Trouble Strikes

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After breakfast Izuku changed into another pair of oversized clothes he owned and tugged on his red shoes. They were going shopping! He'd get proper clothes and stuff for his room! It was going to be awesome!

Izuku climbed into the back of the car and stared out the window the whole drive. He didn't remember the last time he had went shopping... Had he ever? Inko never did do much...

He looked up at the shopping centre they pulled up at, before hiding behind Aizawa's leg.

"Hm? Kid? What's wrong?"

"I-It's big..."

"It is... but don't be afraid we will be here the whole time..."

That made Izuku feel a bit better so he shuffled out from behind Aizawa's leg but he clung onto both Aizawa's and Mic's hand. Izuku wasn't losing them!

Inside the building was a lot to take in. First off there were tons of people, this made him hold their hands tighter so the people couldn't steal them from Izuku! Also, there were lots of shops with new smells and objects. They all looked interesting!

He was lead over to one store that had some bright coloured lights and lots of awesome clothes!

"Let's get you some proper outfits, little listener!"

Aizawa and Mic lead him around the shop picking out some outfits. Izuku did not yet have a good style or taste in fashion yet, according to Mic. Personally he thought the yellow heroes T-shirt and the green trousers looked fabulous! However, he did like the outfits they picked out for him.

After clothes they tried to get Izuku to buy new shoes. However, they couldn't! He couldn't give up his red sneakers! The best they did was buy a slightly larger new pair of the same shoes for when Izuku grew out of the smaller ones.

They went to many more shops. They went to one boring 'healthcare' type shop. They got weird things to clean my teeth and body with. It was soooooo borning! Nothing looked fun and he couldn't play with anything in here.

They started to head to a toy store when disaster struck. They hit a large crowd and Izuku's hands slipped.

They pushed through the large crowds and walked towards the toy shop.


Aizawa turned to face his fiancé, Hizashi looked scared and his voice trembled

"We lost Midoriya....H-He got lost in the c-crowd"

Sure enough Aizawa looked down at his hand, a green bean was missing. Shota's eyes immediately darted around but the crowd still hadn't disappeared. Damn it. Poor Midoriya, this wasn't helping...

They pushed through the crowd looking for their green bean.

They rushed around the shopping centre. The couple didn't know where Midoriya would go in this situation so they couldn't be logical with their search.

Ten minutes of running around passed and the two,pros still couldn't find their green bean.

"Sho...(sniffle)...w-what if we l-lost him f-for g-good?"

His fiancé stopped and looked up at Aizawa. His eyes were filled with tears and it broke Aizawa's heart. He hated seeing his fiancé upset, it was horrible.....

"Don't say that."
Shota knew Hizashi would be more panicked than him. Give Hizashi a child, especially a young one, and he will protect that child with everything.
"He'll be here somewhere. Let's go talk to security."

His fiancé nodded, wiping away a few tears as they rushed over to a security guard.

As Midoryia's hand slipped from Mic and Aizawa's and he immediately got pushed around by the crowd. Eventually he wriggled out the crowd and realised he didn't recognise this area and couldn't see Aizawa or Mic...

Midoriya wandered around trying to recognise something. But as he explored, he ended up getting more lost. Tears welled up in his eyes.

Midoriya found a quiet bench in a secluded corner and climbed up onto it. Curling up into a ball, he cried. And cried.








He was lost....he'd just found a two people who seem to be alright and Midoriya had already lost them...What now? Should he go to foster care? An orphanage?

Why did he have to deal with this? Midoriya was only 8!

He wiped away some tears to no avail. Midoriya's eyes were red and puffy, his t-shirt soaked with tears. He got a few strange looks from other shoppers but no one came to help him....

Just my luck.


He recognised that voice. His head shot up immediately.

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