After story: perty 5

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Y/ns POV

I laid on the bed. My arm stretched out over the bed while the other rested on my my forehead as I just stared at the ceiling fan as it slowly rotated. The house was dead silent as Katsuki wasn't home yet. I sighed, anticipating the minute he walks in. What will I say? What will I do?

I shook my head aggressively and sat up. An immediate wave of sickness washed over me. Woah..

"Don't sit up so quick, stupid" I cursed at myself as I face palmed slightly. I reached for the remote that lasted across the other side of the mattress, clicking the on button and watching random channels that caught my eye.

I landed on the news.

"Oh it's Mina!"

She was being interviewed by the press. She helped capture some bank robbers. I couldn't help but smile at her excitement in the matter. She was jumping slightly. I listened to the story being told. Not noticing the sound of the door closing, followed by some footsteps.

I hunched overs little as I used my palms to rest my chin.

"... ello?... hello?! Y/n~"

I snapped out of my daze and jumped back a little. My eyes quickly fixated onto the sudden voice to see the one and only Katsuki leaning against the bedroom door way. My face lit up I'm a bright red fury, I gulped harshly. The thoughts of what I discovered rolled in my mind competitively.

"Wow your red... did I catch you watching something-" he smirked as he tried to see what I was watching only to realise it was the news. He paused for a moment and slowly looked back at me.

"Wow y/n. Aren't you so rebellious. The news. Wow. How dare you." he spoke sarcastically. With a dead panned look spread against his face. I smiled a little, still flustered.

"Wow you sure caught me!" I laughed it off as he just shrugged and flopped onto the bed, then wrapped one arm around my lap.

"How was work?" I asked while starting to stroke his hair softly. His head slightly going back with each stroke. Heh... I knew he liked the pats. Despite what he said at the beginning.

"Fucking slow. Stupid extras couldn't get their shit together." He growled slightly as he tensed slightly. The room was filled with silence for a couple of seconds as Katsuki turned his head slightly.

"What about you?"

I turned to face him. His ruby eyes glistened as his lips was left in a semi pouting position. I couldn't help but admire him. He is just... beyond beautiful. Then I couldn't help but to think about  what happened... a baby...  I wonder what they'll look like? Will they have his eyes? His hair? All these questions popped up. But suddenly dispersed as Katsuki spoke.

"Wow. Your off in fuckin fairy land huh? What happened today?"

I readjusted my gaze back to the figure.

"Uhhh nothing much. Just watched some news. All that junk."

He looked st me for a second. Analysing my position and my face. It was if he could look straight through me. I sucked in a breath.

"Your hiding something."


"What?no I'm not? I would never hide anything from you... Wow! Look at the time! It's time to make dinner!"

I got up and dashed to the kitchen. Not even listening to what he had to say next. Wow. Bravo me. You did great. 100% secretive. He would not suspect a thing. I took a deep breath in and out.

"You never wanna make fucking dinner...." his voice appeared from the bedroom, as he continue to lay on the bed

Shhiiiiiiiiit.... (heheh you know when all might swore? That... that's what I'm referencing here)

"Well. I can't get better if you keep cooking." I retorted with a matter of fact voice. As I grabbed some two minute noodles from the cupboard and a pot, filling it half way with water. Can't cook? As if. I can make a good frickin two minute noodles.

After a couple of minute. I walked in the room with two bowls of some mean ass noodles. Cooked to perfection.

"Holy shit. Probably best thing you have ever made." He spoke as a smile poked at his face. I punched him slightly in the shoulder as he started engulfing the noodles. Like there was no vibes here. Just chaotic energy. After a couple of seconds. I looked at the noodles then back at him.

"Hey Katsuki."

"Hey y/n."

"You wanna know the best thing we ever made?"


"A baby..."

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