82 | Therapy

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Picture above and the reel on my IG is all connected to this chapter: positive vibes can feel like therapy 

Chapter 82: Therapy

With every kiss, my worries felt like a more distant memory. A vague mist in the heat of our bodies, as our skin rubbed against each other. His touch was sending shivers through my core and down my bare legs. He knew it too, because of that faint smirk on his face that I tried to wipe off with deeper kisses.

His lips were soft on my naked skin and he kissed me tantalizingly slowly, knowing every move he was making and how to heighten the pleasure. I was feeling things I hadn't felt before.

I reached down and touched the elastic band of his boxers. His athletic body was so in shape that his boxers only accentuated the muscles above his hips. I pinched the top of the boxers and tugged at it.

Luke's lips pulled away from mine and looked down at my fingers on him.

"Not now," he said.

"What?" I asked, very confused by the reaction. My mind was foggy from lust and our passionate make out. I pulled my hand away.

Luke dropped back onto the bed and raised his hands to his head, shaking his head in disbelief, "It's so hard to say no to you right now, Minnie."

"Then why would you?" I asked, leaning over him.

He closed his eyes as if the sight of me would make him change his mind. "I can't."

"But why?"

He exhaled and sounded irritated, "Our judgement's clouded."

I realized he was talking about the emotional rollercoaster of today. I had broken down in anger, in tears, in weakness, in strength... and I guess he was right. I wanted to forget, but not regret.

I lay back on the bed alongside him.

He looked away and I heard him quietly curse. "F*ck."


~15 minutes later~

"How do you get abs like that?" I asked, staring at his eight pack.

He lowered his arm from behind his neck and looked at me, slightly amused, "Are you thinking of getting some?"

We were lying on my bed and the box of records was sprawled out on the floor beside us. I had released so much of my pent-up emotion in a passionate display of affection with Luke.

I don't know if it's the healthiest way to resolve these types of issues, but it definitely felt like therapy.

I stared at his naked torso with the sheets loosely over his waist, just under the v-lines. Definitely therapy.

"Why not?" I asked, looking down at my bare stomach, "Can't be that hard."

He laughed and leaned over, pulling me into his arms. "You ask me the most random questions sometimes."

I love the sound of his laugh.

I reveled in feeling my body against his and how safe I felt with him. I raised my hands into his hair, enjoying how his own wrapped around my waist and pulled me against him. With his head on my pillow, I ran my fingers through his hair and his lips touched mine.

"Thank you," I whispered, "For making me forget about everything, even if just for a little bit."

He flipped me onto my back and kissed me, "Anytime. I've never heard you swear so much."


Watching Luke walk around my house without a shirt on was the most distracting view. He didn't notice me staring and trying to play it down like I was inspecting some invisible pimple on ab #7.

When will I get used to this boy's hotness?

Luke slammed the fridge door shut after realizing it was empty. The vodka bottles inside clattered at the movement.

"Do you eat?" he asked me, pointing at the fridge, "Or is that for decoration?"

I lied, "I'm late on the grocery shopping. But we can pick up some food from your party?"

I didn't want to tell him about my financial situation and that my mom had cut ties. I know Luke was willing to go through a lot with me, but I just couldn't do it. I never ever wanted to ask him for money.

"Oh yeah, my party," he repeated, remembering that there was still a party being thrown in his honor across the street.

"You're a great host," I commented mockingly.

He smiled and swept me up into his arms, lifting me into the air, "I see that humor's coming back."

"Luke, be careful!" I exclaimed, enjoying the thrill of it, but still worried, "Your knee! You need to be careful."

"I'm fine," he replied, putting me back down. He looked more than fine.

"I overheard your mom talking and she sounded worried. Are you not following doctor's orders?"

"I spent the last hour in bed with you," he answered smoothly, "That's bed rest. Doctor's orders."


All I need is to de-stress from today. It felt so nice to sit on my couch with Luke. I lay between his legs, my arm draped over his raised right leg. He was watching a basketball video on his phone, thinking we were both interested in that.

We weren't.

I didn't care about the video, but I cared about him – and how lying on him was the most relaxing feeling. The room was warmer now that the broken window had been fixed. I felt a lot safer too.

My problems hadn't gone anywhere, but it felt good to take a break from the freak out inside my head. This was not the long-term solution to my problems, but it reminded me what happiness felt like.

The party had quietened across the street. Most of the guests had gone and my mind slowly thought about school tomorrow.

"Don't you want to know what your dad told me?" I asked Luke.

He lowered his phone.

