Chapter 7

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Camilla POV

Even though she was really pissed at Damian she found herself worried. He'd been shot after all, he seemed fine last night but what if that was just the adrenaline or it got infected? She still couldn't exactly wrap her head around the events of the previous night. It was a bit of a blur.

She was tempted to call him but luckily the part of her that was mad won the battle. Her parents were supposed to head over to San Francisco today to visit her dad's sister who had just gotten a baby. But because of the robbery at David's house last night they weren't about to leave her home alone for the remainder of the weekend. Or at least not without a fuss.

"Maybe you should come with us. Yes go pack your bags, your coming." Her mom said as her dad tossed Michael's bags in the car and sighed looking like he wasn't going to argue.

"Mom I'll be fine. Look, I'll go over to Milla and sleep there tonight if you don't want me to be alone. How's that?" she asked, giving them a wide fake smile, she'd gotten good at those.

Her parents glanced at each other. "Fine but you have to be there before dark. Promise?" her dad said sternly.

She hugged them both goodbye. "Okay I'll go pack right now. I promise I'll be at her house before dark."

It took another fifteen minutes of convincing before her parents left and she was alone.

She trudged back up to her bedroom, feet dragging on the wooden floors of the stairs and called Milla. She answered on the third ring.

"Hey there, are you okay? Did you watch that video David sent?" Milla asked without waiting for a hele back.

Camilla nodded then remembered her friend couldn't see her.

"Yea I'm fine and I watched the video. Hey my parents are going to San Francisco for the weekend, and they don't want me to be home alone. Is it cool if I come over?"

There was a loud clatter on the line followed by Milla swearing. "Yea sorry I dropped my makeup. Do you need me to pick you up?"

"No it's fine I'll walk, I need to clear my head anyway. I'll be there around six?"

The two talked for a little while longer before Cami hung up to go pack. It was already five thirty and the sky was covered by dark clouds signaling that it would rain soon. She spent a few more minutes packing her stuff, toothbrush, clothes and hair brush and when she was done she just sat on her bed. Thinking.

The dim light from outside spilled into the room provided a space for the dust particles to swim in.

She stared at her phone. She'd expected Damian to call and at least try to explain the lying. He could've at least told her he wasn't home schooled, but nothing, maybe he just didn't care. Maybe they were overreacting and it wasn't so big a deal. Camilla's phone had no unread messages and she felt pathetic. Damian probably didn't care if she was hurt and for some reason that thought made her feel worse. She wanted him to care.

She thought that maybe they'd become friends the last few weeks but that clearly hadn't been the case. Damian didn't strike her as the type of person who formed bonds very easily, so why would he have tried doing so with them? Maybe they'd only been there for his amusement, maybe he just thought they'd be after his money if they knew who he was. Either way she couldn't help the painful feeling tugging around in her chest as her notifications remained empty.


Damian POV

Damian hadn't tried to contact any of his friends. He knew they were probably mad at him for lying, and he wasn't sure what to do about that. How did these things work?

He laid on his bed staring up at the ceiling, his shirt was somewhere on the floor, the only thing covering his upper body was the bandages around his shoulder. Alfred had given him stitches and replaced the bloody bandages last night while his father had ranted on about them almost blowing their cover. Tim, of course  argued with Bruce the entire time about what else they could've done but Damian had been eerily quiet throughout the entire scolding, even zoning out from time to time.

He had been feeling light headed because of all the blood loss and was to busy thinking of his friends to really care about his father's complaints. Damian had went to breakfast that morning and then went right back to his room after to work through some case files. Every now and then someone would check up on him but he wouldn't pay them much attention. He vaguely wondered if they had watched any of the YouTube videos there was of him, or the old news reports, and what they thought now. Did their opinions change? Was he just another spoiled rich kid now?

His thoughts were interrupted when Dick sat down on his bed.

"What?  He asked, hoping he would take the hint at the venom in his vioce and leave. He didn't.

