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Back at Hogwarts

My mind was filled with thoughts about what happened last night, about how much closer Tom and I have gotten over our trip to New York. Sometimes I wonder to myself if I might be in love, or if i'm just fond of the thought of being in love.

Tom Riddle isn't someone to fall in love with, he's evil and villainous. But there's something more to him, something i've always seen since we were little. He's more than what people make him to be, he makes me feel euphoric and over the moon. When i'm with him it feels like there's nobody else in the world besides him and I underneath the starry sky.

Sometimes I think to myself how can I change him, change his ways of perceiving life. His main goal in life is to follow his father's footsteps, kill Harry Potter and take over the wizarding world when his father couldn't. But I know deep down, he doesn't want to.

He tells me he doesn't care for people and he's black-hearted but it's simply not true. He has one of the biggest hearts a person could have, and he's destroying it all for what? So he can make his father proud?

I'm going to show him there are better ways of living life. Ways that don't involve violence, or brutality, because deep down I know he wants to live a restful, blissful life at peace, and I want that for him more than anything.


In class


I swiftly turned my head behind me to see Ron trying to get my attention. He was seated right next to Harry and he's been trying to talk to me all class. I just wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, my mind was racing with thoughts about Tom.

"Come to the Gryffindor common room tonight, there's going to be booze." he whispered while he cupped his mouth, trying not to let Snape hear.

"No talking, Mister Weasley." Snape hissed from across the classroom as he leaned back in his chair.

I nodded my head towards Ron and turned back around to face the front of the class. Booze does sound splendid right about now. I needed something to distract myself from overthinking to the point where my head pounds in agony.

Although, I was very confused on why Ron was being so nice to me, he usually gives me dirty looks all day.

I tapped my foot on the ground anxiously waiting for class to finish and Snape to dismiss us until finally,
"You are all dismissed."

I rushed out of my chair, grabbing all of my books and heading outside towards the hall only to see Blaise walking towards me.
Why the hell is Blaise still walking freely around the school.

"Nice face." I scoffed under my breath as I glared at his eyes which were completely swollen and purple. He had bruises all over his face and he looked like a pufferfish.

"You and your fucking brother did this to me." he muttered as he pointed his finger into my chest.

"Why the fuck are you still roaming around the school. Shouldn't you be expelled? Or thrown in Azkaban." I crossed my arms as I held onto my books tightly.

"They didn't find a reason to expel me, knowing there was no proof of me being a rapist. How is Hermione by the way?" he smirked.

"Oh you motherfucker-"

I slammed my books on the ground and tackled him, but someone behind me quickly pulled me off of him.

"Avalon, what the hell?" Ron breathed heavily as he gripped onto my arms holding me back.

"Let me fucking go!" I roared as I tried squirming out of his arms.

He pulled me with him to another hall and finally let go of me. I tried getting past him to beat the fuck out of Blaise but he put himself in front of me and didn't let me get through.

"Ron. I swear to god if you don't let me through i'm going to beat the shit out of you-"

"Avalon, I know you're angry but I think he's gotten enough beatings already. Please don't get yourself expelled, don't let him win. He wants to see you angry." Ron tried leveling with me but I continued trying to push him out of my way.

"Ron, you don't understand-"

"Breathe Avalon, breathe."

I took a deep breath in and exhaled, letting go of all of my anger. My blood was boiling and my body was heating up, but Ron helped me calm down.

You know that feeling when you're so angry and frustrated that you just start breaking down in hot tears? That's exactly what I did. I broke down in the middle of the empty halls with nobody there except for Ron. He wrapped his arms around me and held my head trying to comfort me the best he could.

"It's okay Avalon, we're going to get him out of here soon. Don't worry." he whispered as I dug my face into his chest.

Never in a million years would I think Ron Weasley would ever hug me. It was nice hugging Ron, I don't know how to explain it but I felt warm and safe in his arms.

"What the hell?" a loud voice boomed from behind us.

Ron quickly let go of me and I turned around to see Draco rushing towards us.

"Why the hell are you touching my sister with your nasty robe, and why the hell are you crying?" Draco's face softened slightly when he saw my face covered in tears.

"Ron was trying to comfort me he didn't mean any harm, just leave." I choked on my own words.

"So you're friends with Weaselbee now? Let me guess, you're going to be friends with Pottah next-"

"Why do you have such a problem with them?" I snarled as I stepped closer to him. "Because last time I checked Ron was the one comforting me while I was crying, not you."

Draco gulped and his face quickly eased up, sinking his eyes into mine with an apologetic look. "Why are you crying?" he sighed.

"Right I think I'll leave then." Ron mumbled behind us.

"No, you stay Weaselbee. I need to have a few words with you." Draco snarled as he pointed at Ron.

"It doesn't matter why i'm crying." I muttered as I wiped my tears away.

"I don't want you being friends with any of the Weasleys or Pottah or Granger." Draco demanded as he towered over me.

"Shut the fuck up for once Draco. You can't tell me what to do or who I can be friends with." I snapped.

"Where have you been these last few nights, huh? Because every time I wake up you're not in our dorm. So where the fuck have you been?" Draco spat as his eyes fumed into mine.

"I really think I should go-" Ron muttered to himself.

"Ron, i'll be there tonight. At the Gryffindor common room." I grinned as I turned around to face him.

Ron's face lit up and he nodded, quickly heading towards his next class.

I turned back around to face Draco only to see him glaring into my eyes with fury.

"You didn't answer my question." he hissed.

"I've been going out for walks." I lied.

"Walks with Tom? Don't lie to me Avy."

I gulped and pressed my lips together trying to hide my anxiousness.

"Tom is the reason our family is torn apart, and you somehow manage to 'see the good in him'. There is no fucking good in him!" he roared loud enough for the whole school to hear.

"I might just have to tell father about you and Tom, and we all know how that will go. He'll kill you." Draco spat through his teeth. "So if I ever find out you're with that twat again I won't hesitate to let father know."

And with that, he brushed past me and bumped into my shoulder, leaving me there with tears streaming down my face.

I needed booze.

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