Chapter 25

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Feb 15 (Hogwarts)

Tom sent his patronus toward Hogwarts requesting three carriages and charms for the vampires and shifters so they could see the school.

By the time they reached the outskirts of Hogsmeade the carriages were there.

"What the hell are those things?" Seth muttered staring at the skeletal horse like creatures with leathery wings that were pulling the carriages.

"Thestrals." Hari said. "Only those that have witnessed death can see them. She moved to pet the nose of the closest one.

Tom stared at them grimly. Death. He had certainly seen enough of it.

"What do they look like?" Renesmee asked excitedly.

"Skeletal horses with wings." Carlisle murmured succinctly as he ushered her into the carriage behind his wife.

Nessie huffed knowing she was likely the only one of their group that couldn't see the creatures.

"I cannot see them either and not sure I want to considering the condition of having seen someone die," Brianne confided to the young woman.

Nessie nodded thoughtfully as she entered the carriage.

"There are charmed bracelets in the carriages. Put them on or all you'll see is the ruins of an ancient castle." Tom ordered as he helped Hari into their carriage.

Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper and Alice took one carriage. Jacob, Nessie and Seth the second. Tom, Hari, Sirius, Brianne and Remus the third.

Delaine Pfeiffer met them at the main entrance. "Lord Slytherin, Lord Black, Lady Potter, it is a pleasure to have you visit. Lady Potter, are you incognito today?"

"Not particularly. I haven't flaunted my presence, but I'm not hiding who I am or that I'm with Tom."

"Very well. Is there anything you need me for or do you prefer to show your friends around yourselves?"

"We won't interrupt your day, Headmaster. If we could get the password for Gryffindor Tower, we'll be set."

The headmaster drew a pen from his robes and scribed the password on a piece of parchment.

"A pen? I think I'm going to like you in charge, Mr. Pfeiffer."

He grinned at her. "We will get them into the present kicking and screaming, Lady Potter."

"I need to speak with Delaine." Tom murmured. "I'll catch up with you all later."

Hari nodded, letting go of his hand. "Don't forget the changes I want implemented."

"I won't." He took her hand and kissed the back before waving to the headmaster to led the way to his office.

"Since we're right here we'll start with the Great Hall." Sirius grabbed Brianne's hand and led them all into the Great Hall. He shoved the doors open and strode in grinning wildly.

The students in the hall for lunch all stared at them. Most recognized Sirius Black who had been considered a crazed mass murderer for over a decade and was Hari Potter's godfather. The few older students that hadn't went to Hogsmeade recognized Remus Lupin as one of the past Defense professors.

Whispers broke out almost immediately. Who were all the strangers with them? The ethereal beauty indicated they weren't completely human. Most went silent as the strangers turned their attention to them. Something instinctively warning them that the strangers were apex predators.

"Hogwarts is divided into four houses – Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin. Each has its own table." Hari explained pointing to each table since Sirius and Remus had headed for the staff table to explain who they had brought to visit and that Headmaster Pfeiffer was aware. She glanced at the staff; her gaze caught on Snape's who was staring at her with less animosity than usual.

"And you were in which house?" Carlisle asked curiously.

"Gryffindor." She replied dragging her gaze away from her tormentor.

"How do they chose which house you go to?" Renesmee asked.

"The Sorting Hat. It reads your personality, thoughts, ambitions. Hufflepuffs value hard work, patience, justice and loyalty. Ravenclaws intelligence, creativity, learning and wit. Gryffindors courage, bravery, nerve and chivalry. Slytherins ambition, cunning, resourcefulness and leadership. At least that is what they are supposed to be about." She muttered the last bitterly. She inhaled and blew out a breath. "Notice the ceiling," she pointed upward. "It is spelled to reflect the sky. It's particularly spectacular when a fierce storm is raging. The rain and lightning are very realistic. "Sirius," she called out loudly. "We're moving on."

Several heads swiveled her way.


"Is that Potter?"

"She looks older?"

"How could she look grown when she's just sixteen?"

"What's she doing here?"

The whispers became a wave of noise repeating her name, asking questions about why she was here, how dare she show her face, did the headmaster know she was here – on and on until Professor Flitwick called them down.

