Grimm almanac entry's #1

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(Author note: enjoy, here's a Grimm biographies and stats for some entertainment and put into PvZ terms with notes as a foreshadowing of what Grimm are encountered by the plants, ursa majors will appear next chapter with baby deathstalkers and other Grimm showing up later)   


toughness: average

speed: basic

description: the Grimm that makes up the vast majority of a horde.

Ports notes: ah the common beowolf, one of the most common Grimm out of there and while it may not be the impressive Grimm on the block, beowolves come in numbers and are often led by a deadlier and smarter alpha. 

alpha beowolf

toughness: dense

speed: basic

description: calls more beowolves to join the fight and is deadlier too.

special: calls for more beowolves.

Ports notes: the alpha beowolf, these Grimm have lived for a long time and thus are smarter and in turn deadlier, these beasts often lead packs of younger beowolves and can call for reinforcements at a moment's notice, kill the alpha first if possible. 


toughness: high

speed: basic

description: a beefy Grimm that can absorb large amounts of damage.

weakness: rattan trap instantly kills it, shadow-shroom and goo-peashooter poison ignore hide and armor, chomper and plants that devour will eat it instantly.

Ports notes: the ursa, they alongside their wolf like cousins are some of the most common Grimm out there, being some of the tougher Grimm out there, it is wise to pack sufficient firepower and force in order to quickly kill hordes of ursa. 

ursa major

toughness: machined

speed: slow

description: the Ursa's older, deadlier, and tougher cousin, that explodes into spike shards when blown up.

special: if killed by explosive plants (cherry bomb, bombegranate, etc.), it has a chance to unleash deadly spikes in all directions hurting both plants and Grimm, but mostly plants.

special 2: is too big to be eaten.

weakness: same as standard ursa minus plants that devour, umbrella leaf protects nearby plants from spikes.

Ports notes: much like the alpha beowolf, ursa majors have lived for a long time and from it became smarter and deadlier, the most dangerous part of this beast is its spikes, if killed with an explosive device or somehow inflated, it has a chance to unleash deadly spikes in all directions, however clever huntsman and huntresses can take advantage of this as the spikes will hurt Grimm as well. 


toughness: machined

speed: hungry

description: a fairly fast Grimm that can absorb large amounts of damage, when killed has a chance to unleash baby deathstalkers.

special: when killed has a chance to unleash baby deathstalkers.

weakness: shadow-shroom and goo peashooter ignores armor, shrinking violet can stop baby deathstalkers from appearing.

Ports notes: the mighty deathstalker is not a Grimm to be underestimated, covered in thick armor and armed with deadly claws with a deadlier stinger, these Grimm can prove to be a deadly foe, but with the right strategy even these overgrown scorpions will fall to their knees.

baby deathstalkers:

toughness: fragile

speed: flighty   

description: has a chance to appear when adult deathstalkers are killed or rush on to the lawn in large swarms.

special: has a chance to appear from adult deathstalkers that die.

weakness: is shrunk into oblivion by shrinking violet, lighting reed is most effective against swarms of these.

Ports notes: alone the "baby" deathstalker is a pretty pitiful Grimm, still a deathstalker so don't be careless but the deadly aspect of these immature menaces is there sheer numbers, the small deathstalkers often attack in overwhelming swarms with the goal being to drown you in pincers and stingers, an interesting trait of these younger Grimm is there tendency to hide with adult deathstalkers and once the deathstalker they were riding with is killed, let's just say an  ill prepared huntsman and huntress is in for a nasty surprise. 


toughness: weak.

speed: fast.

description: burst out of the lawn in surprise attacks or are thrown by goliaths.

special: sometimes burst out the lawn in surprise attacks.

weakness: can be shrunk into oblivion with shrinking violet.

Ports notes: while the creep isn't the most spectacular Grimm on the block being more fragile than common beowolves but creeps have their own way to provide a threat to huntsmen and huntresses in the line of duty, creeps are excellent diggers, meaning they pose the biggest threat to miners and people in vacou, when fighting creeps, always be prepared for ambushes in the form of these lizard like Grimm popping out the ground or in some cases thrown by goliaths.


toughness: basic

speed: hungry

description: a flying Grimm that fly's high enough to avoid most plants and launching deadly feathers.

special: every now and then it will launch deadly feathers at plants.

weakness: cattail, homing thistle, cactus, and dartichoke can reliably hit it, electric blueberry and calipower can target it, umbrella leaf protects plants from feathers, is vulnerable to blovers, hurrikale and draftodil, kernel-pult butter can gunk up its wings.

Ports notes: one of the most common airborne Grimm, these glorified pigeons can prove a threat to ill equipped hunters who lack a proper range weapon, the deadliest part of these flying monsters is the fact that they can launch a deadly barrage of feathers at targets, however any hunter worth his or her salt will always be packing a gun or at least a device that allows them to reach this avian menace. 


toughness: protected (armored side), weak (belly).

speed: (walking) basic, (rolling) fast.

description: a tough Grimm that has a weak underside and can crush plants.

special: when rolling it can crush most plants, has a weak underbelly that can be exposed.

weakness: spikeweed, spikerock and cactus that are hiding can kill it instantly, primal wall-nut can't be crushed when it rolls, chard guard, spring bean and primal peashooter can flip it on its back if its hit while spinning.

Ports notes: a deadly Grimm to the unprepared, however every hunter and huntress worth their salt will know that if you can flip it on its back then for the most part you've won the fight as its belly has no armor.

(Authors note: hope you enjoyed this little side chapter, see you next time with a proper one.) 

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