31. Fireworks

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This isn't how this night was supposed to go, Sunghoon thought, rolling his eyes as Jay and Heeseung walked into Jake's house.

Jungwon, Sunoo, and Niki invited themselves to Jake's house about half an hour ago while Sunghoon and Jake were enjoying watching The Vow and snuggling on the couch. Apparently they thought they'd be, "out eating somewhere fancy" and thought they could watch a movie on Jake's much larger television on his much comfier couch. Jake then awkwardly invited them in (it was raining outside) and then Sunoo had the great idea to invite the rest of the group. What was supposed to be a date is now a giant hangout, and Sunghoon's plans to go on a date with Jake have, once again, failed.

"We brought reinforcements" Jay said, approaching the couch with their hands filled with snacks, he tossed Jungwon a Twix bar "that's for you." Jungwon's face remained unreadable as he muttered a quiet thank you. "So what are we watching?" Heeseung asked, joining the six of them on the couch with a can of Pepsi. "We were watching The Vow, actually" Sunghoon replied, not bothering to hide the annoyance in his voice, "I love Rachel McAdams!" Sunoo obliviously said as Jake grabbed the remote and started the movie over. Sunghoon sighed, until he felt a hand hold his from under the blanket. He looked to see Jake smiling softly at him as he says, "wanna get out of here?"

"But it's raining" Sunghoon answered, to which Jake's smile only grew.


Sunghoon hated the cold.

"Jake, it's freezing!" Sunghoon yelled, wrapping his arms around himself to produce warmth. It was dark outside, the stars had yet to come out but the street lights illuminated Jake's face as he ran laughing around in the puddles. "You'll warm up if you move around" he answered, walking happily towards the playground set across the street as Sunghoon reluctantly followed him. "I'll get sick" he said with a pout, Jake turned to him with a smile, "then I'll just have to take care of you." Sunghoon blushed, until Jake turned on his heels and took off towards the monkey bars screaming, "catch me if you can!" Sunghoon smiled, "and what do I get if I catch you?"

"Whatever you want" he answered, glancing at Sunghoon with a mischievous look, and Sunghoon finally took off after him. Jake let out a loud scream as he ran past the monkey bars towards the swing set, Sunghoon laughing as he followed. Jake jumped over a set of swings and climbed up to the top of the playground. When he looked down, Sunghoon was nowhere in sight. His laughter died down and was soon replaced with concern. "Sunghoon?" He yelled out, looking around the dark area. He looked down at the steps he came up from, "Sunghoon!" he yelled again. He then reluctantly approached the slide and slid down, hoping to find the lost boy and there Sunghoon was, crouched down at the end of the slide with a small smile.

"Caught you," Sunghoon said softly when Jake reached the bottom, their faces so close that they could feel each other's breaths quickening. Jake felt his heart racing, the only thing cooling him down was the cold rain drops falling on his skin. He looked down at his legs dangling off the slide and finally worked up the courage to say something, "I guess you win then"

"I guess I do" he replied, staring at Jake with an intense look in his eye that contradicted the kind smile on his lips. Jake felt his breath hitch when Sunghoon's hand slowly reached up to move a wet strand of hair behind his ear, resting his hand on the back of his neck. He watched as Sunghoon looked at his entire face so lovingly, from his eyes to his nose, his cheeks and finally his lips. "Well?" Jake said, bringing Sunghoon's eyes back up to his own, "what do you want?"


"You won, so what is it that you want?" Jake finally said, his heart beating faster as Sunghoon's face neared his. "What am I gonna do with you?" Sunghoon whispered, before he pressed his lips onto Jake's. Jake immediately reciprocated, tilting his head for better access. Fireworks, at least in Jake's head. Sunghoon slowly pushed Jake to lay back on the slide and he hovered over him to deepen the kiss. His hands moved down to grip Jake's waist for support and Jake's hands quickly wrapped around Sunghoon's neck, pulling him closer. All Sunghoon could think about was that dip in Jake's waist, and how close their bodies were, and his lips—his soft, pretty lips that were finally on Sunghoon's own after years of silently hoping and waiting.

