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|Problem Child?!|

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《 Saturday, 11:20 a.m. 》

<< Recovery Girl? >> Izuku pouted dissatisfied as he looked over the pads on the small living room table that Shota and Hizashi had placed there.

<< Yes. You will have several therapy sessions with her. >> explained Shota and tapped with his index finger on a picture of the old lady that was printed in one of the sheets.

<< If you get along. >> added Hizashi and gave Aizawa a cold look who tried to avoid eye contact.

<< Isn't she a nurse in the Yuei? >>

<< Yes, she is, but she was trained as a therapist. In . . theirs, we say. . , a little younger, but don't worry, you're in good hands. >> promised Hizashi.

Recovery girl. Her real name is Chiyo Shuzenji.

Izuku found her and her quirk very interesting, which is why he already had some notes about her, but if he should really meet her he would have the opportunity to get more out of her. Izuku was still nodding in thought.

<< I agree. >> Hizashi looked a little shocked by Izuku's statement.

In Izuku's files it was recorded that he did not speak a single word to the child therapist at the orphanage and still wants to do therapy with Recovery Girl. A proud smile was visible on Aizawa's lips.

<< Nice, nice. Monday after school. You come to the Yuei. >>


《 Monday, 2:55 p.m. 》

The Yuei or U.A. ranks first among the schools for heroism and is dubbed the best hero school in the world.

Not only students from Musutafu register for the entrance exam every year, no.

Teenagers come from all over Japan. All students who pass are divided into specific areas and classes.

The gate of the Yuei was exactly as Izuku had imagined it from the Internet images, but at the same time completely different.

It was huge, or maybe it just seemed like it to Izuku because he's only 12 years old and doesn't have mutant tastes.

Izuku looked down from the large gold letters on the gate to the laminated passport in his sweaty hand.

He would never have dreamed that he would stand here with exactly this passport, that only students, teachers and the principal himself through the so-called "Yuei-Barrier" and now. . . Now Izuku can just walk around on his own.

'Amazing. Zaki could also be here, if . . . ', Izuku stopped his own thoughts, staring frozen at the writing on his passport.

'No. He is dead . . and nothing will change that.'


《 Monday, 2:34 p.m. 》

<< You are Izuku, aren't you? >> she asked him with a nice smile. But Izuku wasn't listening. He had better things to do, or so he thought . . .

<< Izuku. Are the walls that interesting? >> she asked again.

<< No, but . . this room does. >> he gave her an honest answer.

The woman he talked to was Chiyo Shuzenji, also known as Recovery Girl.

Recovery Girl is a short, older woman with gray hair that is styled in a network knot with a large syringe sticking out at an angle to the left. She has a remarkably small nose and eyes.

She wears a doctor's smock and a dress with yellow and red vest-like patterns on either side, two yellow buttons, and a belt with a pink R-shaped buckle.

She wears pink boots and has a helmet around her head, a purple-tinted visor over her eyes. She is also walking around with a very strange looking syringe-like walking stick.

<< Is this the only room you work in? >> he asked interested, but this time he looked straight ahead at her.

<< No, you can't say that like that. Do you know the sports festival? I also have a room in the stadium, but it is only used once a year. >>

<< I understand, but— >> Izuku would have loved to ask the many questions that floated through his head, but he was interrupted.

<< Actually, we're both here for a completely different topic, aren't we? >>

'Oh really?'

<< Do you know exactly why you are here at all? >>


<< No. >> Izuku answered truthfully.

<< Your father— >>

Izuku interrupted Recovery Girl after her first 2 words.

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