"Yes? No?" I asked, wondering why he wouldn't say anything.

"Relax Minnie," he replied uncomfortably, "I don't know how to respond right now, OK? I didn't want to ask before you were ready to tell."

"Sorry, I'm getting a bit intense, I know," I muttered, recognizing that we have very different communication styles.

Luke wasn't so good with vocalizing his feelings, but his actions conveyed it enough. I was still buzzing from the heat of our make out session today.

I've never broken down like that before. My emotions had completely taken over, and while embarrassing, I felt lighter now.

"Your dad knows where my dad is," I said slowly, sticking to the facts, "He's known all along. And, recently, he called."

I twisted round to see Luke's reaction. His eyebrows furrowed in a scowl. "Do they speak often?"

"I don't know," I said, "but I think it's the reason why my mom left. I mean, the reason why she's taking a break. She said she was coming back soon."

"OK," he nodded, and his mind was working a lot more logically than mine, "So my dad called your dad and your mom left. What did he say?"

"I don't know."

"He didn't tell you?" Luke asked, raising his voice in annoyance at his father.

"No," I whispered.

Luke sat up and pressed his hands gently over my arms. He then asked, "Do you think your dad could've been the intruder?"

That question threw me off. My face blanked and my lips opened a couple times before words came out. I hadn't thought of that. Maybe my mom left because my dad was coming back?

The tears rolled down my cheeks like I was a water sprinkler. At least it didn't come with the painful chest ache I felt before.

"OK," Luke said, lowering his hands and getting up from the couch. He looked so levelheaded. "My father's going to have to give you more than that."

He didn't say anything else but the tone of his voice was determined.

I rubbed the tears off my cheeks and stared up at him, "I can come?"

"It's OK," he smiled softly, almost sadly, and leaned down to kiss me. His lips pressed against my forehead, "It's better this way."

I knew what that meant – it was going to get hostile.


As soon as Luke left the house, I ran to the windowsill to watch him walk across the street. If they had this conversation in the kitchen or the living room, I'd be able to see somewhat from here.

He was walking across the street. Luke turned his head back to catch me staring out the window. He smirked and shot me a flawless wink before turning back and stepping up to his house.

Sometimes, I really wish I could be as smooth as that devil.


I snuck out of my house and crept across the street. I couldn't see or understand what was happening from my spot by the window, so I needed to get closer. They were taking their conversation in the living room.

I saw Mr Dawson standing face to face with his son. Mrs Dawson was looking worried by the doorway, one foot in and one foot out. Luke's sister was also in the room, watching intently with her hand hovering over her mouth in shock.

The conversation between Luke and his father got more heated. I saw Mr Dawson yell in anger, the red veins in his neck popping. And then I saw Luke slam his fist against the wall and force his father to sit down. He chucked his phone onto the table and pointed at it.

Mr Dawson put his head in his hand and shook it. Luke leaned forward, getting right in his father's face, and said something that seemed intimidating.

His mom tried to intervene but was ignored. The two men faced each other off.

I reached their open living room window and stopped moving to listen.

"I was trying to do the right thing," Mr Dawson explained.

"No. This is doing the right thing," Luke said, "Call Mrs Ripley and tell her it's OK to come home."

"I never told her to leave," Mr Dawson replied, equally cold.

"Don't play with me, dad. You f*cked up and it's embarrassing that I have to be the one to tell you."

I mirrored Charlotte's movements with my hand over my mouth. I was also shocked how Luke was taking them on like this. I've never heard anyone talk to perfect Mr and Mrs Dawson in this way. I guess they reap what they sow...

"I don't have her mobile number..." Mr Dawson came up with an excuse.

"Fine," Luke said, picking up his phone, "I'll call Millie and ask for it."

I had real admiration for Luke in this moment. I couldn't believe he was going to be the one to bring my mom home. I slowly raised my head to watch his handsome face stare down and dial my number.

And then I realized... he was dialing my number.

My eyes widened as my ringtone blared into the air from the phone in my pocket. The window was wide open, and the entire Dawson family spun their head towards my direction.

All they could see were my surprised eyes and tuft of hair sticking up.

I awkwardly stood up from my crouched hiding position under their window and waved meekly.


A/N: Please vote if you enjoyed this chapter. What do you think Luke's dad said that made Millie's mom want to leave her house?

The last couple chapters are heavy, so I've tried to lighten mood with a positive ocean vibe reels on my Instagram (@NatalieInACorner).  Sending you happy thoughts and energy!

See ya Tuesday!

<3 Natalie 

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