"Lady Potter, Headmaster Pfeiffer is aware that you are here?"

"Yes, Professor. He greeted us at the door."

"Very well."

"She left. Ran! She shouldn't be allowed in the castle!"

"And you all wanted to hide behind me." Hari sneered. "None of you had any intention of fighting for your own lives but were more than willing to toss me out there to die!"

"You were the prophesized one!"

"That didn't mean I had to fight his whole bloody army by myself! Merlin you all sat around painting your nails and playing Quidditch and expected me to fight all the death eaters and Voldemort! Screw you all!"

"Enough!" Flitwick called them down again. "I for one hope you are happier and healthier where you are now than you were, Lady Potter. If you have time, I would like to catch up."

Hari took a deep breath and exhaled. "I'll try professor. Thank you."

As soon as Sirius and Remus reached them they exited the hall. "Down those stairs is the dungeons. Slytherin dormitories, Potions classrooms. Not safe to go down there without Professor Snape. That way," she pointed to another set of downward stairs, "leads to Hufflepuff dorms and the kitchens."

"We are on the seventh floor," she said and started up the stairs.

"Was it like that when you were a student here." Esme asked in a quietly furious voice.


"Whoa!" Seth and Emmett exclaimed when the stairs shifted on them.

Brianne squeaked in surprise.

"Oh, yeah...the stairs move." Sirius told them belatedly as he held onto Brianne. She swatted him playfully.

Finally, they made it to the seventh floor and the Fat Lady. She stared at them imperiously. "Password?"


Her eyes narrowed. "None of you are students or staff."

Remus stepped forward. "You remember me. I was the Defense Professor."


"Doesn't matter. We have the password."

"I won't let a group of strange adults into the dorms I am assigned to protect password or not."

"Then perhaps you will open for Lady Gryffindor." Hari huffed.

"Gryffindor!" Remus and Sirius shouted in surprise.

"Yes. One of the titles I inherited was Gryffindor." Hari murmured.

Magic shimmered around the painting. The Fat Lady's eyes widened comically. "Your Ladyship! Why didn't you say so?" She swung open amidst a flurry of apologies.

Hari pat her frame. "It's okay, Madame. You take your job of protector seriously as you should."

The Fat Lady simpered.

They climbed in through the entrance. Several of the first and second years students were lounging around since they couldn't go to Hogsmeade until third year.

"Who are you all?"

"How'd you get in?"

"Is that Potter?"

"Yes, it's me." Hari huffed. "Headmaster Pfeiffer gave us the password so we could show are friends around."

"You left us!"

"I am not fighting with twelve year olds about this." Hari snapped.

"You're a disgr-"

"I AM NOT!" Hari shouted her magic flaring out powerful and furious.

Shock showed on their face.

"I was set up to be abused and sacrificed. What one of you would meekly allow that to happen to you?!"

"Perhaps we should drop the subject." Carlisle ordered calling on his rarely used vampiric ability to control others.

Jasper added his own empathic ability to calm the children down.

"Merlin, its been a long time, eh Moony?" Sirius said diverting the conversation before it could erupt into a hot tempered argument.

"Yes," Remus murmured softly. "A lifetime ago. Do you remember when James angered Lily and the other girls to the point that they decided to get revenge."

Sirius flushed beet red.

"Oh now I have to know what mum did." Hari murmured.

"No you don't!" Sirius yelped.

Remus chuckled. "Your father and this one decided it would be funny to decorate the girls. Their skin and hair were multi-colored for a week."

"We'd done worse without them getting so angry!"

"It was the week of the Winter Ball!"

"Oh...not good." Hari, Nessie, Alice and Rosalie all growled.

Sirius flushed.

"What did they do?" Nessie asked curiously.

"For the following week anything those two put on turned into skirt, hose and heels.... In lurid pink, turquoise or violet." Remus said as he laughed.

They soon left and wandered around the grounds. Sirius teased the Whomping Willow until it was thrashing its huge limbs about in a frenzy. They were on the Quidditch pitch the Cullens and the shifters watching Remus, Sirius, Brianne and Hari chasing after the snitch when Tom caught up with them. He nervously watched Hari flying after the small golden sphere. No one but Alice knew she was pregnant. Neither Remus nor Sirius knew to be careful around her not that they would try to harm their goddaughter anyways, but there was always the chance of being injured.