Sunghoon pulled back for a moment, Jake smiling as soon as their lips parted and Sunghoon just stared at him, admiring everything about the boy in front of him. "What is it?" Jake asked with a laugh and Sunghoon smiled down at him, "I just really really like you."  Jake smiled back, "I really really like you too," he finally said, "I also really really need to pee." Sunghoon laughed at this, throwing his head back and Jake admired the boy's beautiful smile. "Let's just stay here for five more minutes," Sunghoon said and Jake jokingly rolled his eyes. "If you insist," Jake said and Sunghoon laughed as he leaned in and closed the space between them once again.

Sunghoon walked into school the following Monday, feeling surprisingly better instead of worse. He was sure the cold rain would have made him even more sick, but after his not-date with Jake he went home and slept for about 12 hours and woke up a changed person. The rest of the weekend was spent either facetiming Jake all night or spending time with Heeseung and Jay during which he would mainly talk about Jake. Finally, he's back at school where he can actually see Jake.

Sunghoon walked towards Sunoo's locker where Sunoo, Jay, and Heeseung were already standing. "Oh finally you're here" Heeseung said, pulling out three papers with excitement, "senior beach day is supposed to be for seniors only BUT I managed to steal three tickets for you guys each of which includes an optional plus one." Everyone grabbed a ticket with excitement, "a beach day is very much needed after all the drama recently." As if on cue, Niki, Jungwon, and Jake walk up to the four of them, engaged in a debate about if Australia, Japan, or South Korea has the best sports teams. "Riki!" Sunoo said excitedly, snapping Niki out of his argument, "yes, love?" Niki walked towards Sunoo who smiled brightly at him, "would you like to be my date to senior beach day?" Niki smiled back, "of course I would." Sunoo smiled and hugged his boyfriend, they shared a quick peck that caused everyone to fake gagging noises at them. "You guys are just as bad as us," Niki said defensively, "actually, worse."

"Actually I'm the purest of all of you I haven't engaged in any disgusting activities thank you very much" Jungwon says, and Jay looked at him with a laugh. "Speaking of disgusting activities," he says, "would you like to be my date?" Jungwon freezes, staring at Jay who laughed awkwardly at the tension, "as friends of course." Jungwon also let out a quiet laugh before answering, "I'd love to, as friends of course." The group watched silently as Jay and Jungwon stared at each other. Sunoo was the one to calm to tension when he looked at Sunghoon and said, "well don't you have something to ask Jake?"

Sunghoon pretended to be confused as he shoved his ticket in his pocket, "I have no idea what you're talking about." Jake rolled his eyes, smiling at the boy, "you don't?" Sunghoon shook his head, "not at all, I might figure it out later though. Maybe after school, at my house?" Jake laughed at this before saying, "I guess I'll have to check with you then."

"I guess you do" Sunghoon replied, smiling at Jake as the shorter boy quietly announced he had to get to class and walked away, followed by Jungwon and Sunoo. Sunghoon sighed, leaning against a locker, "isn't he just so cute."

"The cutest" Heeseung replied, rolling his eyes before he also walked away with Jay. Niki stared at Sunghoon who was daydreaming about his date with Jake later. "What kind of flowers does he like?" Sunghoon asked, "Or are flowers not his thing?"

"You really like him, don't you?" Niki suddenly asked, breaking Sunghoon's train of thought. "Well, yeah" the other replied, "I thought it was pretty obvious." Niki shook his head, "it's easy to have a crush, but you like him." Sunghoon looked at Niki, confused, "I'm not really following." The younger boy shook his head, "To be honest, I wasn't really a huge fan of you being with Jake. He's been burned before, you know."

"He has? I didn't-"

"But I'm really glad he's met you, I feel like you're exactly what he needs, at least right now." Niki smiled at Sunghoon, who let out a laugh, "I had no idea you had a heart, Niki."

"Yeah whatever, don't tell anyone"

Sunghoon laughed, "in all seriousness, Jake is also exactly what I need right now. He makes me really happy."

"Gross." Niki replied, but he couldn't hide the small smile that grew onto his face. There was a silence for a minute before Niki looked at Sunghoon, "Roses, Jake likes Roses." Sunghoon smiled at Niki, who finally closed Sunoo's locker and walked away saying a short bye.

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