Tokoyami stood emotionless, he wasnt even facing me?
Midnight went over the basics one last time as she raised her hand.
"okay ready!! " it seemed as the crowd held it's breath and finally realised once the words left her mouth.
"GO! "
From his other match I saw, he attacks straight away. And he usually uses dark shadow. So with dark shadow at its lowest possible strength I might have a chance. Let's get this started.
I took a deep breath and used the light surrounding me making a hologram.
I knew making the male blind won't accomplish anything as dark shadow send to be a persona all in its own. I ran down around, mixing up who was who and who was real so it was harder to guess.
Immediately dark shadow chased us at random. Trying to use brute strength to push me out of bounds.
Dark shadow slammed into my hologram making it disappear.
I clutched my hands together, shooting mass amount of light towards tokoyami knowing his shadow would protect it.
I'm beginning to pant yet I could hear the cheers from the crowd... And not a single one was for me.
"it looks like she's teasing him? "
"wasnt that chick who yelled at us and tried to protect a monstrous boy? "
"LOOK AT HER! no way she can win. "
I smirked widely. Now with all these judgemental assholes, I Can show them.
While getting closer to the male I felt my adrenaline rise. The need to win over powered me.
In a flash. My hand raised and closed my eyes as I made it next to tokayami.
A sudden bright light emitted from my palm for about a second, but expect to disorientate the poor male until he clenched his first, Smashing it against my stomach. I stood back and took a swift kick to his side, making him fall a bit.
He seemed down but dark shadow came around until I held my arm up. Letting it glow brightly as dark shadow grew smaller.
Now it was a physical fight...
I condensed the light ahead and shot a beam through it. Hitting his left shoulder blade, I then stepped through the light. I flipped over, making him confused and took my fist and dug it into his lower back.
A grunt of pain was heard as he turned, doing a full left hook into my jaw, causing to me to hit the ground.
Then I felt something running down my face. was it my quirk over use?!
I felt where it was coming from and it was a bloodied nose. I wiped it and smiled running back into the fight. Blood smeared my face. This was fun honestly... I'm not sure if he could say the same but right now.
It was fun.
Katsuki pov.
Dammit... She's strong.
She was sparring with the Shitty bird then when suddenly she was punched in the face knocking her down. I sat up and saw her rise almost instantly with blood coming down her nose.
I tsked.
"they seem about evenly matched... "
"I think tokayami will win! "
"yeah... But hes really good at fighting and I haven't seen y/n fight... "
"but she's smiling? She seems like she's treasing him... "
I growled as I crossed my arms. "would you shut up you fuckers! She's strong and she will win. So shut up and watch"
They all gulped and faced the fight.
She jumped straight back into it. Kicking him swiftly and then only to get hit again until...
She roared, picking the male up and throwing him throw I'm thinking light and he smashed outside the boundaries.
A grin pulled at my cheeks. She really did just copy me?
What a fucking loser.... My fucking loser .
I walked out of the stand and down the hall. Since she saw me after the fight I should probably see her.
I shoved my hands in my pockets and looked around. Until I felt a something creep up my arm. I jolted around to see y/n, smiling widely like a good ball. And blood across her face.
"did ya see that! I'm into the next round yeah baby! " she yelled pumping her first.
"you totally copied me. That's how your won" I smirked as she looked at me confused.
"oh yeah! When I was fighting I heard all these nasty comments and one compared you to me Sooo.. I did that! "
She was way too cute... Way to good for him. Strong,loving, happy.
In the spur of the moment I brought my head down. Connecting our lips in a quick amount of time. She jolted but then relaxed and started to kiss back.
I couldn't fight the urge not to... Look what this bitch is doing to me.
I released quickly as she slowly opened her eyes.... Fuck her.
"that was sudden katsu-kun~"
My face flushed a little as I looked to the side.
"oh What ever... You did really well out there... Now Uh go to fuckin recovery girl because if I'm going to verse you then I want to beat you at your best" I smirked, walking up the stairs to the waiting room.
I smirked. Damn this girl. She's going to be the death of me I swear to god.
my face went red as his eyes. He just...
He just kissed me!?