They all turned toward the yelling and saw Hermione, Ron and Ginny along with several others storming toward them like a little mob.





Hari drifted down to the ground as the crowd reached the pitch. Tom swished his wand in an arc and a shimmering shield formed keeping the angry teens at a distance. Hari's friends joined her and Tom showing a consolidated front.

Hermione glared at Hari. "You just blew off everybody's efforts to keep you safe and just ran away to who knows where leaving us to fight without you!"

Hari stepped forward so she stood beside Tom. "So you are fighting now? Seems my leaving did some good then since you were all content to let me do all the fighting before."


"IT WAS NOT!" Hari yelled back her magic flaring out lashing at the crowd furiously.

They all stumbled backward startled and shocked at the magical attack.

Ron's face turned red and an ugly look entered his eyes. "Dumbledore said you were a horcrux."

"RON!" Hermione hissed. Not even she would have went so far as to say that out loud.

Everyone not in the know about what a horcrux was looked confused. Tom looked furious that the redhead had just blurted out something like that.

"Well...he also said you were Prefect material and we all know that's a lie."

"Mum says Dumbledore is right. You Know Who's soul has tainted yours and made you Dark." Ginny drew her wand.

Even as Sirius and Remus drew wands, Seth leapt, shifting in the air and knocking the witch to the ground in his wolf form. Children screamed and fled racing toward the castle shouting about werewolves attacking them.

Ron and Hermione pulled wands to cast at Seth who was growling at Ginny who he had pinned by one large paw on her chest. She was white and trembling beneath the giant wolf.

Jacob and Jasper dashed forward. Jacob pinning Ron to the ground in wolf form; Jasper snatching Hermione's wand from her hand before she realized he had moved.

Tom moved toward the three with fury evident on his face.

"Tom what do you intend?" Carlisle asked sharply as he moved to walk beside the infuriated Dark Lord.

"I intend to ensure they learn consequences and discretion." He snarled as he reached Ron Weasley. He looked at Jacob. "Hold him still."

Jacob increased the pressure on the boy's chest slightly.

Ron quit squirming and gasped in pain as breathing became difficult.

"What are you doing? You won't get away with this! Let us go right now!" Hermione shrieked.

Jasper lifted her off the ground. "You threatened Re...Hari and Seth." He sneered. "Be lucky we let you live."

Hermione paled as the sparkling man bared long incisors. "'re...a....a..."

"Vampire." Sirius finished cheerfully for her. "I suggest you don't provoke him."

Tom began speaking in parseltongue making the teens eyes widen in horror. Ron whimpered as he felt the magic sink into his mind and core. Tom moved to do the same to the two girls.

"What is he doing to them?" Remus asked Hari.

"Whenever they think of doing something cruel or immoral to someone they are going to feel pain. Agonizing pain just shy of the cruciatus curse. He's also compelling them so that whenever they are told something is a secret they will have to keep that information confidential or feel that pain. Finally, he is binding them to keep all they know about me and him secret. He is setting up barriers in their minds so that anything that is to be a secret is shunted behind that barrier."

"Snape and Dumbledore are good at breaking through occlumency barriers." Sirius murmured.

Tom turned to them as he finished up with Hermione. "What I've set in their minds will kill them before the shield breaks." He looked at Jacob, Seth and Jasper. "You can release them."

"Kill them! That's a little extreme." Esme exclaimed.

"Not when it concerns Hari's well-being." Tom murmured.

The three teens scrambled for each other sobbing as they held on to each other. "You're evil!" Ginny cried.

"Perhaps," Tom murmured, "but that is our little secret." He smirked as their eyes widened when the magic shifted within them.

"Go on now," Hari murmured. "Shoo," she waved her hands at them.

The teens fled in terror, stumbling in their haste.

Tom ran a hand through his hair before dragging Hari into his embrace. "We should go."

"Flitwick wanted to chat with me a bit."

Tom frowned.

"I am not letting them run me off. I much prefer rubbing my presence in their faces."

