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After my whole fight with Draco, I wanted to get my mind off of everything going on in my life right now. I want to go to the one place I feel most untroubled.
The astronomy tower.

I made sure no professors were around to see me skipping class, and I made my way all the way up the weary staircase. I heard birds chirping in sync and the sight of ombre in the sky delighted me. I've never been here during sunrise, it was always late at night when I'd be here gazing up at the stars.

A familiar voice startled me as I made my way towards the railings.


My eyes lingered down to Tom Riddle sitting in the center of the open room with a journal in his hand. I made my way over to him and sat close to him, peering down at his journal.

"I never knew you wrote." I smirked as I grabbed his journal out of his hands and playfully looked through the pages.

"You can give it back now." he tilted his head at me and smiled.

"Why? Is it because i'm somewhere in this journal? Oh shit-I see my name." I widened my eyes and giggled as I stood up and hurried away from him trying to read it.

He quickly stood up and followed me, trying to get it back.
"Avalon stop don't read it-"

"Avalon Malfoy, you were the first person to ever make me feel something." I called out as I continued reading.

"I'm going to kill you." he chuckled as he followed me.

"I was afraid, confused on how a little girl could make me feel emotions- little girl? Really? I'm only one year younger than you." I scoffed as I smirked at him.

"This isn't funny."

"And for that, I tried pushing you away. I was so angry at you for making me feel something that I treated you horribly for it. But I couldn't seem to get my mind off of you, even after two years. You still remain heavy on my mind."

He came up behind me and wrapped his hands around me, causing me to drop the journal.

"If you read any further I will push you off this tower." he chuckled into my ear as he began kissing my neck.

I turned around to face him and gazed into his sparkling eyes that lit up every time I talked to him. I grabbed his face and gave him a little peck on his lips.

"What was that for?" he grinned as he continued kissing me.

I pulled away from him and hesitated before telling him. I really didn't want to.
"We can no longer talk."

His eyes sunk into mine with a sorrowful look and he clenched his jaw. His face had suddenly gotten tense and disconsolate.

"I won't let that happen." he pressed his eyebrows together and dug his hands into my waist, pulling me close to him. Our faces were now three inches apart, with despairing looks.

"Draco-being Draco- forbid me to talk to you. He said he would tell my father and that wouldn't end up being good." I mumbled.

"You're actually going to listen to him?" he scoffed as he continued holding my body close to his.

"I have to."

He took a deep breath in and exhaled, disconnecting his eyes with mine and gazing out the view. He released his hands from my waist and made his way over to the railings as I carefully followed him.

"Draco doesn't have to know." he mumbled as he leaned against the railing.

"What do you mean?"

"We can come up here every night and nobody has to know, that way Draco won't find out."

I pressed my body against the railing, gazing at the view in front of us. I took a long moment to think to myself, is it really worth it? Risk getting caught with him up here?
Hell yes.

"Fine." I grinned at him as he lingered his eyes back over to mine.

I inched closer to him, resting my hand on top of his as they sat on the railing. I rested my head on his shoulder as we looked over towards two birds flying our way.

"Do you ever wish you were a bird?" he pondered as he kept his eyes on them. "They're so.. free. They don't have any worries in their life, or stress eating them up. They don't have to make any big decisions that might destroy every little thing in their life."

"Sounds oddly specific." I gazed back into his eyes.

"I have a question, Avalon."

"Go ahead."

He pressed his lips together and fidgeted with the rings on his fingers.
"Why do you try so hard to change me?"

I raised my eyebrows at him and looked down at the floor, only to see my shoes tapping the ground anxiously.

"Because I know you wouldn't do any of the things your father did. I know you more than you know yourself. You think you're this horrible person who has no heart but that's not you at all." I exhaled.

"You don't know me, stop saying that. I'm a horrible person Avalon, I can't feel love, i'm immune to it. So if you think I have love for you or I care for you I don't. It's impossible. I actually regret ever talking to you, so now that I think about it i'd love it if you left me the fuck alone."

The words that just came out of his mouth stabbed me in the chest, leaving my chest aching with this unbearable pain. My breathing started to shake and my vision started to blur from the pools forming in my eyes.

"You don't mean any of that." I quavered.

"I do." he mumbled with his voice low.

"Fine. Maybe it's better if we don't talk, maybe that way you won't tear anything else apart in my life." I trembled.
It felt like I swallowed a rock in my throat as I tried holding back my tears, refusing to let him see me in any more pain.

"Good. Go then." he fumed as he pointed towards the stairs.

I waited for a moment, standing there hoping he would change his mind and tell me to stay. I hoped that this wouldn't be the last of our conversations.

"What the fuck are you waiting for go!" he choked on his own words as he tried hiding the pain in his voice.

So in the next few seconds I brushed past him and hurried down the stairs regretting ever walking up them.

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