He seemed nervous... And igity (is this a word? IDK)
But I never knew he would do it...
I looked up at his face, it was pretty red as well.
That just gave me an amazing idea.
I walked over to recovery Girl, I entered her room to see about 9 other students in the room. Including the purple hair male from before. Shinso?
I looked down trying to avoid eye contact. But I visited the old woman as she told me to be seated.
"ah your back again? This is the second time so you might be tired. But since your not that badly hurt it shouldn't be to bad okay hun? "
I smiled and nodded as she gave my forehead a massive smooch.
A wave of tiredness hit me then soon left seconds later.
All of a sudden I heard mass explosion go off so I ran towards the window to see a cloud of smoke and cement shattered every where.
I looked around... Todoroki? This was izu-kun and Todorokis match right? What happened?!
I looked around to see Todorokis body standing in the middle of the platform. Half of his track suit ripped And my eyes soon trailed to midnight walking over to a body laying limp with his arm smashed... And Purple.
"izu-kun.... " I muttered as recovery stood next to me.
"ah him again... I suggest you go down to your match... Isn't it against that young bakugou soon? "
I smiled weakly.
"yeah... Wait no I'm versing Iida then who ever wins out of todoroki and katsukun"
She looked at me as I muttered his nick name and just shrugged it off.
I turned around and walked out the door... I hope he's alright.
I walked into the waiting room.
Only for Iidas name to be announced.
I ran to the gate just in time to present me again.
I was breathing heavily due to the little sprint I just did.
But as soon as I walked out there I heard the women yell 'fight! '
My eyes adjusted to see Iida running full speed towards me. My body seem to flinch as I stepped to the side to hear the male skid to a stop. Holy shit! So fast!
I turned around to see the navy haired male. His glances did the anime thing where the seem to glimmer.
But the match finished as soon as it started.
Every one clapped and roared like crazy.
"that automatically places L/n y/n into the finals! "
After that I looked back at Iida who seemed stupidly shocked.
"if only I hadn't rushed into things! I bet you saw that and decided not to move! That's why you seemed so focused! Congratulations on the win y/n!" he said formally holding out his hand.
"yeah... My plan the entire time... Yeah" I was sweating profusely.
I shook his hand as I walked out....
What Amazing luck I suppose.....
I breathed heavily. Wow. Still in shock.
Now it was katsuki Vs todoroki and I was nervous because I knew how much katsu-kun wanted to verse him and for him to use his all.
I walked to the stands. Not needing to see recovery Girl or anything. Every one seemed to look at me and then looked back onto the platform.
What was that look?
Oh well. I walked to the front to see explosions emitted and ice going every where "GO KATSUKUN! "
as soon as I saidit he looked up and in those 2 seconds he looked at me he was engulfed in ice. My breathe hitched.
Then I heard yells and small explosions.
Every one gasped. Waiting for the next response and the next move of the young male.
"DIEEEE! " he yelled so every one could hear as he barged through the nice
i sighed... He wanted to show Every one that he could be a recommendation at their fullest only to be given half.
I know the feels man...
Next his hand throw explosion after explosion. Next todoroki became out of bounds making bakugou go to the next round and todorki placing 3rd.
I cheered louder then any one as he walked off he was extremely mad. His hand shoved into the pockets of his track suit and walked away.
I sighed I didn't want to talk to him because I knew I was versing him next. He was given a 30 minute break after the previous battle so I have time to think about what I was going to do
And the only thing that racked through my mind was to go straight in. Use all of my energy at once to attack at my fullest. That's what he would want me to do any way.
"your going up against kacchan now right y/n?"
I looked at the broccoli head as he looked nervous Holding onto a sketch book.
"I can help you b-beat him! I got a plan that would w-work great with your quirk! "
"no I'm good izu-kun. I already have a plan. " I smiled reassuringly.
This plan Didnt just consist of going my all. I got a perfect distraction that would hopefully work.
"o-oh right! Any way I'll be cheering for you! " he reassured with his smile. It was always so sweet and comforting. I tried to return my smile with out seeming scared .
This plan... It's hopefully going to work. But if it doesn't I might die. Right then and there. I see it now.
My tombstone is going to say.
