|Problem Child?!|
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《 Monday, 3:10 p.m. 》
One look at the sky told Hizashi that it would start to rain soon. The sky was almost completely covered with dark clouds on one side.
<< We'd better hurry. >> he suggested Izuku, who nodded in agreement.
《 Monday, 3:38 p.m. 》
<< How was it, Izuku? >> was the first thing Izuku heard from Hitoshi after entering the house a little tired from the stress.
For some time the relationship between the two brothers has improved a lot.
They could talk to each other like normal siblings or even friends and confide in each other a lot.
Izuku even talked about his then best friend Zakima from time to time, something he has never confided to anyone before.
<< Good. I got some information about Recovery Girl and her quirk. >> he proudly told about his new knowledge.
<< Have a look at Hito-kun upstairs in your room at the information you have received. >> suggested Hizashi happily.
At short notice, Izuku decided to do so and followed Hitoshi up the stairs to his room.
《 Monday, 3:50 p.m. 》
Hizashi almost watered his mouth as he looked down at his finished sandwich. He hadn't eaten much in the morning and it didn't look like the kids were hungry yet, so this delicious smelling sandwich with cheese was more than enough.
With the sandwich in hand, he made himself comfortable on the couch and turned on the television in front of him.
If Hitoshi caught him like that, he would complain that he is allowed to eat on the coach and he is not.
He pushed the thought of Hitoshi's complaints into the background and zapped between different channels a few times until he stopped on a news channel.
'𝐕𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐬!'
Hizashi groaned in annoyance. He wasn't really against the media, but sometimes he understood Aizawa and his hatred of the news.
Heroes are people. It was normal for them to make mistakes too.
Heroes are people.
Heroes are people, Izuku understood that too.
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<< Izu-chan. I . . >>
Zakima was trembling all over. His legs, arms, hands, . . it even seemed to him that his face was trembling. His cheeks were tinted a dark red and tears were evident in his purple eyes.
<< . . like you. >> he brought out quietly.
He started on the ground. It was all very uncomfortable for him.
A boy doesn't like another boy, that's easy . . .
<< Disgusting. >>
Izuku didn't speak the truth. He didn't find Zakima disgusting! Not at all . . .
Izuku likes Zakima too, very much . . too much. That’s just not right.
<< Wh-what? >>
<< You heard me, Zakima. My dad says it's not natural. It is strange. You are strange, Zakima. >>
<< You are right . . I'm sorry. We're still friends, right, Izu-chan? >> he asked, but he smiled. It wasn't his real smile. It hurt to see him like that.
<< Yeah, I think that's okay, Zaki. >>
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《 Monday, 4:31 p.m. 》
<< Not Shota! >>
<< Why? >>
<< Because you oversalt that food?! >>
Izuku watched them. Every step. Every damn step.
He wasn't a stalker, no. He just wanted to know why?
It's abnormal, but they're still together. 2 men. Together. You are gay even though it is forbidden.
How come? And why are you allowed to be them? Because they are heroes. Heroes, villains and all other people are forbidden to be gay, right?
At least that was what his father told him. He still remembered.
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<< Again all these fagots on the TV, again! >>
His eyes met Izuku's still innocent and confused eyes.
<< Izuku. Come here, little one. Come on. >>
Izuku moved slowly to the broken sofa in which his father was sitting and skillfully crossed the empty bottles and other garbage.
<< Do you see that? >>
He pointed with his forefinger at the small television in front of him that was showing a kind of documentary.
You can see 2 young men who were arm in arm and kissing. In the background one could hear a voice talking about the now permitted marriage of same-sex people.
<< That’s just repulsive, you understand? >>
Izuku didn't understand, but he nodded anyway. He was just 5 years old at the time.
<< Promise me you'll never be someone like that, okay? >>
Izuku nodded again.
<< Good. Otherwise I'll be forced to turn your head by hand. >> he informed him.
<< Go play again before the whore comes back. >>
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<< Izuku. Is everything OK? >> asked Aizawa who suddenly appeared in front of him.
Izuku just nodded.
<< When is the meal ready? >>
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