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After long, wearisome months of hoping to receive a letter, I've learned to forget about Tom over the past few months leading up to summer.

It was finally summer break and Draco and I were on the train heading back to the Malfoy Manor.
We haven't spoken to mother ever since we've decided to sneak back on the train for Christmas. I really hope she understands why we left..we simply couldn't stay there after finding out father left.

Draco and I were sitting in our usual compartment, as Pansy sat herself next to Draco and Blaise sat next to me.
I've learned to put up with Blaise, I sort of have to since my brother is constantly with him.
They're best friends, and I didn't want to ruin that for Draco. So I never told Draco about how much of a douchebag Blaise is.

"It's quite hot in here." I mumbled, trying to break the silence in the compartment.

"Then take off your shirt." Blaise whispered to me.

I rolled my eyes at Blaise's ignorance and peered out the window, the scorching sun shining through as the rays hit my skin.
As the train started moving, I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

"Avalon, wake up." Blaise's blurred voice spoke as I began to open my eyes.
I saw Blaise glaring at me as I laid my head against the window.

I fell asleep.

"Where did everyone go?" I pondered as I slowly sat myself up, roaming my eyes around the compartment.
Everyone was gone and it was just Blaise and I.

"Everyone on the train has left. We've arrived at King's Cross Station and we're the only ones here." Blaise explained.

I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window. We were already at platform 9 3/4

"You know.. there's nobody else on the train. You know what that means." Blaise smirked as he scooted closer to me.

"Move out of my way Blaise." I groaned as I stood up and pushed him out of my way, leaving the compartment.

I stepped off the train and glanced around the flock of kids meeting with their parents.
Where's Draco?

"Wait Avalon." Blaise called out behind me as he stepped off the train and hurried over to me.

"What do you want Blaise?" I groused as I continued searching for Draco.

"You will come by and see me right?"

I shot my head towards Blaise and sighed.
"No Blaise, I definitely won't."

"I guess I'll just come see you then." he teased.

"Actually I think it'll be best if we just don't see each other at all." I mocked as I continued walking.

"You don't mean that."

"No, I do." I fake smiled, and walked away.

I saw Draco standing with Pansy, hugging her.

When does Draco ever hug Pansy? It's usually always her all up on him.
Then, the most unexpected event happened.
He kissed her.

"Lets maybe take that somewhere else?" I sneered in disgust as I walked past them.

Pansy quickly backed away and widened her eyes at me.
"Avalon.. you weren't suppose to see that. This is really awkward-"

"It's cool Pansy, I don't care." I snickered as I noticed her begin to feel embarrassed.

"Okay great. Um.. owl me?" Pansy grinned at Draco, and Draco nodded.

As Pansy walked away, I lightly punched Draco in the arm and chuckled at him.
"You never told me about you and Pansy."

He scoffed and tried playing off the fact that he had feelings for her.
"There is no 'me and Pansy', we're just friends."

"So friends shove their tongues in each other's mouths?" I ridiculed.

"I'm not about to have this conversation with you." he grunted.

We hurried over to the muggle bus, and hopped in. We told the bus driver where to head to, and after a very long bus ride there, we finally arrived home.

"You open it." Draco muttered as he pushed me up to the door.

I slowly put my hand up the doorknob and twisted it quietly, hoping mother wouldn't hear us sneak in. I opened the door and stepped inside to see mother standing in front of the door glaring at us with many mixed emotions.
"Where. The hell. Have you been?" she hissed lowly, enunciating every word.

I gulped and looked over to Draco, who had the same terrified look on his face.

"We had to leave mother, back to Hogwarts.." my voice seemed to trail off.

"And you thought it was a good idea to leave me alone?" she trembled. "For 6 months. You left on Christmas and decide to come back now?"
She trekked off into the living room before Draco and I could reply.

"Shit." I mumbled to Draco as I rolled my luggage into the house.

We tried talking to mother about why we left, but she didn't care to listen.

After a few days of us back at home, she was tired of giving us the silent treatment and finally began talking to us again.
I've noticed mother started taking care of herself, since we've left. She doesn't look as stressed, the house is cleaned up and she's been wearing a smile more often.

But this summer was probably the worst summer i've had so far.
I'd sleep in all day, and if not then i'd be writing in my diary or bothering Draco.

All Draco has been doing all summer is owling Pansy, which has gotten quite annoying.
I mean don't get me wrong, I support Draco and Pansy and all but they've got each other wrapped around their fingers.

Draco has learned to forget about me ever since he started being more than friends with Pansy.
We use to go to our special hill in the backyard every summer and vent to each other about everything.
We don't do that anymore.

We use to sneak up on mother and father and try to eavesdrop on their conversations.
Laugh our asses off when we heard them saying cheesy stuff to each other.

Cry together when we heard them argue.
We don't do that anymore.

Sometimes it's like I don't even recognize him anymore. We're not how we use to be, there's even some days where we don't even say hi to each other.

He sneaks out every night to meet with Pansy, while I stay in my room listening to the newest hits on the radio.
God my life is sad.

So I decided, i'm going to make my summer interesting.
I'm going to sneak out to see Blaise.

So I waited in bed until I knew mother was asleep for sure, and headed out my room.
I glared into Draco's room to see him gone, of course.
He's probably out snogging Pansy in a park or something.

I slowly trudged down the stairs, avoiding the places where the stairs creaked.
As I reached the bottom and headed towards the door, I saw Draco getting ready to twist the doorknob.

"Going somewhere?" I whispered as I walked over to him.