" You know Damian sometimes the only thing people need is an apology." he offered, testing the waters.

Damian sighed and sat up."You would be angry as well if someone was untruthful to you."

"It's not like you didn't have your reasons. Just call them and apologize. Explain why you didn't tell them everything and they'll forget about it in a week."

Damian stayed quiet. That seemed too easy.

"This is how friendship works. When you mess up you apologize and they forgive. But Damian you have to learn to apologize." he got up and started making his way to the door.

"And if they do not forgive?" he titled his head curiously.

Dick stopped and glanced back at his brother. "Then they're not your real friends." he said, then disappeared down the hall. Damian sighed as he glanced at his phone. He hesitated, then picked it up. He already knew who to call first.

David picked up on the first ring.


He hadn't needed to explain  much to Carston, David or Milla. They seemed to understand to an extent.

Carston was definitely the easiest fix. He said it was fine he was just a little shocked but it didn't exactly wreck his world so they were in his words 'cool.'

David took a while longer to come around and told Damian that he didn't normally trust new people so he'd prefer if Damian didn't lie about anything else and he agreed, well sort of. There were still things his friends couldn't know. Could never know. Of course the brunet would be off his back now since a lot of things about Damian could simply be Googled.

Milla had only laughed and said it was fine as long as he made a mental note not to be an asshole in the future. Her words not his.

The only person he had yet to apologize to was Cami. But it felt different with her. Damian remembered how she had clutched his hand last night, she didn't let go, and he didn't want her to. It was surreal.

He'd been surprised to see Raven there but found out she'd came on behalf of Starfire to ask him to join the team on a mission next week. She'd told him that their team leader wanted to talk with him personally about it later on and he agreed to meet up with her on Tuesday.

Raven had left and he'd gotten the feeling she was mad at him too. For what? He had no idea.

He stared down to Camilla's contact a while longer before deciding against it and grabbing a shirt and jacket from his closet. He walked out and grabbed his car keys.

On the way down he ran into Jason and told him where he was going and to tell Alfred he'd be back for dinner... Probably. He'd learned to not make any promises. He got into his black sports car and drove out into the darkening night. He was barely out of Wayne manor when the rain started its dance through the dark streets.


He found Cami before he  was even close to her house. She was soaking wet and walking home in the rain.
Damian called for her to get in the car but she wouldn't listen and instead ignored him as she trudged on. Stubborn much?

"No Damian, I'm fine. Go home." she yelled over the loud rain, obviously she was still mad at him.

"Would you get in the car Camilla you are going to fall Ill." he argued, but she ignored him and continued.

Damian let out a frustrated growl and slammed the brakes on his car. He got out into the rain and ran after the stubborn blond girl.

"Camilla come. You're being childish." he said, which only made it worse.

Cami turned on her heel and looked him in the eye, her blond locks dripping and sharp blue eyes furious "Oh I'm childish? I'm not the one who lied to everyone because I was afraid my friends were all gold digging prats!" she screamed.

Damian blinked. "That is why you believe I withheld my truth? Get in the car and I'll explain everything. " he asked but she ignored him and turned to stomp away once more.

He wouldn't have it. His patience had run out and he picked up the girl and threw her over his good shoulder, carrying her to his car. Cami screamed at him to put her down, legs flailing, tiny fist hitting his back, and he did. In his car. He slammed the door shut after she was in and got to his side.

Heaven knows what she'd been doing in the rain at six pm but instead of questioning her he reached to the back seat and tossed her his jacket.

At first she wouldn't put it on, but when Damian started driving and the cold got to her she finally gave in and threw it over her shoulders, zipping it up. Her cheeks were red from the cold and she wouldn't meet his eyes.

"Why were you walking home?" he asked and for a while he thought she'd ignore him. But then she sighed.

"I was on my way to Milla's house and then she called and said she's having a fight with her parents so it's best if I didn't come over."

