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|Problem Child?!|

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《 Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. 》

<< Nice that you and Katsuki are with us again. Please behave this time! >> Mrs. Jamaica greeted the two boys, but also admonished them to do so.

<< Tsk! >>

<< Mm . . >>

Ms. Jamaica's smile slowly faded with her stressed sigh.

<< I want to hear a resounding 'yes' so that I know that this won't happen again. >> she put the two boys in front of her.

<< Yes. >>

<< Yes, yes! Can we go to class now? >>

The young woman sighed again at Katsuki's answer.

<< Alright. >>


Days, weeks, and even a few months passed, but it wasn't just that argument.

Katsuki and Izuku's relationship with each other was very strong . . complicated.

The two had several fights and arguments, but sometimes they could talk like normal classmates and friends, even if Izuku mostly just nodded or mumbled.


《 Thursday, 1:10 p.m. 》

<< Ahhh . . that's the biggest shit! Never again! I swear! We will never need this again in our lives! >> said Katsuki annoyed and sank into his chair.

Izuku, who was doing maths, paid him no attention.

<< Are you even listening to me, asshole? >> Katsuki asked him, flicking his arm lightly.

<< I listened. >>

<< Aha! And why don't you answer, huh? Do you think you are better? >> he asked again.

Izuku shook his head, but again ignored him, causing the angry boy to groan.

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