village rescue

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third person Pov: location: owners house: "time to soil my plants" the gardener said glaring at the creatures staring at him and his house with hatred in their eyes, the beowolves roared and howled as they move forward, the owner reacted quick and got to planting, sunflowers and twin sunflowers filled the back row before the owner moved forward and planted some peashooters, who greeted the advancing beowolves with volleys of peas, the approaching beowolves we're pulverized by the large peas shot by the plants, as said peas made contact and caused great pain to the approaching Grimm but the beowolves still moved forward, eventually one of them went down with its head popped off as it fell forward before vanishing into smoke and soon more beowolves fell to the volley of peas, however more beowolves arrived as they heard the sound of fighting and the dying cries of their pack mates, the owner seeing reinforcements show up, planted a column of wall-nuts as he took note of these new foes, the most notable part is that he was thankful they vanish thus sparing time for cleaning the lawn and more for tending to the plants, the Beowulf reinforcements reached the large nuts and tried to chew and claw their way through the defensive plants but the wall-nuts simply giggled at the beowolves attacks and held them off as the peashooters shot the Beowulf's down, the owner reinforced the wall-nut barricade with bonk choy's and they pummeled the Grimm down into the dirt with mighty punch's and devastating uppercuts as more of the beowolves were slain, a slightly different Beowulf appeared on the lawn as it saw its pack get killed and held back by these plant-like creatures, it was quite a bit bigger than its kin and was covered in more bone like plates and spikes providing it with superior protection, this was an alpha Beowulf, older, smarter and deadlier than its younger kin it howled and more beowolves arrived before it joined the fight itself, it was much more resilient and nearly broke through one of the wall-nuts  who was frowning, but before the wall-nut could crumble, its head was sent flying by a well-placed uppercut curtesy of a bonk choy and the rest of the pack was soon slain, the plants celebrated their victory over the Grimm, or rather,  creatures, as the plants and humans inside the house didn't know what the creatures that attacked them were called yet.

battle over.

third person Pov: location: inside penny: Dave was tinkering with the van/RV known as penny, a time traveling vehicle and part-time taco truck, penny was currently equipped up for a road trip and as Dave finished her up the owner came into the garage as Dave smiled and said "good planting neighbor, penny's geared up to go, I picked some out some plants to go with us the rest is up to you" the owner nodded as he saw the plants Dave picked out to go with them, he saw guacodiles, chard guards and shrinking violets, the owner smiled as he petted one of the guacodiles before bringing more plants along for the trip, sunflowers, peashooters, kernel-pults, cabbage-pults, chompers, plenty of spare pots and lily pads, and finally some cherry bombs with some squash's were brought along for the journey , after securing the plants in the back he took his seat and the plants left behind at the house stood ready to guard the household till the humans came back.

