UHM I edited the last chapter to fix since things up so it would make sense here! I'd you anyway read it the basics is that katsuki went to hospital straight after with Hikaru and he hasn't come home yet sorry for the inconvenience
Katsukis pov.
Did she?
Hikaru and I looked each other in the eyes. She rang just said I love you... To me? The fuck...
"well... Katsuki... " Hikaru Stated as I looked down at her body, slowly rising at a repetitive rate. My heart clenched. The fuck is this feeling?
"she did what talk about you at home.. I remember when she first came to my house after her parents died, she cried alot. I thought she was hopeless. She cried over mum, her dad she cried over her not being strong... She cried over you as well. "
His sentence pricked an interest in me as I looked up at the male.
"me? Why the hell? "
All he did was shrug. .
"I remember one night.. It was a year before coming back.she didn't want to come she was in tears. It hurt. And ask she would tell Me is that ' katsu-kun is going to be so disappointed in me'i didn't know who this katsu-kun was but she really cares about him. "
I didn't really respond. I had no need to. But before I even could say anything a nurse walked in, holding a clip board with great amount of paper work.
"Uhm, visiting hours are up. You can come again tomorrow if you like. " I looked out the Window to see it the sun already down and the night almost engulfed in darkness.
Hikaru slapped his legs as he got up. He started to walk out the room, not saying another word.
I looked up at the nurse and tsked. I got up and started walking out. I looked back at you and smirked.
You really are an idiot... My damn idiot
"I love you too... Get better you fucking idiot. " I stuffed my hands in my pocket and left.
I was walking home when I see Hikaru infront if me. He was significantly taller then I was, that pissed me off.
I heard quite cries from him as he continued to walk infront.
I frowned add I turned into my yard and entered my home.
"I'm home... " I semi yelled, taking off my shoes and walking inside.
"katsuki? Oh my god you... " the old hag mumbled running towards me.
"are you Alright? Got any broken bones? Cuts? "
I looked away from her as she cupped my cheek.
"are. You. Alright" I looked at her and growled.
"I'm fucking fine! "
She sighed in relief as she looked at me and grinned deviously.
Next she slapped me against the head.
"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR YOU OLD HAG?! " I barked holding my head with my arm.
"YOU HAD ME WORRIED! they said 2 students were in critical condition and so was 2 of the teachers! They didn't mention names, WHAT IF THAT WAS YOU! " she seemed upset yet angry.
"whatever... " I clicked mu tounge as I started walking to the bathroom.
Before I could I hissed before making it up the first step. I lifted my shirt to see my side completely purple and blue. It was when that stupid bird hit me... For fuck sake.
The old hag went to the window and stopped... Something catching her attention.
"is that Hikaru? " asked and I shrugged walking towards her.
"yeah... I thought he was walking infront of me."
"wait... Where's y/n? Why is he alone... "
I stood there in silence looking at the male sitting at the side walk. It's hit him hard...
"shes in hospital... She took a good beating today... She saved us, she saved me. She isn't frail... I think he took it harder then any one did. "
I looked up to see her expression soften.
I turned around. I needed to get this stupid costume off of me. I went to lift the top off while walking up the stairs only for the old hag to gasp.
"your stomach! You are hurt you soon of a bitch! "
I looked back and groaned.
"that's right. I am a son of a bitch. "
I smirked walking away.
I walked into the bathroom, taking off all my gear, seeing it torn and ripped.
I showered and got some sweats on and a black top. I scratched my head while walking down the stairs to see Hikaru in the kitchen and the old hag making him coffee.
"ah. Hello again katsuki. "
He looked startled as I looked down.
Fucking hell y/n... You better get better... This man is obviously faking apart not knowing if your going to be safe or not.
"she's going to be fine. " I said while he snapped his look towards me.
"I know-" I cut him off.
"she isn't frail. And if you trained her you should know that. She is a damn hero. A fucking amazing hero. She isn't going to die that is a fact and you should know and trust her. So stop sulking like a fucking baby. " I looked away as the old hag went to speak.
"katsuki?! That isn't a way to talk to some one who just had their kid get hurt! " she hissed.
"no... He's right. But Mitsuki you should've heard them... "
He raised his hand to his mouth telling damn secrets.
She perked up and smiled widely.
"I expect to be a grandmother."
My eyes twitched with anger.
"oh how she said I love you too you And while you were trying to be sneaky you said it back... " he says teasingly as the old hag smiled with this stupid grin.
I felt my hands and cheeks boil.
"whatever... " I walked into my room and slammed the door.
God dammit. That girl is going to be the death of me.
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