"So you turned around. Your parents could not retrieve you?" he asked.

"My parents are in San Francisco. They didn't want me home alone after... After last night." she didn't look at him, instead she stared out the window.

He glanced at her and noticed the bag she'd probably packed for her canceled sleep over at Milla's house. He swiftly made a U-turn and started driving in the opposite direction of her house.

"What are you doing? My house is the other way." she said, suddenly sitting up.

"I'm not taking you home. You may  spend the night at my house. Your parents are correct you should not be home alone."

"Damian, I can handle myself just fine." she argued. He ignored her.

Camilla had argued with him for a full ten minutes before realizing she wasn't getting anywhere and might have had better luck with a brick wall. Then she turned to the window and sulked.

Damian rummaged through his jacket pocket and pulled out his phone. It was connected to the speakers in his car and luckily he had Alfred on speed dial.


Camilla POV

Camilla had been trying to ignore Damian for the rest of the car ride, but she couldn't help listening when his previously silent car speakers started making a ringing noise. She glanced over at his phone which was resting on his thigh to see he was calling someone. The caller ID read 'Pennyworth'

The phone rang for barely five seconds before the man answered.

"Yes Master Damian?" the guy on the call drawled in a bored British accent.

Damian kept his eyes on the road while answering.
"Alfred one of my friends will be spending the night. Her parents are in San Francisco, please inform my father."

"Very well Master Damian."  he drawled again.

Camilla couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the formality and the 'Master'.

She had to admit she was curious. She'd never been to Damian's house and wondered what it was like there.

They drove into a very rich looking neighborhood and Cami couldn't help but be intrigued by all the beautiful houses they passed. As  they drove deeper into the rich district the fancy houses turned to mansions.

But none of the mansions they passed were as interesting as the last one. The yard was huge so it took a few minutes before they could reach the front gate but when they did it took Cami's breath away.

The gate opened for them and she realized they were at Wayne Manor. Damian's home. The gardens were lavish and contained every plant she could think of. She stared at the building as they drove up the long driveway and around the house into an underground garage.

The garage was filled with other expensive looking cars along with four motorcycles, one being the one Damian had been riding last night.

Damian parked the car and took the keys out of the ignition, but neither made a move to get out.

She glanced at the attractive boy who was almost as rain soaked as she was. His hair somehow looked even better when it was wet and hanging on his forehead. Camilla found herself thinking that Kyle wouldn't have gotten out into the rain for her, but Damian did. His beautiful emerald green eyes met hers and she felt her pulse rising. But she also knew that she was supposed to be mad. So instead of offering him a smile or making a joke of about the water dripping down his face and body she kept her expression neutral.

He breathed in then fully turned in his seat to face her.

"I'm not accustomed to having friends, I normally keep to myself and I prefer to work alone. So I apologize that I lied to you, but it is not because I thought you were after my father's money, it is because everyone who knows my last name assume they know my life's story. Raised in a mansion, spoiled and never had to work a day in his life." he spoke slowly, as if that would make her understand better.

" Damian I wouldn't have judged you based on the opinions of people who don't know you. I'm not mad because you lied, I'm mad because you thought I was shallow enough to not get to know you before forming an opinion. "

He stared out in front of him, letting her words sink in. Silence filled the car as the two stayed in thought.

Cami was playing Damian's words over in her head. She definitely didn't think his life was handed to him, only meeting your father and brothers after you were thirteen couldn't have been easy, and heaven knows what he'd been put through before that.
She thought back to Milla's party when she'd discovered the scars on Damain's body. Whatever he had been through to get those couldn't have been easy.

"I'm sorry." Damian's vioce shook her from her thoughts. Something about the words and the way he was looking at her felt genuine. She hesitated, then slid her hand into his and smiled up at him, he smiled back and it felt like electricity was surging through her body.

