After story: chappy eightyyy

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A/n: wassup hoes! I'm back again! And imma say...

Happy birthday Katsuki!! I I'm not proud of myself as I kinda forgot and remembered at 10:26 pm (20.4) when this is being written.

Any way! I've read some of the comments and I've decided a name and a quirk!! You guys will just have to read to see what they are...

Katsuki's pov

"Isn't she beautiful?"

Her words seem to echo in my mind... this was the first time meeting that little... gremlin thing.... yet after looking at her... for less then a second. I swear the love I have for this thing multiplied instantly. I felt tears well up and I couldn't hold those bastards in. She was so beautiful... like her mother.

A small genuine smile formed on my face as I walked over. Y/n looked utterly exhausted. I mean who wouldn't be. I would definitely be tired after that shit. Fuck that.

"She is... congratulations... you did amazing." I whispered as I bent over a kissed her forehead softly. I looked down with pure admiration at this child. She was so small and tiny yet her e/c (she has your eyessss) swirled and held such beauty in them. It was definitely love at first sight,..

"Can... can I touch it?..." I questioned trying to be quiet. Me quiet? The fuck....

"It?" She laughed with her eyes closed.

"I mean her... you know what I mean."

She couldn't help but laugh as she handed the little ball over to me as I sat on the seat next to the bed. Shortly after you could hear y.ns soft snores. Y/n is an absolute gift to this world. She is everything I've ever hoped for. She has saved my life times and she is the strongest person I've met. Not only this. She has brought this little treasure into this world.

"Hey there little guy.. " I gazed down. She gazed back at me. Her eyes full of wonder and curiosity. She gave a large smile and laughed. This brought an instant smile to my face. What the fuck.... she's so perfect... how did Il some one as angry and ugly as me bring such a wonderful and beautiful creation to life.

"I'm assuming you're l/n's husband?"a nurse spoke quietly as she saw the sleeping figure in the bed next to me.

"Yes, I am.." I saw the nurse walk over. She held a clipboard and a pen.

"Are you ready to name the child??" She asked almost monotoned.

I gazed down once again...

" yeah.... Akari... Akari Bakugou" I smiled. She is like a ball of light.

"That's pretty." She smiled after jotting down the information. Her smile was pure and small as the nurse walked out.

"Hey little squirt. Welcome to the big bad world. But down worry. Your dad is gonna protect you... no matter what."

Time skipppppp of like 4 weeks brought to you by sleep deprivation and haikyuu, a fan since '17.

Your POV
"Have you seen Akari's blanket? I can't find it any where!" I yelled from inside Akaris bedroom. Hoping for so,e sort of answer from Katsuki.

"No I haven't. Have you seen my tools tho? I need to fix my gauntlets again." He growled as he tossed some stuff around. Looking after Akari has been tough. But so far totally worth it. She has my eyes yet Katsuki's dirty blonde hair. She has his sharp yet soft features. I couldn't of imagined something perfect.

"No , sorry Katuski.." I trailed off as I looked back to see if still throwing things around.

"Hey are you going on patrol again?" I questioned as he stopped and looked at me.

"I found the blanket. And yeah. I've had way too long off." His voice decreased I just turned immediately with a deadpanned expression.

"You have been away for too long?"  I raised an eyebrow as he turned to me.

"Yeah well.... " he tried to say something but couldn't think of anything.

"Soon I'll be back tho. I need to start training again..."

He looked back quickly, placed the folded blanket on the couch.

"Wait a bit longer."

"What? Why??"

I missed being a hero... I love staying home and looking after Akari as well. But the feeling of saving some one. The feeling of being able to fight against something. It was a remarkable feeling. It pained me to be away from it for so long.

"You are still recovering dum- I mean." He stopped half way as he realised Akari was still awake in her cot.  He wasn't going to swear infront or any where near her.

"You are still recovering from giving birth to Akari.. just a little longer. For now just do some basic stretches to keep you flexible and fit." He spoke calmly, I sighed. I knew he was right. And hey I get to spend time with Akari!

"Okay, thank you" I placed a small genuine smile as I walked over and lifted the small baby from out of her crib.

"Look over there honey. It's your daddy in his big super hero outfit. Isn't he cool?"

She busted out in pure laughter. Her smile was so bright and bubbly. Her smile was so contagious. I couldn't help but laugh. And neither could Katsuki.

"Aren't you the fu- gosh darn cutest."

He's trying,...

I handed the small bundle to him as I cleaned up some toys.

"Okay y/n. I gotta head out. I'll see you and the little squirt tonight."

I smiled as he placed his gauntlets on and headed out after giving Akari back.

"What are we gonna do now huh?" I talked to her. As if she was going to respond.

"Play time? Yeah? Yay!" I giggled as I made her 'fly' across the room. Her squeals of delight filled the room. I placed her down infront of the toys and started cooking. Me cooking? I know. It's crazy.

I have actually improved since the last time. I have had ALOT of spare time on my hands after leaving the hero bis for a few months.

I flicked on the tv and watched the news. Nothing new which is good. Until a a couple of interviews came on.

"Hey look honey! It's your uncle Deku and Todoroki! " I pointed as I walked over to her and sat down with crossed legs infront of the tv.

"Is it true you're still together with Shoto???"

"Yeah! We've heard you guys have been together since high school!"

Tv reporters flooded the two men. Over the years, Izuku has gotten taller. Taller then both Katsuki and Shoto. He has gotten a much larger build. But Katsuki was not far off. He was evenly the same build. While todoroki wasn't as large. But he was still just as powerful. They weren't the next big 3 for nothing.

"Hahaha yeah it's true. I'm sorry but we got to go." Izuku blushed and walked away awkwardly smiling and waving goodbye followed by the neutral Todoroki.

Next was Katsuki.

"Look! It's daddy!" After saying this Akari slowly looked at the tv and saw her dad talking infront of flashing lights and mics all up in his face.

"Ground zero! Ground zero! Why have you been away for so long?"

"I was looking after my newborn and wife." He spoke fast and calm. He was never great with cameras.. he looked so tense the big goof.

"A baby?! Is it a boy or a girl!"

"No comments."

"What's their name!?"

"No comments"

"Can we see the baby!"

"No. I'm leaving."

He was gonna explode....

"Hey Akari. Let's go look at toys in your room huh?"

As soon as I picked her up and turned off the tv. You could hear half of what he was going to say.

"Can You guys just fu-"

Hahaaaa that was lucky. He tried so hard... so far. Akari has gotten a lot of visitors. Every one from Class 1-A has come visit her and some from 1-B too. Same with some of the teachers. They all remarked how she definitely was Katsukis daughter. And I couldn't help but smile.

She really was his daughter. And I could not be happier.

A/n again! Weew! Soooo I'm on 900k readsss... that's almost 1 million.... I am crying....

Any way!!! This is just a lovely little filler where we meet Akari!!!! Yay!!!!!! Her quirk will be revealed later later. Like.... 5 years time 😂 not legit but ya know.

Next chapter imma do another time skip. But this time Akari is 7 months and y/n is gonna go on her first patrol since Akari was born!


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