He slightly jumped to the sound of my voice and rolled his eyes.
"You scared me, I thought you were mother." he whispered.

"Heading off to see Pansy huh?" I questioned as I began to put my shoes on.

"Maybe." he hesitated. "And you?"

"None of your business." I replied as I brushed past him and twisted the doorknob.

We both carefully took our first steps outside and left the house.

"Where are you going?" he repeated.

"No where oh my god." I muttered. "I'm just gonna walk around."

"Right." he scoffed. "Better not be meeting with some guy you're going to end up snogging with."

"Oh please, like you don't snog and who knows what else with Pansy." I chuckled as we headed down to the street.

"I do not." he mumbled. "Where are you getting these ideas from?"

"Unfortunately they're visions."
The picture of them kissing refused to leave my head.

I peeked over towards Blaise's neighborhood realizing i've already arrived.
Suddenly, I started to get nervous and my heart started pumping quicker.

"Okay, i'll be on way then." I patted Draco's back as I turned away.

"Wait, where are you going?" he questioned as he caught up to me.

"I told you i'm just walking around-"

"Why are you going towards Blaise's neighborhood?" he glared at me.

I continued walking in silence as I glared down at the floor, refusing to make eye contact with him.

"Avy." he chuckled. "No fucking way."

"I'm not going to Blaise's house if that's what you're thinking." I lied.
There was no way I was telling Draco that I'm going to his best friend's house.

"Mhm.." he mocked.

"Are you gonna leave to be with Pansy now?" I implied as I dug my hands into the pockets of my sweater.

"Pansy lives in Blaise's neighborhood." he replied.


I continued walking, trying not to seem suspicious to Draco but it was no use. He knew I was going to see Blaise.

"So are you just gonna follow me into Pansy's house or what?" Draco questioned. "Oh wait, you're going to see Blaise." he taunted.

"Shut up Draco."

We entered Blaise's neighborhood, and Draco hurried to Pansy's house.

"Be safe." he mouthed to me, and finally climbed up her window.

I knocked on it Blaise's door, realizing he was probably sleeping and I turned away.
Before I could walk away, he slid the window open and peeked through the curtains.
"Avalon?!" he chuckled.

I sighed in relief knowing I didn't walk all the way over here for no reason. But suddenly, my nerves overtook me.

"Hey." I grinned.

"Wanna come in?" he whispered through the window.

Oh my god.
Do I go inside?

"Umm," I hesitated. "Sure."

He shut the window and hurried over to the front door, opening it.

"Come in." he smirked.

I walked inside, as he carefully closed the door and grabbed my hand to lead me up stairs.
His hands felt soft, and smooth, and they were quite big compared to mine.

As we cautiously walked up the stairs, making sure not to awake anybody, he led me to his room and shut the door.
He turned around to face me as I sat on the corner of the bed glaring up at him.

"I can't believe you actually came." he chuckled. "I knew you couldn't resist me."

"It's not like that." I scoffed.

"Oh really? So what is it then? Why'd you come?"

"Because my summer has been boring and I wanted to make it less boring." I replied in a dull tone.

"Ouch." he chuckled as he walked over and sat himself on the bed next to me. "So you didn't come here because you missed me?"

"No." I snickered as I scanned his room.
He had black covers, and wooden shelves all around his room.
A huge fireplace burned in the corner, bringing warmth into the room.

"Can you believe we're going back to Hogwarts in a few days? It feels like summer has just started and it's already over." I told as Blaise sat a few inches away from me.

WARNING: Sexual assault. Please do not continue this chapter if you are easily triggered.
I love you.

"Yeah that's crazy.." he mumbled like he wasn't even paying attention to what I was saying.

He moved closer to me and his his hand crept up my thigh.
"I've missed you so much over the summer." he whispered.

The back of my neck started burning and my chest shriveled up. I froze completely, from head to toe. Words were coming out of my head but couldn't escape my lips.

"Blaise what are you doing?" I quavered as I moved away from him.


"Why are you touching me like that.." my voice trailed off.

"I mean.. you did come here to shag right? Why else would you come see me?"

"Um I don't know.. maybe because I wanted to talk with you?" I gulped.

"No girl comes to a guy's house in the middle of the night to talk with them." he chuckled to himself as he started moving closer to me.

"What's wrong with you Blaise? I genuinely want to know. I wanted to be your friend a few years back when you protected me and actually seemed like a decent person." I bellowed as I glared into his eyes. "What happened to you?"

He clenched his jaw and his eyes burned into mine.
"Shut the fuck up Avalon."

"No. You told me you 'changed' and I can't believe I actually started to believe it." I scoffed.

"I did change Avalon. I thought you were into me too, I thought you coming over meant we had a thing going on. I never meant to make you uncomfortable." he stated as he placed his hand on my thigh.

"My brother is two houses away." I blurted as he kept his eyes on me.

He took his hand off of my thigh and quickly looked away.

My breathing started to get heavy, I stood up from the bed and paced over to the door.
"I'm gonna go." a slight mumble escaped my throat.

Before I could turn the doorknob, he stood up and towered over me.

"If you tell anybody about this, i'll tell them how you sucked me off in the bathroom." he hissed into my ear.

"But I didn't-"

"But i'll tell them you did." he interrupted as he kept his eyes on me.

I gulped, trying to find a way to get out but my body froze. I couldn't think at all.

He pressed his body against mine, his breath fanning against my ear.
"I hope we can still be friends." he chuckled.

He released himself off of me, as I glared at him one last time and headed out the door.


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