400+ reads?!?! dudes! I legit thought no one would read this 😂 and atm I'm kinda stupid. Im writing 3 books at one time. I'm just about to go on a week long school camp while trying to do Inktober for the whole month... Yes I am an artsy person as well.... But I'm trying super hard to upload all of them regularly so I decided to post every Sunday and Wednesday for this book! so yeahhh! Enjoy!
Today was the day that UA began, and today was the day where it all went down to hell in literally about 3 hours.
The first hour went down with the alarm never going off, followed by an angry Hikaru and only 2 hours to get ready
Within the second hour my bed hair couldn't be tamed, it took 45 minutes just to put it in a messy bun.
( again short hair can be what ever u want)
The next 15 minutes was trying to find my uniform and once I found it, it took me ages to find my tie and for it to actually represent a tie.
The last hour was me being nagged about how I should behave, and then breakfast time. In the short amount of time to eat breakfast, my hair was no longer in the bun I had, juice was every where, the toaster was smoking, Hikaru was a crying mess because 'she's all grown up'... . Everything wasn't turning out in my favour.
I looked up to see the small wall clock that hung in the living room.
"HOLLLYY SHIT IM GONNA BE LATE! BYE HIKARU! GOOD LUCK! " I yelled in a complete rush, grabbing my bag, and running out the door.
"language! And good luck? " was the last thing I heard from Hikaru that day.
As I was running, my hair flowing in a not so graceful manner, 'The only way I'll make it in time is if I condense light!'
I saw katsuki.. Casually walking with his hands in his pockets as I was condensing light, I stepped through it as I saw his gaze look at me for a split second, then I was gone. I was about 700 metres ahead of where he was. That put a massive strain on me, I continued to run, I turned a corner to see the prestigious high school.
I sighed in relief, walking casually in the school, I walked in the classroom, through the massive door. I wasnt really suprised, I saw massive people when I was living at Hikarus place.
No one was here? What? I looked at my phone
"8 o'clock?! I swore it wasn't 8 when I left the house? " I sat down in the front row on the very left, next to a window. I always needed to sit next to a window due to my quirk.
Suddenly my phone vibrated.
Katsukis pov
(and This is where I doofed up... Katsuki doesn't Know u have a quirk yet! In the previous chapters where he walked u home and took u to recovery Girl, he thought u fought with out a quirk, hence being injured so seeing you in a uniform puts him off!? Understood? Understood.. )
I was shoved out of the house early because the old hag said its good to make good first impressions.. Good impressions my ass.
I shoved my hands in my pockets, mostly thinking. Suddenly I hear quick pased footsteps, I turned to see y/n, running, we made eye contact for 2 seconds and then she was gone?
She was in a UA uniform? She did say she made it in but she was quirkless? She might be just in general studies. But even then she needed a quirk. Was she a late bloomer? Where did she go? How did she do that? What the fuck is going on here?
I snickered to myself. I'm over thinking it. I walked around a corner to see students starting to walking in. I kept my head up, not making contact with any one. There was a couple of snickers and whispers from chicks I didn't even know. I walked into the hallway and found the 1-A classroom.
I opened the door seeing a couple of students in there. One of them was y/n... She was just looking down on her phone, I walked in and sat behind her, I placed my legs ontop of my desk, until a tall blue haired prick started yelling at me to take them down.
I bet he'd from a fucking stuck up middle school. What a pain in the ass.
Y/ns pov brought to you by my lazy butt
I looked behind me, after finishing Hikarus massive argument over how I should clean up after myself and blady blady blah.
I see katsuki, sitting behind me... Getting yelled at by a Guy wearing glasses? He was chopping air with his hand, how strange?
"hey! Leave him alone. Katsuki, get your legs of the desk.. I have a head ache." I budded into the argument to see them both look at me, katsuki tsked bringing his legs down and then the male looked at me.
Now he was nagging me, after I heard the door open, I looked over curiously to see a brown hair girl and a green headed boy.
My attention to the boy mustve gotten the big fella to look over as well as he ran up to him and bowed.
He started talking about how he must've knew what the test was about or something? I looked closer... Is that?
"tsk... Fucking deku.. " he growled besides me while holding his head in his hand and staring daggers into the back of his head.
"deku? Wait! You mean Izu-kun?! " I looked over quickly to see the short male, I couldn't say short... He was the same size as me.
I looked over to see him so nervous and figgiting. Nothing's changed.
"IZU-KUN" I semi yelled, running up to him and tackling him to the ground.
"y-y-yn!" he stuttered but he hugged back.
"What are you doing here! It's been so long! "
"it's been not even two weeks. "
We both just layed on the ground before we looked up to see a yellow caterpillar?