Sirius snorted. "That's her mother in her."

Hari grinned at him. She tugged Tom into motion. "What did Delaine have to say?"

"The mind healers are appalled. They've worked through the staff and have started on Gryffindor. Professor McGonagall had nearly fifty years' worth of compulsions and the occasional obliviate layered into her mind. It's been nearly a week and she is still recovering. I do believe you'll find Severus' reaction to you a lot milder as well."

"That might be from me kicking his arse the other day." Hari growled lowly.

Tom glanced back at Sirius and Remus and saw the werewolf looking at Hari speculatively. They did have superior hearing after all. "Yes, you did give him...pause. I do believe he is beginning to understand you are not your parents. Delaine says everything will be ready for the two week introduction course this summer for those that have been raised by muggles. He was grateful for the list you gave on the things that left you confused and aggravated at not knowing."

"Introduction course?" Remus asked showing he could clearly hear them.

They slowed so the others caught up with them.

"Yes. Two weeks to make sure that they know how to write with a quill, understand how to shape essays, basic potion preparation, sacred days, etiquette, post owls, magical vaccinations and exams and a few other things. We are hoping that they will have learned most of it in the day schools, but there will be a few that don't attend the schools so we are instituting the summer course to ensure everyone acclimates easier."

"That's a very good idea." Remus murmured.

"Want to help?" Hari asked him.

"Maybe. Let me think on it." Remus murmured.

Hari nodded.

They entered the castle to find the headmaster, Snape and Flitwick waiting for them. Amusement lurked in his eyes. "I have a disturbing tale of werewolves attacking students." His gaze swept over the visitors. "Tell me you did not bring a pack of werewolves into my school."

"We did not bring a pack of werewolves into Hogwarts." Tom waved at Seth and Jacob. They are shifters. They shift into rather large wolves and our their clans first line of defense against vampires. Ms. Weasley drew her wand to attack my Hari. Seth is one of her best friends. He shifted and knocked Ms. Weasley to the ground to protect Hari. When Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger drew their wands Jacob shifted and neutralized Mr. Weasley and Jasper moved swiftly to take Ms. Granger's wand and held her until the situation was resolved."

Delaine swept the group. This was his lord, but he wasn't to let that be known yet. "May I see one of the wolves?"

Jacob stepped forward and shifted.

Delaine stepped back unconsciously from the giant animal. The wolf was as practically tall as he was! He swallowed hard. "Definitely not a werewolf," he managed to reply.

Jacob dropped his jaw in a wolf laugh then shifted back – naked.

Flitwick squeaked and fell over, faint. He didn't come up much past the knee of the giant wolf. Snape quirked an eyebrow as Hari flicked her wand clothing Jacob.

Hari sighed looking at Flitwick. She could hear Sirius sniggering behind her. Her lips curved into a grin. "Tell Professor Flitwick I'll catch up next time, Headmaster."

Delaine bowed slightly. "I will, Lady Potter."

Tom gave a long suffering sigh and herded the group out of the castle.

Feb 19

Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Alice, Jacob, Nessie, Leah, Seth, Sirius, Brianne and Remus all stood against the wall in the ballroom that had been converted to Voldemort's throne room. He and Hair sat in their thrones as the room filled with Death Eaters.

The only two that seemed unaffected were Carlisle who had been with the Volturi for years before going off on his on and Jasper who had helped command a small army during the Civil War.

Hari was nervous about the meeting because she knew it was going to reveal a bit of her true nature to her godfathers. She wasn't certain they wouldn't turn from her. Her place though was at Tom's side and she wouldn't desert him now.

Tom waited until the room was packed with his followers before glancing over to see the shock on their guests faces. Yes, he thought, realize that I am indeed more than a boyfriend. This isn't even half of the forces I control. He let his magic flare outward flooding the room with his power as he stood and silence fell immediately. he heard soft gasps from Hari's friends and smirked after all part of the reason they were here was to realize just who and what he was. He stepped to the edge of the dais. "Johnson, what news do you have on Dumbledore?"

"Sources indicate that he has left the country. There is no clear indication where he is, but rumor strongly suggests he is in North America."

Tom glared, red eyes flashing in

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