Chapter 26

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Feb 22

Jacob, Leah and Seth returned home reluctantly. Instead of spending a day on a plane they allowed Hari to portkey them. Carlisle, Esme and Bella returned with them. Carlisle to give notice to the clinic and Bella and Esme to pack. Bella also had to tell her dad they were moving to England for a while.

Jacob went to tell his grandfather knowing he would be sad to see him go, but would understand that he needed to be with his Imprint.

Leah and Seth entered their house. Their mother was watching their small television set. She looked up when they entered. The phone conversations they'd had while in England had been short and terse. "You're back early."

Leah nodded, squaring her shoulders. "I'm going back. I got a job over there."

"You aren't moving to England."

"I am."

"I forbid it."

"I'm a grown up, Mom. You can't forbid me!" Leah exclaimed.

"I am still your mother. You are staying here. Besides your pack is here."

"Actually, it isn't or won't be for long. The Cullins are moving as well. They already bought a house. Jacob has to go with Renesmee. She's his Imprint."

Sue jumped to her feet. "You are staying here and doing your duty to the tribe!"

"What duty, Mom? The Cold Ones are moving to England!" She took a deep breath and exhaled. "I can't stay here around Sam Uley. It hurts too much. I can't rejoin his pack. It'll be good for all of us for me to move away."

Sue stared at her for several minutes then swiveled to look at Seth. "Don't you dare get it in your head that you are going with them, Seth Clearwater."

Seth's eyes widened then he got a mulish look and glared at the floor.

"No! You are not going to move to England. Besides, it takes a lot of paperwork and work visas and a lot of money to get the papers through." Sue looked at Leah smugly.

"I'll work it out." Leah growled defiantly knowing that the wizards would create the proper papers for her and Seth if he decided to go.

Sue glowered at them. This vacation was supposed to help make things better between them not worse. It wasn't supposed to take her children away from her. "Get to your room, Seth. And don't even think of going over to that Brit's house."

"You might be able to keep Seth from going, but you can't stop me." Leah headed to her room to pack her belongings. They had known that their mom wouldn't agree to them going; known there would be a huge row. The Cullens and Hari had offered up their homes to them.

"All you are doing is making me resent you more and more." Seth muttered as he stalked off toward his bedroom.

Sue couldn't believe them. England! They really thought they could just pack a suitcase and move halfway around the world? It wasn't that simple. Even if she had the money for the process and was willing to let them go it would take months to get it all processed.

She could hear them in their rooms opening and shutting doors. She marched down the hall to Seth's room. She jerked the door open and glared at him. "You aren't going."

"Can't stop me, mom." He muttered over his shoulder.

"Can't...." She gaped at him. "I am your mother. You are only sixteen. You will do as I say. No paperwork will be approved without my signature. Reese Sirion was in England with you, wasn't she?"

Seth held his silence and kept packing. Gods, he was going to have to let Reese mess with his mom's mind in order to get out of here. He really didn't want to do that, but it was obvious that was the only way to get away from her anger and her verbal hits.


"We stayed with the Cullens. Yes, Reese visited for a day or so, but she didn't stay with us."

Sue stared at her son in complete shock. Her family had fallen apart since that woman had moved into Forks. "Are you sleeping with her?"

"WHAT?!" Seth shouted, gaping at his mom.

"Are you? I want the truth."


"I don't believe you."

"You never do." Seth retorted bitterly. "That's part of the problem."

"I'm filing a report. I'll have her arrested for statutory rape." Sue stated.

Seth paled then flushed in embarrassment. "You'd ruin someone just to keep us here?"

"I know people like her. They use you. Use you and leave you with a wrecked life. I'm just trying to protect you! You don't anything about the world outside of Forks and the reservation. I know you don't know much about women and you probably think she really cares for you, but she doesn't and when she gets tired of you she'll leave you stranded and penniless."

"Reese is not sleeping with Seth, Mom. She isn't dad." Leah snapped from behind them cutting Sue's bitter tirade off. "She is seeing someone her own age. A wealthy lord. That was why she was in England not to see us. Leave her alone."

Sue whirled and headed to the kitchen to call the police. "I'm calling Sheriff Swan right now. Sirion is not abducting my two children!"

