|Problem Child?!|
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《 Thursday, 9:43 a.m. 》
<< H-He hit me . . . I didn't do anything, honestly! I don't know why either. >>
Izuku looked down at the little boy with the black eye. He cried and shivered as he stuttered to Izuku.
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A boy with blond hair and plasters on his face stood nervously in front of Izuku.
He played with his fingers and kept his eyes on the floor.
<< Who was that? Not him again, right? >> he asked angrily.
<< D-don't worry, Izu-chan. I'm fine, he won't be back until next month, okay? >> Zakima assured and smiled.
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<< Who? >> he asked without changing his facial expressions, but you could see his inner anger that was in him.
Hitoshi wiped the tears from his cheek and looked at the floor.
<< I . . Are you going to hurt him >>
A little confused, Izuku looked at his so-called 'little brother'.
<< Counter question. Why don't you hurt him? >> Hitoshi looked at him confused.
<< I w-want to be a hero! >>
<< Just like Dad . . . A great and strong hero! >> he added.
A small smile formed on his lips with pink cheeks.
Izuku's eyes widened, he, he looked like Zakima.
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<< What do you want to be when you are older? >>
You could see a little boy.
His hair was hanging over his face, which is why he could not be recognized.
<< Hm. >> Izuku turned his face to the boy.
<< What are you talking about, Zaki? >> asked the older one and looked up at the dark blue sky.
<< Well, when we're older, stupid . . . >> mumbled the hairy blond under his breath, but Izuku could understand him anyway.
Normally he would have preached him a sermon now, but he just rolled his eyes in annoyance and supported his head with his arms while Zakima leaned his head back.
<< You know, I-I want to be a hero! >> he said proudly. Izuku screwed up his eyes as if he was looking for something.
<< Heroes . . . don't you find them amazing too? I mean, they help and protect you whenever you need them and they don't care if they hurt themselves or even die because of it. And their battles with villains! Wow! I want to get out of here and get just as strong, Izu-chan! >> he continued and now looked into Izuku's eyes.
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'Heroes are fake! You could not help you Zaki. . .'
<< A hero? Why would you want to become someone who just cares about yourself, just wants fame and money? Would you like to be someone like that? >> asked Izuku with empty eyes and stared down at him . . did he look angry?
<< W-What are you saying? You lie! You- you are a wretched liar! Heroes are there to take care of you, protect you and fight villains like, like dad! >> Hitoshi screamed loudly and started crying again, this time loudly and histeriously.
<< Then wait until your 'dad', by the way his real name is Aizawa, Shota Aizawa, so please wait until he saves you. Do you really think so That he will save you? He's not your dad and he never will be. Do not you understand?! >> screamed Izuku, his head in a dark red.
It was the first time Hitoshi saw him angry. It was the first time ever that he yelled at him or yelled in general.
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