third person pov: location: inside penny (road trip): penny rumbled as crazy Dave drove her down the dirt road and soon they came upon a village, the villagers inside the well village were greeted to what they saw as a strange sight, cars and motorcycles exist and some have passed though the village before but with the engine on penny's back and all the decorations and oddity's dotting her, she can safely be seen as an odd sight, the two humans inside were smiling  as they saw fellow man though raised eyebrows as they saw people with animal looking features also gaze at them, crazy Dave found a spot and parked penny there before hopping out alongside the gardener, the plants quickly followed the two humans and the plants themselves drew most of the villages attention, the plants found the attention to be odd but didn't mind as some children attempted to pet the chompers but were pulled away by their parents, the two humans entered a shop of sorts and looked around as the plants stood guard outside, what caught crazy Dave's eyes were two things one was a book on taco recipes and the other was a book titled 'creatures of Grimm' the madman brought the two books to the shopkeeper as the owner joined him but holding a rather fancy watering can, "how much for the books and watering can?" the gardener asked before the shopkeeper said "69 lien" now the two humans didn't know what lien was exactly but shrugged and brought out a gem "will this do?" the shopkeepers jaw dropped before eagerly grabbing the jewel and saying "sold!", the two humans left the shop with their items in hand and saw an interesting sight, one of the plants, a chard guard to be exact was sleeping on the ground and some teens approached the plant with a stick and one didn't need a brain to know what will happen (unless it's a zombie) and the 2 teens began to poke the sleeping plant and the owner called out "I wouldn't do that if I were you" the teens sneered and said  "or what?" and turned to see the chard guard had woken up and was not happy, the plant lowered its leaves covering its face before flinging the two now screaming teens across the street losing one of its leaves in the process before going back to sleep, the townsfolk looked in shock at the downed teens who rubbed their butts in pain after being flung like they were bean bags, the owner sighed and picked up the chard guard and its broken leaf and headed back to penny with Dave as the rest of the plants followed when someone shouted "GRIMM!" and the townsfolk began to panic, the plants and the humans looked towards the gate and saw more of the creatures they fought earlier however there where some news ones among their ranks, one was a large bear looking Grimm known to locals as an ursa and a large scorpion looking Grimm known as a deathstalker, the owner rallied his plants and charge forth with a shovel in hand and plants behind him, some of the villagers stopped and one thing on their minds 'what are they doing?!' as they saw the human and his odd companions charge the hoard.


the owner got to planting on the dirt road as Dave moved penny to serve as roadblock, a column of sunflowers were in front of penny and were quickly followed with kernel-pults to stall the approaching Grimm, the corn based plants lobbed corn kernels and butter at the Grimm and while the kernels didn't do much to the Grimm the butter did as Grimm became immobilized with globs of butter on their heads, cabbage-pults came next  and did significantly more damage than the kernels as Grimm heads fell off left and right but more kept coming, the Ursa's got into range as they saw the beowolves get pulverized by what amounts to food but the owner moved quickly to stop the Ursa's in their tracks.

planting some chompers who growled at the approaching Grimm and licked their lips in hunger, at the large, bear like Grimm, thanks to be tougher than their cousins, they soon met the chompers and even sooner the Grimm found out how they were nothing but food for the large plants as they ate entire Ursa's and beowolves in one bite with nothing but there arms or legs sticking out of their mouths, the chompers began to chew their meals and found out the Grimm tasted just as good as zombies did as they began to chew their prey.

chard guards were planted in front of the chompers to protect them and quickly proved  that they were stronger than any ursa as they flung whole groups of Grimm back at the cost of a leaf, one chard guard lost all its leaves and the Grimm attacked it but the chard guards were sturdy plants and while not as tough as wall-nuts they will keep buying time for their fellow plants and a chomper soon swallowed its meal, which was  followed by a belch of black mist, fur, and bone fragments, the chomper in question reached forward and ate one of the Ursa's attacking the chard guard much to the chard guards relief as there was now less Grimm attacking it, the owner ran up to the leafy plant and using wall-nut first aid to heal the chard guard and regrew its leaves allowing it to start throwing Grimm again.

the gardener then sent forth some squash's to meet the Ursa's in combat, the bear like Grimm looked at the plants before them in confusion when one of the said plants gave an ursa the evil eye as it then leapt in the air and crushed the unfortunate ursa flat, the squash plant yawned before burying itself into the ground when a slight breeze happened and said ursa from earlier was now nothing more than a glorified pancake before it faded into the air after floating for a bit, peashooters soon joined the fight as they took out Grimm after Grimm in volleys of peas, while their lobbed-shot buddies helped in putting down the Grimm invasion, a rather large group of Grimm arrived but the gardener was ready and threw a cherry bomb at the hoard, POWIE!!, the Grimm were reduced to ash's as there reds eyes blinked before their heads fell into the ash piles that were once there body's before they too were blown away into the wind, however this didn't stop the horde and more Grimm arrived.

