lessons in gardening PT 1

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(Authors note: enjoy lads and sorry for the long update, also happy (very) late anniversary)

third person Pov: beacons garden: 

a day after the ultimate battle, beacon got two new professors and their army of plants, and currently, they were in beacons garden, trying to actually make it into a garden it was supposed to be, the 2 humans and their plants worked fast, the trash was gone and the plants already there were given new life.

(thanks to the nifty powers of intensive carrots)

and soon beacons garden was now worthy of the title, the tree in the middle was made bigger than ever, trash was practically non-existent now, any student looking to litter instead of throwing their trash away properly was subject to a volley of vegetables and fruits, leaving any would be litterer looking like they just got out of a food fight, the most common victims who now stay at least 50ft away from the garden consisted almost entirely of team CRDL, actually, only team CRDL, anyway, back to the garden.

alongside the existing plant life, new flowers where planted all over, alongside a tone of fruits and vegetables that ranged from the humble potato to a massive apple tree, speaking of trees.

the tree that sat in the center of the garden was long neglected, little better than a sad husk where barely any leaves, now it's the single biggest tree in all of remanent, with it reaching all the way to Ozpins office, even more than that, people living in vale itself and even patch, can now see it.

third person Pov: Ozpins office: 

Ozpin calmy sipped his coffee as the shadow of a tree covered most of his office, Glynda looked at it in utter shock at what the newest teachers of beacon had done to that scrawny husk that was once, barely worthy of being called a tree, now seemed like the proverbial god of trees, and plants in general for that matter, she could even see some of the plants sitting on its colossal branch's as they waved their leaves in the general direction of the office, "I always did want some shade for the office but didn't think I get it this way" Ozpin said as he heard the elevator door open and in came professor port and doctor Oobleck.

"Good morning Oz how goes the ne- BY JOVE!" port initially greeted only for he and Oobleck's jaws to drop to the floor at the giant tree, "HOW IS THIS SCINTIFCALLY POSSIBLE?! I MUST INTERROGATE MR. DAVE AT ONCE!" and promptly ran full force towards to the elevator only to slam face first into it as it just closed, Glynda only sighed as she facepalmed while grumbling.

third person Pov: 

back down on the school grounds, the two men and their plants where now finishing up the classroom, between the board where they'll write and display things, is an open field similar in setup to the house's lawn and Infront of that, is a serious of benches with tables in front of them. 

(Think of the set up seen in beacon classrooms but outdoors)

"Not too bad if I do say so myself" the Gardner says as crazy Dave suddenly pulled two tacos out of his pocket "celebratory tacos!" he shouts as he hands the other one to the Gardner, he shrugs and begins eating and noticed sprinkles in the tacos, he looked back at Dave before shrugging and continuing to eat, not even bothering to question his crazy neighbor, soon, classes would start.

a little bit later: the students could only look up in stunned shock at the absolutely titanic tree, surrounding the once filthy garden was a wall of hedges with the entrance being an archway made of hedges, outside the archway and too the side was a wooden sign with the icon of a smiling sunflower wearing a school cap, and under the head read the words. 

"Bloom and Doom seed co." 

"The new professors worked fast to say the least" said yang as the students entered the Garden and the inside was even more stunning, rows of plant life grew all over both the sentient and not, and outside the rows of neatly packed plant life was a ring of water that flowed like a stream, and was also filled with all manner of aquatic plant life much like on land, else there was a dark shady spot that grew all manners of mushrooms who slumbered the day away, and at the base of the tree stood the class room, "howdy kiddos!" Dave called out and motioned them to come on over.