"get to your seats. "
My eyes widened as I squealed, jumping up and running to my seat.
"it took you 8 Seconds to settle down... Now... "
I was lost... He? Was our teacher? He looked strangely familiar?
Suddenly every one was getting up from their seats and leaving.
"katsuki? Where is everyone going? " I questioned.
"weren't you fucking listening? We're doing quirk tests or whatever... Get changed into your track suit and meet him on the field... " he said shoving his hands in his pockets and leaving, I followed close behind him until we had to separate to get changed.
I made my way into the field. Followed by a hole bunch of other students. I guess this is my new chance of making friends?
We started beginning and we're basically doing primary school activities but with activating our quirks... This should be fun including how some one is going home of the come very last. And now I'm freaking out.
First was katsu-kun, he had to through a ball and use his quirk.
He stood there, and had this massive smile plastered onto his face.
"DIIIIEEEEEEEEE" he shouted, followed by a mass explosion and the numbers popping up 753.5...
Holy shit. Every one gasped in amazement as the young teen came back and stood next to me and a red haired boy.
"wow bakugou! That was so manly! "
"tsk whatever..."
I smiled as I nugged him.
"cmon katsu-kun, hes giving you a compliment! Your the best here I know it! "
The red headed male and I smiled as his face seem to scrunch up.
"I'm not the best... I came second it the entrance exam. Imma fucking roast who ever beat me. "
I gulped... I'm doomed.
We walked over to the running track. With this... I'll totally win. All I gotta do is condense the light and step.
I was up first against a pink chick and the brown hair girl from before, she was with Izu-kun?
"ready! Set! "
I felt eyes surrounding me, I held my hands up, and started condensing light.
"GO! "
I stepped through and passed the machine. It buzzed as it spoke in a monotone voice.
"0.98 seconds"
Every one gasped, katsuki looked utterly confused. I did get my quirk a day after I left him..
After a couple of events me, katsu-kun And todoroki?
Well I think that's his name any way.. But we were tied for first.
All we had was the ball through and katsuki already went so if I don't beat him... I'll loose for sure
Izu-kun went up, he went to through the ball, he seemed like he was charging up?
Then the ball flew... And landed 67 metres from where he threw it. I sighed.
"poor Izu-kun.. " I whispered.
I looked up to see Aizawas hair, floating around followed by his scarf... He was terrifying... No doubt about it, wouldn't wanna mess with him.
"I erased your quirk... You don't want to injure yourself and remain injured and hope for your comrades support? "
He paused while Izu-kun looked terrified.
"I've returned your quirk... Try again.. "
It seemed like we both gulped in union.he took a deep breath. He took his stance and Threw it.
With great force, air seem to push it forward as the ball was off... My mouth gaped open.
"HOLY COW! " I exclaimed
Suddenly katsuki got mad... I mean real mad he was actually held back by the teacher.
"what the hecks wrong with him? " the red hair boy asked me, I faced him slowly taking my eyes of the angered male.
"well... I knew both katsuki and Izuku when they were young and Izuku and I never had a quirk, I was late bloomer but the doctor actually said he was going to stay quirkless... So I'm guessing we're both suprised?"
He nodded and replied a second later.
"ahh! I forgot! My names Eijirou Kirishima! " he held out his hand.
I smiled shaking it.
"y/n l/n.. Nice to meet ya kirishima! And also your hardening quirk is amazing! " I started to do a little fangirl over his quirk.
"thanks! It's manly! But what's your quirk again? I can't really understand it"
He question I smiled, not many do until I use a beam.
"well I have light manipulation! I can condense it, shoot it and even create holograms! "
I could tell he was impressed, but our conversation was cut short as I was Next. This was my chance to show every one that I deserve to be a hero. A hero my parents would be proud of.
I thought of different ways I could throw it. I could shoot a beam? Condense light?
I smirked. Perfect
I got into my throwing stance, I practiced this with Hikaru, and it actually works. And since this is my last event. I can use the rest of my energy on this!
I condensed the light for a 700 metre through, that's as far as I can do at this moment. I fired up my left hand and threw the ball, using my beam to push it through the condensed light, the beam carried the ball a while longer until it fell.
I breathed heavily, placing my hands on my legs, gradually catching my breath.
"1289.42 metres"
I smiled like an idiot. I did it.
"wow! That was amazing!"
"what the hell?! "
"shes crazy! "
Every one's voices made their way through my ears.
"What the hell? " his voice growled... He wasnt happy...
"first Fucking Deku with his quirk... Now you? And you beat me? What the fuck is going on here y/n!"
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