Chapapapatatatateeer thertay nuuune

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"Look after each other.. got it!"

"Yeah yeah we understand." Zavier said sluggishly as I stand in front of the door way to my house. His eyes had bags under them and he was scratching the back of his neck.

"Well. We'll see ya in a week if you're still around." I hummed with excitement tangled in my voice. He just nods and waved as Rylin said his goodbyes.

I left with the suit case rolling against the ground, making that repetitive rumbling noise. (You know that noise? Right?) I had a goofy smile plastered to my face while Katsuki had that same old bitch face.

"You excited?" I asked as I tilted my head upwards to face him.

He just shrugged followed by an 'I guess'

I frowned but that soon faded when I saw the group infront of the bus at the one and only UA. I ran up towards Mina with my hands waving like an idiot.

"Heya Guys! You guys ready for this training camp!" Mina shouted, directing it towards the two of us.

"Yeah! We get to show off how bad ass we are." I mean it's not bad to have confidence. But man were we getting cocky. It was just spur of the moment I guess.

We all started talking as a large group until Aizawa walked out and he was in his usual attire. Black, black and heck is that,.. a grey? Wow that's new. I chuckled at the random thought In my head which gets me some weirded out looks, which shut me up quickly.

"Alright shut up. Put your bags in the bottom of the bus and just get in." He mumbled nearly the entire thing while he just walked onto the bus with his posture slouched slightly. I shrugged as I just yeeted that bag onto the rack and ran into the bus so I could be one of those cool kids. Ya know. The ones in the back seats of the bus.

But some how. Some how.

Denki, Sero, Kirishima, Mina and Katsuki were already there.

"The hell did you guys get there so fast! And Katsuki! Why didn't you save me a seat?" I fake pouted as he just smirked at me and tilted his head up as he was trying to be intimidating. Little shit.

They all laughed as they started to talk to one another except for Katsuki.

" Well I mean." He paused.

"You can sit on my lap if you want."


"Ha knew I- wait what?!"

'I'll sit here thank you, next to... Deku." I said slyly as I sat next to the green headed male. I smiled as he started talking about how excited he was.

I could just feel the heat coming from the male but stuff him. I could feel the bus start and the engine warm up. Then we were off.

"So how's your journal going Izu-kun?" I questioned prying over his shoulder to see him still mumbling and scratching in notes.

"Izuku?" I asked again as he finally snapped out of his sketching. How does he write so neat? Especially on a bus?

He stopped his constant mumbling as he quickly started waving his hands around frantically.

"Oh! I'm sorry y/n! I totally didn't notice you speaking to me! I'm sorry!"

I couldn't help but laugh as he threw his hands over his head.

"No no you're fine man! I was just asking how your journal was coming along." I spoke with a soft smile as he relaxed.
"Oh it's going really well! I'm kinda nearly out of room though. " his voice went soft as the bus bumped up.

We sat in this comfortable silence as I felt his nervous stare on me.  I gave out and slight sigh.

"What's up Izuku?"

"Oh! Oh! Uhm. I was just wondering why you werent sitting with Kacchan? "

"WELP he didn't leave me a seat and I wasn't going to sit on his lap for his satisfaction. " I gave out a humph as I turned and gave him the stink eye followed by me sticking out my tounge.

Katsuki caught this and flipped me off with the rude finger. I decided to act shocked as I turned around and faced Izuku who just witnessed everything.

"Well.. That sounds like Kacchan. " I chuckled at his comment as the bus came to a stop.

"Oh? I think we're taking a toilet break. " I said as I rose from my seats and off the bus,  stretching my arms behind my back and letting out that dying whale noise.

"What's up your ass? "

I turned around as saw Katsuki with his hands in his pockets.

"Well definitely not you~" I cooed as he just looked at me. Shock written all over his face. He started rambling random words as I walked away.

But then a couple of seconds went by and a group of heros jumped by. They were wearing cat ears? And tails?

They looked cute until I saw the big fella. Wow.  He's... Big. Like he's tall and very muscular.

Imagine trying to take that dude down. He's not as scary as versing all might But that would hurt..

But why are they here?

(oh shit I need to rewatch the anime to get this part right. ... AHH THAT MEANS I NEED TO DELAY THIS CHAPTER EVEN MOREE FUUUCKKK)

ya know what I don't wanna put u guys off any longer do Imma post this shit chapter that I was finally planning to add a little action and now I can't because I CANT REMEMBER WHAT THEY SAY SOO I DONT WANNA GET YELLED AT BY THE READERS SO YEEEET.

I feel so bad waaahahahahaaaaaa I wanted to get a good chapter out

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