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Happy reading ;)

September 1st- back to Hogwarts
Tom Riddle's POV

Its September first, officially the first day I come back to Hogwarts.
Never in a million years would I think I would ever come back to this place,
But somehow it still seems better than staying back at that dump that drained the personality out of me.

As I sauntered down the station of 9 3/4, everyone seemed to have their eyes glued on me.
Especially the girls.

I glanced over to my right to see a group of girls studying my every move, chattering and whispering to each other loud enough for me to hear. Although, I couldn't quite make out the words they were saying.

I've never been more puzzled in my life. I've never gotten this much attention from girls before.
Was it because of how undone my hair had been? Or perhaps it was because I was lonely and they were making fun of me.

Whatever the reason was, I learned to ignore them and make my way up the stairs and into the train.

Avalon's POV

"Hurryyy guys we're going to be late!" I exclaimed as I tugged on Draco and Pansy's robes.
They were exchanging giggles to each other and weren't paying attention to how utterly slow they were walking.

"Guys we're about to miss the train!" I lied, hoping they would finally pay attention and walk faster.

"Oh whatever. I'm leaving without you guys." I groused and trekked away from them.

Tom Riddle's POV

As I strolled past the compartments, all eyes were glued onto me.
I finally found an empty seat and sat myself down, glancing out of the window.

What came across my eyes was a slim girl, her steps were quick.
Long, brown wavy hair coated her head,
Hazel eyes with swirls of pearly silver.

A bright smile.
No way.
That can't be.
No.. that's not her. She looks strikingly different.

I squinted my eyes and focused them on the girl, as she trudged her way over to the front of the train.

Avalon's POV

As I entered the train, I passed by each compartment to see that all of them were full.
All of them except for one.

I made my way over to the compartment that I thought was empty to see an older guy with long, wavy brown hair sitting there.
It's almost like I recognized him from somewhere.. but I'm not completely sure.

"Is anyone sitting here?" I pondered as I came up to him.

He slightly jumped to the sound of my voice, which I assume he wasn't expecting, and pressed his eyebrows together.
He sat there scanning my face for what seemed like 5 minutes, until he finally replied.
"Yes.. someone is sitting here."

I nodded my head and walked away to try and find another seat.
That was strange.

Tom Riddle's POV

What just happened?
I couldn't tell for sure if that girl was Avalon.. but she sure looked like her.

It can't be her though...
Her face has matured too much for it to be her.
Along with other parts of her body..
Her lips were bright pink and plump. Her face was chiseled out and her nose has gotten smaller.

Her body.. there's no way her body changed that much.

I tried to forget about the whole situation, and peeked outside of my window. A girl who looked like she was in her 6th year came up to my compartment and sat across from me.

"Hello." she beamed as she glared into my eyes.

My eyes observed hers carefully, not saying a word in response.

"What's your name?" she questioned, her cheeks burning into a simmering pink color. It feels arousing to see her nervous from my glares. Amusing.

"Tom Riddle." I replied, leaning forward to get a better look at her.

Avalon's POV

'Tom Riddle'

I jumped and glared behind me.
Why did someone just say Tom's name?

I quickly found an empty compartment behind the voice and tried listening. I noticed it was a girl's voice, and she was speaking to the older looking boy I spoke with earlier.

"My name's Lily Kordelin. Pleasure." the girl called out.

"That's a flattering name." the boy replied.

I tried eavesdropping on their conversation, but I couldn't make up the words they were saying. It all sounded muffled.

Until I heard something that made my heart sink to the floor.

"So Tom, are you new?" the girl questioned.


That cannot be Tom Riddle.
That's not the same guy I studied Horcruxs with three years ago.

I quickly started panicking in my seat, trying to control my breathing but I couldn't. I could feel my body starting to heat up, and my head starting to spin. My heart throbbed in my chest and I felt a certain tightness in my chest.
Until suddenly, I saw nothing but black.

"Wake up, wake up!" Fred and George cheered at the same time.

I groggily opened my eyes to see myself laying down in the infirmary.
Quickly, I sat myself up and glared at Fred and George in agony.

"What the hell happened to me?!" I questioned as I peered around the room.
I've never been inside the infirmary before, it was different than what I was expecting.

"You passed out on the train. Everyone's been chatting about it." Fred told.

"What?! I passed out?" I shrieked.

"Avalon, calm down. You're okay now." Fred reassured me as he held my hand.

I started to calm down and controlled my breathing.
Then I remembered.
"Tom.." I mumbled underneath my breath. "Did Tom Riddle come back?"

Fred and George looked at me like I've gone mad.
"No Avalon, Tom didn't come back." George asserted.

"No you guys, he was on the train. I heard a girl say his name." I mumbled as I tried remembering what happened, although it did seem kind of blurry.

"Tom Riddle didn't come back Avalon." George repeated. "I think you need some more rest."

I sighed and laid my head back down onto the pillow.

"I really must've hit my head or something then."

Fred and George chuckled and sat by my side as I laid in the hospital bed.



I couldn't help but repeat the scenes over and over again in my head.
Was it really all in my head..?

Of course it was.
I can't believe I actually thought for a second that Tom Riddle was back at Hogwarts.
I'm actually starting to think i'm going insane.

For some reason, all I wanted to do in that moment was run to your dorm.
The dorm that's filled with memories I'll never get back.

I've never actually walked past your dorm, I always found a way to go around it.
I, without fail, found it too painful to walk past there for some reason. It just reminds me of a time where life was better and you were here.

Today is going to be the first day I walk over there.

I trudged my way down the corridors, pacing back and fourth.
Do I really want to do this?

No. I don't.



Fuck it. I'm gonna do it.

I slowly walked over to your dorm, number 251, and stood outside of the door. Just staring at it.
I felt shivers travel down my spine, and that same tightness I was feeling earlier linger around my chest.
What is it about you Tom Riddle?
That makes my chest ache.

I've tried doing this countless amount of times, but I can never bring myself to do it. The image of Snape seizing you away continues to eat away at my brain.

Maybe if I open the door, and see the room that i've been avoiding for so long, i'll finally move past you.
Maybe i'll finally move on.

So I twisted the doorknob gently, causing the dust on the handle to fly into the air.
The door creaked open, and I saw a figure sitting down on the bed.
A figure that I'd never in a million years expect to see.

Your face looks so familiar now. Seated in the same spot you use to sit when we learned about Horcruxs together.

I can't believe it.
It's actually you.

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