Leah grabbed her arm and slammed her into the wall hard. Her mom's eyes went wide. Leah had never used her wolf strength against her no matter how bad the fight got. "Leave Reese alone," Leah growled. "She isn't abducting anyone."

"Since when did you like her?" Sue hissed struggling futilely against Leah's superior strength.

"Since I stopped listening to your bitter tripe and actually got to know her." Leah glanced over at Seth. "Go call her." She glared at her mom. "This isn't about Reese. I don't know if she is staying here or going back to England. The fact is the Cullens are moving that means Jacob is moving. That leaves me and Seth two choices: return to Sam's pack or move with Jacob to remain in his. I'm not returning to Sam's pack and Sam will make Seth's life hell if he has to go back."

"Fine then, leave Leah, but Seth is still a minor and staying here!"

"Why do you want us to grow up as miserable as you are?! Why can't you want us to be happy?"

"You've made yourself miserable. Moping over Sam Uley when he up and left you."

"I love Sam. He loved me."

"Shifters don't love anyone but their Imprints," Sue hissed bitterly. "You were a fool to fall for one."

"A fool like you." Leah retorted viciously. "Unlike you, Mom, I'm not going to stay here and wallow in bitterness. I'm leaving and going to make something of myself and Seth is too."

"Seth is going nowhere."

Leah looked at Seth who seemed frozen with indecision. He wanted to leave but he didn't want his mom hurt. "Go call her now!"

Seth grimaced, but nodded after one glance at their mom. He edged past the two of them and headed for the kitchen. He rang Reese. "Hey, mom went ballistic. Threaten to call Sheriff Swan and say...things about us to get you arrested. You need to come over now and do your thing."

"Are you sure?" Reese asked with a frown. "I know you were opposed to me messing with her mind."

Seth glared at the floor. "I'm not happy with it. It's that or stay here and lose you and have to rejoin Sam's pack."

"Alright. I'll be right there."

When Reese showed up Sue was sitting on the sofa glaring at Leah who was standing over her, arms crossed. Seth was hovering in the hall looking extremely upset. He hurried over to her. "What exactly are you going to do to her?" He asked worriedly.

Reese ran a hand through her hair and stared at the woman who was glaring at her now.

"Stay away from my son! Stay away from all of us! You aren't taking them to England. I'll have you arrested for this!"

"No, you won't." Reese stated coldly. "Okay, decisions. Carlisle is staying two weeks to give them a chance to get someone in. Everyone else is going back in the morning. Jacob's grandfather is assuming the vampires are using their gifts to get past immigration. Do you want to stay with Carlisle for two weeks or go back in the morning?"

"Tomorrow morning." Seth and Leah both said.

"So, the story is that Carlisle got a job in England and you two are having so much fun over there that your mom has agreed to let you stay with the Cullens for the year to learn a new culture and expand your horizons. If you decide to stay over after the year, then I'll come back and add to the story. She won't remember you two being here tonight, she'll remember having the conversation over the phone."

The two shifters nodded unhappily.

Reese called her wand to hand and immobilized their mom. Sue's eyes went wide with fright. "What did you do?! What are you?!" She shrieked.

Reese didn't answer. "Obliviate," she murmured pointing her wand at Sue's forehead. She slipped in and removed the memory of them being here and placed one of a phone call. She replaced Sue's objections with hope for a better future for her children and the desire for them to be happy and take advantage of this rare opportunity. Then she put the woman to sleep and pulled out of her mind. "Get your things you can stay with me tonight. We can't have anyone seeing you so I'll apparate you both to my house."

They both grimaced.

She laughed softly. "I hate being side-alonged too."

The two went and finished packing then came back out. Leah made sure the door was locked then nodded to Reese.

They took a firm hold on her arms and then they were being squeezed and stretched then they were in Reese's living room.

Tom was sitting on the sofa by the fireplace reading a book. He looked up as they appeared. "Everything taken care of?"

She nodded. "Now we just hope that Jacob doesn't let anyone but his grandfather see him. He should be here in the morning with the Cullens." She looked at Seth and Leah. "Are you two staying up or going to bed?"

"Bed." Leah murmured hiding a yawn.

"I'll stay up a bit." Seth said.

Reese nodded. "C'mon," she waved to Leah. I'll show you to your room then I'm going to bed as well."

Tom stood up and moved to follow them upstairs.

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