guacodiles joined the fray and they were much closer than their fellow ranged plants as they launched avocado pits in to the hoard of Grimm, one of the beowolves managed to leap over the chompers and chard guards in the way and landed before one of the guacodiles, the avocado plant growled before it lunged forward at the Beowulf, the Grimm was quickly maimed and killed but soon the guacodile kept going, biting and maiming whatever Grimm was in its path  before it got tired and buried itself into the ground after finishing its rush.

the plants were winning, however in an effort to turn the tide, a deathstalker arrived, the giant Grimm was heavily armored meaning it could shrug off the plants attacks without even flinching, however it wasn't completely plant proof as its armor was slowly chipped away and broken, the owner furrowed his brows before picking up a shrinking violet and nodded to the shy plant as it smiled in a seemingly sinister manner before covering its face back up with a blush as it then hopped forward, the death stalker charged at a group of chard guards who had lost their leaves and the plants braced for impact, however before the deathstalker could reach them, the shrinking violet hopped in front of it, the scorpion Grimm stared down the small flower with hatred in its eyes when suddenly said flower reveled its face with a creepy smile and small petals rabidly started to swarm around any Grimm nearby, but mostly around the deathstalker, the Grimm effected looked around in confusion as the world got seemingly bigger around them, however the stalker being older than the ursa and beowolves looked in shock as it and its fellow Grimm got smaller to the point where it only now met the size of the plants in front of it while the rest were now smaller than the plants they were fighting, the plants stared down at the shrunken Grimm as the shrinking violet from earlier yawned and hopped away tiredly, what followed was a slaughter as the Grimm shrunk down were weaker than before in both strength and durability, as for the deathstalker, well, a rather humorous scene played out as it seemed two chompers had the same idea of eating it and what resulted was a tug of war playing out as both chompers ended up ripping the scorpion Grimm in two with the "loser" eating the tail and the "winner" eating the rest of the body, the plants cheered and hopped with joy at their victory as shocked villagers looked on.

battle over.

third person Pov: location: the village: the villagers were both shocked and happy as they watched these plant like beings celebrate and soon they joined in the cheering thanking the owner and his plants as he blushed and shook hands with the villagers as he scratched his head, inside of penny crazy Dave smiled at the villagers as they thanked owner and the plants before turning to his work, the cherry bomb from earlier along with the squash's and shrinking violet were now inside pots regrowing and resting, for those who might be wondering how, the violet simply hopped back, while a special claw attached to penny, which was used when zombie hordes or similar were too big and thus dangerous for plants that explode or had to rest, such as squash or thyme warp, to be recovered safely, it even had the crazy Dave seal of approval.

speaking of Dave, he was tinkering with a root/branch  like plant when it twitched and slowly took the form of a bear trap, it had a small face in the center and its branches/roots took to form of, well a bear trap, Dave smiled and said "welcome to the world rattan" the bear trap looking plant smiled at the bearded human, the owner got back into penny as he waved goodbye to the villagers who thanked him and his plants for saving them and turned to crazy Dave who was holding a new plant in hand "meet rattan, he takes a small amount of time to arm like potato mine however he instead ensnares foes and needs no sun, foes who step on him will get caught and left paralyzed and when they start moving again they'll be left with a limp slowing them till there defeated, rattan also super effective against Grimm who's heads are close to the ground as in that case he instantly vanquishes them" the owner nods as he gently petted the new plant on its small head, soon Dave got into the driver's seat before heading off leaving the village behind them.

third person Pov: location: a crow in the sky following penny: a seemingly normal bird followed penny before it landed on the ground in an ally way and turned into a human, this human was known as Qrow, a drunkard yet honest and skilled man as said man went to a bar, the man pulled a scroll out his pocket before dialing a number and saying "hey Oz, I got something rather interesting to tell Ya" before sitting down at the bar.

(Authors note: enjoy this new chapter of plants vs Grimm, see you next time, enjoy.)

(Edit: rattans almanac removed from this chapter; this will apply to all other chapters as well.)

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