soon enough the seats were filled as the students still in shock over the amount of plant life and how fresh and clean the Garden was now compared to before, the Gardner cleared his throat and got the huntsmen/huntresses-in-trainings attention, "welcome to lawn defense/gardening 101, I'm your teacher the Gardener and this is my friend, Crazy Dave" as he scribbled on the board, "today I'm going to go over some of the basics and introduce you to your "starting plants" if you will" before turning back around and instantly furrowing his eyes, sleeping in class near instantly after arriving was none other than Cardin Winchester, he elbowed Dave a bit and pointed at the slumbering bully, Dave nodded and ran back behind the board, the Students could only wonder when Crazy Dave emerged pushing a coconut-cannon,  the large plant narrowed its eyes at Cardin as it took aim, Grinning an evil grin, the Gardner just before pulling the rope said "I advise taking cover" before promptly pulling said rope, the nearby students dodged with screams waking the bully up and was just in time to see a coconut flying towards his face, before he could even scream an explosion engulfed him and sent him flying and utterly destroyed the desk he was sitting at, the Gardner and Dave laughed as the Gardner said " let that be a lesson to any would be sleepers! aloes! go heal him up, I don't think Ozpin will be happy if a student died while in my care!" he says before getting his serious face back on, the assembled students looked at the 2 humans with more than a hint of fear, but at the same time more than a few of them had small, smug grins on their faces for what happen to Cardin, particularly Pyrrha and velvet, "now, let's introduce the plants you'll bring with you into battle" as he motions to Crazy Dave, who went behind the board and push a cart forward, with 9 red cloths covering the plants under them, "these where the first plants I ever grew when the zombies invaded and have battled some of the worst zombies that Zomboss had to offer and saved my brain time and again, now they shall help you in fighting the worst that the Grimm have to offer" he says as a sentimental look appears on his face as he removes the cloths one by one.

under the cloths where some of the old plants in the army, having been around sense 2009, or sense the dinosaur era if you take time travel into account, they were the peashooter, the sunflower, the cherry bomb, the wall-nut, the potato-mine, the snow-pea, the chomper and finally the repeater, "these plants are among the oldest in my army of foliage, now they shall help you, as they did me!" before motioning them to go to the lawn layout, they took their places, each in a different column, "the first plant as I'm sure you've seen on camera, is the peashooter, and these 2 are one of peashooters many cousins, the snow pea, and the repeater, a staple in many battles and the first offensive plants you'll grow!" the Gardner says before pulling out a remote with one large button on it, he clicked it once and soon a cage was released from the ground and out came a Grimm, it was a single Beowulf and it growled as it looked around before looking at the assembled plants, it roared as it charged forward, only to be immediately pelted by a barrage of peas, its fur turned a dark blue as splotches of green decorated its face, with its rush turned into a crawl, the Grimm could do nothing but roar in pain as peas knocked one of its arms off, soon followed by the head.

"The next plant is the cherry bomb!" as he picked up the cherry's, the button was pressed and instead of one beowulf, it was a pack of them, the growled as they looked around before focusing their attention to the plants and humans before them, they were about to charge when they saw something thrown their way, they looked down at the two red objects as the cherry bomb looked back at them, it grew an angry face before rabidly inflating as its steam burned.


the Grimm were reduced to ash as the Gardner followed up with "the cherry bomb, as the name implies and what you saw there, is an explosive plant, great for reducing groups to ash's, there are more explosive plants, but we will only go over two of them!" he then motioned towards the potato-mine, the deadly potato chirped as it stared ahead, soon a new beowulf emerged and without missing a step, charged forward, not even looking where it was going, it stepped on the rabidly blinking potato and soon.


nothing remained but a pile of mashed potatoes, "that was a potato-mine, they take time to arm, but they are one of the cheaper explosive plants and are great for clearing out the first few stragglers when defending a location!" he finished as he saw a hand shot up "erm, professor, what about the explosive plants themselves? are they ok?" Ruby asked as she looked on worriedly at the scorched spot and pile of potatoes, "don't worry lass, after they explodanate, plant them in a pot, and they'll be as good as new" ruby and some of the other students sighed in relief, but more than a few muttered confusingly "explodanate?" Wiess murmured, wondering if she heard that right. 

the Gardner smiled as he then said motioned to the final 3 plant on the lawn, "this is the chomper, as you saw during the initiation, chompers believe the best way to beat your foes, is to eat them!" as the button was pushed again, an Ursa was revealed and it was in front of the chomper, before it could so much as Growl, it looked in shock as the chompers maw opened wide and soon, the only thing left, is a single arm sticking out, "they can eat almost anything in but one bite, and can eat multiple targets, but they are vulnerable while chewing, once their mouths are full, so protect them with plants like wall-nuts" as he rolled the wall-nut in front of the chomper, "they are tough plants who can take hit, they aren't the toughest defensive plant you'll grow, but they are reliable, and aren't as sun hungry, speaking of which" as he then motioned to the final plant "this is the sunflower, your single most important plant on the lawn, without sun, most plants can't fight, and you need sun to plant more plants, the more sunflowers planted, the more sun you'll have in reserve and to keep your plant army fresh and healthy" as the sunflower waved at the students before then producing some sun, which was promptly collected, "now then" he grinned as he looked at the students.

"who's up for a game?" 

(Authors note: sorry for the long delay lads, enjoy)

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