed in protest.
"It's fine. I don't want to make you upset...i'm sorry for messing with you earlier. " I apologized, looking down in regret.
He sighed. Rubbing the back of his neck while he walked to the other side of his bed.
"Just shut up, your sleeping with me. "
I can't fight this guy. But then I realised I didn't have a change of clothes. I was still in the clothes I came here in and they weren't the best to sleep in.
"Uhm Katsuki? "
"I don't have a change of clothes for tonight. " I admitted as he just growled in annoyance. He threw me a pair of trackies and an over sized shirt. I was way to small for his shirt but I guess it would do.
I didn't need new under wear as I had a shower previously before coming here. I walked to the bathroom and got changed.
What feelings was I messing with? Did he not like tickling or happiness? Did he like me? Pffft... he wouldn't like me...i'm to out of his league. I'm goofy and a cluts...but when I think about it...he is quite hot...like his abs and just his...wait NO STOP! BAD ME!
I snapped out of my thoughts as I finished putting in my shirt. It was obviously too big and I chuckled in the mirror...
I ran out of the bathroom and stood in front of Katsuki, lifting up my arms and laughing like an idiot.
"Look! I'm a flying squirrel!"
"You'll be a flying dumbass if you don't go to sleep. " he said sitting on the side of his bed. I looked at the wall clock to see the time.
10:38 pm.
It wasn't so late but I didn't mind. I slipped into his bed lifting up the covers and laying on my side, my back towards Katsuki. He turned of the light and slipped in.
My thoughts were racing.
We're in the same bed?! Oh gosh oh gosh... his face is just so cute and his arms are just... STOP!
But I gotta ask him what feelings I was messing with...
"Hey...Katsu-kun? "
He hummed in response as I turned to face him, my head laying on my hands as I faced his almost peaceful face.
"When you said I was messing with your feelings....what did you mean? " I whispered.
He cocked and eyebrow, slowly opening his eyes.
"What?" he seem to half growl while his gorgeous red eyes seem to glow towards me.
"You said I messed with your feelings in the bathroom...and I don't know what feelings I should stop messing with? " I gasped and my eyes widened.
"You don't like being tickled do you?!" I said as if I discovered a revolution. He looked at me as if I was an idiot.
"What? No you...you fucking...nevermind. " he stopped mid sentence.
"Nooooo~ Katsuki...tell me...please?"
He tsked as he closed his eyes for a second.
"I fucking like you. I've liked your stupid ass and only your stupid ass since we were little. When you came here fucking crying I didn't know what to do. I felt...I don't know...hurt. I felt hurt when you left when I was asleep and then you suddenly come back after 10 years asking for a towel? " he scoffed as he continued.
"I never had a girlfriend because I thought that maybe if I waited for you, you'd like me back and return for me. But I guess the fuck not. You just wanted to fuck with my feelings and pretend you liked me. Seriously for fucks sake. " his voice was soft and hurt.
He likes me? He didn't eat our favourite curry when I was gone. He never got a girlfriend... He put up so much just to like me...
My eyes widened slowly. I can't believe it, he just technically confessed to me. I like him back. He's damn hilarious in his own way and his body is just mmmm. (wuaahhaha I cringed there)
"Aren't you going to say something? " he broke the silence as I just looked at his blonde hair and smiled.
"I...like you too...Katsu-kun..." his eyes widened ever so slightly as he seemed to let go of the tenseness in his body.
"Are you fucking with me? If so I'll kick your as-" I cut him off as he was just about to finish his sentence.
"No... I really like you Katsuki. "
He smiled slightly as his cheeks was sprinkled with pinkness.
"That's good to hear...I mean who wouldn't fucking love me? " he said cockily. I scoffed and gently shoved his chest.
Later that night we stayed up until about 12 in the morning, talking about life when we were younger and how we use to train. He was gentle and soft when talking to me but before I realized it. I snuggled up against his chest, my head in the crook of his neck. I snuggled getting as much warmth as I could, listening to his calm heart beat.
It was so relaxing. My heart on the other hand was racing like crazy. I can't believe this is happening...
I was just about to close my eyes and sleep as a big arm closed any gap that I thought we had between us. I smiled into his chest while he snored softly.
I am in love...
OOOOF! hello! Sorry for not uploading in like 5 days! But warning! I'm going on a week long school camp from Friday to the next Friday! I won't be posting (maybe) for a whole week!!
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