"she tried but could not tame the blonde sonic the hedgehog"
Ahhh yes... Lovely.
we were announced. We faced each other as he seem to click his tounge.
This is going to decide who is better. Me or katsuki. I gulped.
I had this plan and now that I think about it. It may not work. I smiled at him and waved goofly as he smirked back. He was trying to act tough and I knew it.
Every one was going nuts. Cheers erupted the stadium, both students and heros. Some rooting for the male and some rooting for the female because hey? Who doesn't like a strong female.
Midnight walked onto the side and again reintroduced the rules to us as if we hadn't heard them several other times.
She raised her hair and a new type of feeling rushed through me. I was nervous and excited
As the words slipped we both ran at each other. His hands exploding, accelerating his speed dramatically.
This was my plan. I want him to give me a bashing. Not to bad though so I still have a chance.
What a stupid plan right?
He brought his hands up, exploding me back, I shot a couple of lazors randomly. Making it seemed like I was fighting.
He then came at me again. I dug a fist into his stomach as he moved back.
He ran again and took a left hook using his hand to accelerate his hand. My breath hitched. I wasn't going to stop it for the use of my plan but oh god.
He hand connected with the side if my head as I tumbled across platform, stopping myself before exiting.
I stood up again, blood running down the side of my face. I smiled.
He ran towards me and I made sure I was on the edge of the border, not looking down so he though I was clueless where I was.
I ran towards the male. I was going to try. He ran his hand against the platform with explosions as I jumped. Kicking the male in the hip and then turning around and kicking his chest. He coughed as he fell back. My heart clenched.
He got up and started running until u went to dodge until he grabbed my wrist and plummeted me into the concrete. I arched my back in pain and spluttered.
I got up and wiped my mouth from any access saliva. I shot a beam from my hands hoping it would hit only for my dreams to be short lived as he dodged. Throwing more explosions my way. I tumbled back. Hit and scratching my entire body.
I gulped. I looked at my arm to see it wasn't in the right place, it was clearly broken ... Great.
I hid my arm behind my back as I ran towards him. He growled as he again went to attack. I copied the growl as I did a quick flash from my hands, disorientating the ash blonde.
I smirked as I went to kick him only for him to grab my leg. I twisted my body and used my other leg to kick, causing him to let go.
He ran towards me. This is where my plan comes in action. My head throbbed but I can continue.
I was going to jump upwards, I bent my knees a little and licked my lips.
He ran towards me and I nearly started to jump until he went to kick upwards. I turned that into a fluke jump really quick.
I grabbed his track suit and then planted my lips onto the male for the whole world to see.
This was my plan....
He was first mad but then melted into the kiss.
I smiled into his kiss.
"I love you katsu-kun... But you fell straight into my trap"
I whispered against his lip as his eyes widened. He couldn't do anything because in that split second I pushed him backwards. He growled and exploded his hands towards. Me only making himself Tumble through the condensed light I created and out the boundaries....
Third person pov
As Katsuki exploded one last time with all his strength, it took the weak female by surprise, shooting her across into the wall.
While Katauki he landed out side the boundaries nearly the exact time she did and it was up to recording.
Midnight looked at the screen and gasped a little.
She paused pointing to the male who was panting, clutching his ark as it strained.
"YOU WERE OUT OF BOUNDS FIRST! " every one cheered like crazy. Katsuki looked up to see where the female had gone.
"Y/N IS ALSO OUT OF BOUNDS BUT SINCE KATSUKI WAS OUT FIRST THE WINNER IS Y/N L/N!" hee announced. Confetti erupted and spread through out the platform.
Katsuki and midnight looked over where the smoke had cleared to see the female, severely burnt and sitting in a crater of the wall she created.
Katsukis eyes widened.... Was his explosion too strong?
"can some one get y/n into recovery Girl stat! " midnight yelled.
People ran out and placed her on the sling and started to leave. The ash blonde ran towards her and saw her unconscious body laying limp into the sling.
His heart seemed to clench.
He had lost but yet he felt like he deserved it.
Ooof sorry for the long chapter! I wanted this over and done with so u can move onto something.. That reader-chans will surely love 😉
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