Izuku's head shot up immediately. He hurriedly wiped away the tears, he didn't want them to see his crying. Right in front of him were
Aizawa and Mic!
Izuku ran and jumped into Aizawa arms.
"There you are kiddo."
Aizawa held him close and rubbed his back.
"We were so worried about you, are you alright little listener?"
Mic asked.
"Y-Yeah....after I-...I got lost... I looked around for a bit but ended up j-just s-sitting ov-over here...n-no one bothered m-me"
Izuku stuttered out as he began to cry again.
"I'm sorrryyyyyyy!"
"Don't apologise kid. Don't apologise. You couldn't help that you got lost....it's not your fault"
Izuku looked up at them up with a smile and wiped away his tears.
"How about we go home? We can come back another day, little listener."
Mic ruffled his hair causing him to giggle. Aizawa carried Izuku out to the car not wanting to lose him again.
——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———
They arrived back home and they carried the bags inside. Izuku was very helpful by carrying a single teddy bear!!!
Everything was carried up to his room and they started to unpack.
Izuku carried over a big pile of clothes to his wardrobe. However, he ended up slipping and dropping all the clothes on top of himself.
The couple chuckled.
"Such a problem child..."
Aizawa said.
"Are Too!"
"I am notttt!"
Aizawa walked over and picked Izuku up
"Yes. You. Are. You are a very problematic problem child."
"He's right you know... Your a problem child."
"Our problem child"
Aizawa spun him around causing him giggle before setting him on his feet.
Izuku immediately fell back into the pile of clothes feeling dizzy.
"Whatever will we do with this problem child?"
They both chuckled, before helping Izuku sort out his room.... He was gonna like this...
## The beginning of a goodbye
Two peaceful weeks came and went. They started to teach Midoriya the proper ways of life, slowly teaching him what to and not to do...
It finally felt like Aizawa and Hizashi had the kid they always wanted.
Until Shota got the phone call and truth crashed back down on him.
They were looking after Midoriya until they contacted his father and had him move in with him...
"Hello, is this Shota Aizawa?"
"Good! We have come into contact of someone who is Izuku Midoryia's father. He wants Midoriya in with him as soon as possible however is away on a work trip. He says he'll send some of his (shuffling of paper) servants to collect him, on Wednesday, two days from now. They'll have a card showing the reliability. Is this all good?"
"Y-Yes...All good..."
Shots hurridly hung up.
He walked into the living room where Hizashi was helping Midoriya with his reading. They were curled up on the sofa, Midoriya had his head resting on Hizashi's chest carefully practicing his reading.
"Cha-pter Two..."
"Well done!"
"Sounding Good, Midoryia... Hizashi can I have a quick word?"
"Sure...Wait here, Midoriya."
They walked into the kitchen, out of earshot of Midoriya.
"They've contacted Midoriya's father....he'll be picking him up on Wednesday..."
Shota bit my lip holding back the tears.
The couple stood in silence for a bit, processing everything....
"I'll miss him...."
"So will I....So will I"
"Let's go...tell him"
The two headed back to the living room, where Midoriya was waiting. They both sat next to him.
"We have something important to tell you, Midoriya."
"Really? What is it?"
"They've found your father...He'll be coming to pick you up on Wednesday."
Midoriya gasped
"So I can go live with my dad?!"
He must of noticed their slightly sullen expression because he asked
"You'll have to ask your dad, little listener, but we wouldn't mind if you came and visited..."
The small green bean tackled them into a hug and mumbled into their chests.
"I'll miss you two..."
"So will we..."
"How about we have the best two days ever before your dad comes.."
Hizashi and Midoriya began discussing things to do, however Shota couldn't help but think that there was something odd.... It just didn't feel right...Midoriya's dad...
He tried pushing the thoughts away. He needed to focus on the green bean...He would been gone soon...
The two decided first for a board game, which they purposely let Midoriya win... for the rest of the day we watched movies, ate ice cream and played more games.
Shota laid down in bed next to Hizashi....his mind still whirring.....Something didn't feel right... Maybe his worries would be pushed away by Wednesday when Shota saw Midoriya leave in safe hands....
He curled against Hizashi's chest and fell asleep.
Not part of the story but thank you all for this:
#28 in midoriya!
#33 in erasermic
#1 in myheroacedmia!
#269 in myhero
#162 in dadzawa
#663 in izukumidoriya
#13 in abusiveinko!
#2 in bkdkfriendship! ( I promise soon I'll get to more of their friendship chapters! I'm just working on it)
#266 in dadmic
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