His hand was warm despite still being wet. His grip was firm and his fingers slender like those of a lockpicks.
After a minute Damian let go of her hand and took her bag from her lap, getting out of the car. She followed his lead and the two made their way to a set of stairs.

He led her through a hallway and into the main entryway which was huge and absolutely beautiful. They went up another set of stairs and down another hallway. She glanced at the rooms as they passed. One was a large living room with a fireplace, the next looked like a dining room.

Damian turned into a room that was obviously the kitchen. Like all the other rooms is was spacious with large designer counters and a kitchen island.

There was a man standing over a cutting bord with a knife, he glanced up when they entered.

"Master Damian, dinner will be ready in an hour. Do introduce me to your friend" Cami blushed and waved at the British man shyly.

" Hi, I'm Camilla Carlisle." she said introducing herself.

He smiled at her. "Hello miss Carlisle. You may call me Alfred. Mind explaining why you're both wet? You must be freezing."  he said and this time it was Damian who answered.

"It's a long story. We are  going to clean up. We'll see you at dinner Pennywoth." he said and led Cami back out the room and down another hallway.

"You may sleep here tonight." he gestured to a bedroom that was far bigger than her own. Not much decorated the room and she assumed that it was the guest bedroom.

Damian stopped her before she could put her bag down.
"The guest bathrooms are being renovated, you can use my shower." he gestured for her to follow.

Damian's room wasn't far from the guest rooms, just a hallway away. But his room was much fancier than the others.

It was mostly black and light gray. Not much personal items decorated the room. The only thing that told her it belonged to Damian was the school bag next to his desk and the open laptop with a screen picture of him and four other people, one of them being the girl from last night.

There was a pair of double glass doors that led out to a balcony along with one open door on the left next to the bed that looked like it went into a walk in closet. The door on her right was closed.

Next to his large King sized bed was a small sitting area with couches that looked more expensive than the ones in her own living room. There was a glass coffee table and under it a white fur rug.

Above his desk there were cupboards in the wall containing books and sketch pads along with equipment like every type of drawing pencil one could think of.

"The bathroom is just through there. There is shampoo and soap so help yourself. I'll be right here if you need anything." Damian said and she thanked him before heading over to the bathroom and closing the door behind her. The bathroom was black and white with a gray carpet in front of the shower.

Camilla slipped out of her wet clothes, and got into the hot shower. The water was like a blanket surrounding her with comfort, it was exactly what she'd needed considering the events of the past few hours. If she could, she'd never get out.

But she didn't want to take their hospitality for granted by finishing all the hot water, so instead she quickly washed her body and hair. Then got out nearly slipping on the wet tiles. There was a towel hanging near the door and she grabbed it, it smelled like Damian.

She got dressed then realized that it was cold, even in the steamed bathroom, and she'd forgotten a jacket.

She glanced at the one Damian had borrowed her in the car and stuck her hand on the inside. It was a bit damp but she could barely feel it. So she slipped on the jacket once more, hoping Damian wouldn't mind.

When she walked out of the bathroom Damian was sitting on the edge of his bed on his phone. He looked up when the door opened and hesitated before walking over to her. She froze when he stopped mere inches away from her.

He placed his hands on her shoulders and moved down her arms, she tensed wondering what he would do do next. He gave her a look and she realized it was about his jacket.

"Oh I forgot to pack one, would you mind if I barrowed this one?" she blushed not meeting his eyes.

He placed his hands on her hips and frowned, while she felt her heart hammering against her chest and prayed he couldn't hear it.

"It's wet." he said then pulled down the zip and gestured for her to take it off as he walked into his closet.

She did as she was told and followed him. He was holding up two hoodies. One was a dark gray and had a cross design and the other was plain black, she recognized it as the one he'd given her after Milla's party.

"Which one?" he asked and she gladly took the plain black one, handing him back his jacket.

They walked back out and Damian turned to her. "I am going to get cleaned up, make yourself at home." he said, then disappeared into the bathroom with a pair

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