Too much candy

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"What happened to you?" Gouenji asked gently as Kira sat beside him on the couch. She was staring outside the window, seeming a little upset ever since she returned from the mall.

"You didn't mention anything about Tsuki's illness when we discussed her the other day. " She said plainly.

"I didn't think it was my story to tell. " He answered.

Kira glanced at him, " I suppose you're right. " She said plainly and then went back to staring outside.

"Did she say something to you?" He then asked.

Kira didn't feel the need to let him know what exactly she had said to her. The things she said made no sense at all and the explanation of it was clear so there was no need to question it further.

"No." Kira shook her head.

He shifted closer and placed a kiss on top of her head.

"Get some rest okay? I'll leave now. " He said softly.


Eventually, Kira returned to her previous state, that is, absolutely blinded by her love for Gouenji. At this point she no longer felt restless at the sight of him but rather a peace and calm unparalleled by any other experience of her life. Not that she was used to him or taking him for granted. She still found herself more and more in love with him every day.

So much so that soon enough she found herself unable to think of anything else, even the important things. She was restless until she saw him and when she did she would blankly stare at him for the most part. She sometimes didn't even listen to what he had to say. And then after he was done talking he would wave in front of her face and she would come back to her senses.

Why did he have to be so beautiful? So perfect, so sweet? Sometimes the intensity of her own feelings made her sick, as one feels after eating too much candy. She felt like she would never stop feeling this intensity and it would only grow and grow. She often teared up randomly when she was alone and thinking about him. She wasn't sad or afraid of losing him, she felt a special calm during these moments, she simply cried because her body could no longer hold all these feelings and had to make room for more since there was no stopping it.

She wouldn't sleep on time because she wanted to think about him some more, she didn't eat because it felt like a waste of time and an abrupt interruption in her train of thoughts that were, of course, about him , she didn't want to talk to anyone who wasn't interested in listening about him and she didn't want to see anything that didn't remind her for him. He had taken over every aspect of her life before she could realise.

"That's the problem. He's too perfect." These words suddenly jumped up to a highlight in Kira's mind one day when she was lying in her bed, an absolute mess of emotions.

The sentence left a jolt in her mind and her tears stopped at once. She frowned as she mulled over everything Tsuki had said to her, more than two months ago. She had also said something else that struck out to her now,

"I can see he's already had his effect on you. But there's still time for you. "

What was she implying with that? That it was his fault somehow? That she had known this would happen to Kira? Meaning she had seen it before, or perhaps gone through it herself. Kira was now intrigued to find out more of what Tsuki had to say. But where would she find her?

But she didn't have to make much effort because it seemed that Tsuki hadn't let go of her mission to warn her. One day she arrived at the cafe early and received a note addressed to her.

"Let's continue our conversation." It said followed by a time and address. Kira carefully put the note in her purse just in time for Gouenji to arrive and greet her with a kiss. But the rest of the time she felt terribly guilty to be acting behind his back. To her it was the equivalent of casting doubts on him when he had been nothing but an absolute dream.

"Is everything alright?" He said as he cupped her cheek, " Do you have a fever?"

"I don't know but I don't feel so well. " She said. She had had a pit in her stomach the entire time and at this point she felt like she could throw up.

"Let me walk you home. " He offered and they left the cafe.

Kira unlocked her apartment door as Gouenji waited to make sure she got in okay. She then turned to him,

"Thanks for walking me home. I'm sorry I'm not inviting you in right now. "

At this, he pulled her in a hug, " Just go rest, don't worry about me. "

Kira's head was spinning until the evening when she was supposed to meet Tsuki. She fell down on her bed as if she was lifeless and kept staring at the ceiling blankly. What would Tsuki tell her, she wondered. What could possibly be so terrible about Gouenji that made her recoil in horror at the mere sight of him? On the other hand, could it all be a figment of her imagination? She did suffer from psychosis.

And the most important question of all, would Kira have to break up with Gouenji after that day? The mere thought of it was enough to bring tears to her eyes. She couldn't imagine a life where he wasn't there to grace her thoughts. Without him she would be empty, devoid of all happiness and peace.

When the time came she mechanically got up and made way towards her destination. She was still in the same clothes as earlier so she didn't need to change but her hair was disheveled from lying down yet she didn't bother to fix them. Nothing mattered when the very foundation of everything good in her life was being shaken.

The address was of a park overlooking the city. The sun had already set and so most of the people were gone and the place was quiet. Kira found Tsuki waiting on a bench, staring ahead towards the grand view pensively.

"Tsuki, right? " Kira said as she approached her.

She looked up at her at once and responded, "I didn't catch your name the other day. "

"I'm Kira. " She let Tsuki know, "But I'm sorry I can't say nice to meet you. " She then added seriously.

"You are giving me a chance, that's all that matters. " She then looked ahead, " If someone had said the same thing to me back then, I probably wouldn't have." She sighed, " And that's why I'm in this condition now. "

"What condition? You mean your... psychosis?" Kira hesitantly asked. She didn't want to offend her but at the same time she didn't want any doubts left in her mind.

"So he told you about that?" She turned to Kira again, " Did he mention I wasn't always like this?" She commented dryly.

Kira received another shock in this news. It meant there was a lot more to the story than she knew.

"What do you mean by that?" Kira almost instinctively asked as she sat down beside her.

"I was once perfectly fine, just like you. And then I met him. " She sighed as if remembering a devastating moment, " Isn't he so incredibly beautiful? One cannot believe their eyes. "

"He is!" Kira's face lit up as she excitedly agreed. This was one thing that she could claim with absolute surety and that gave her comfort in a situation where she was mostly confused.

"He is so amazing, so sweet and he takes care of every little detail that makes me happy. " Kira rambled on confidently, "I love him so so much I don't know how to ever put it into words. All day long I think about him. I would do anything for him, anything in the world. He is the most important person to me. " Tears welled up in Kira's eyes as she talked about him.

Tsuki was completely unfazed by her rant, "That's what he does to girls. " Her dry comment brought Kira's thoughts to an abrupt halt.

"It starts with a sense of awe,you've never seen someone so incredibly handsome, and soon you're in love with him. But it doesn't just stop there, you go deeper and deeper into your feelings, each day brings more desperation, how to show him how much you love him, how to contain these immense feelings, you've never seen someone so special so you don't know what to do with all this admiration.

One day you wake up and you find out your own feelings are too much to bear, it's crushing your heart and there's nothing you can do about it. You sometimes cry and feel better about it for a day, feel free, see other good things in life but then again he's all over your mind. If it's something that doesn't concern him then there is no reason for you to perceive it.

You stop noticing things around you. When he is not around you, you imagine him to be because you can't bear a moment away from him. And you're happy to imagine it so you do more of it. Before you know it you're lost in your own little world drowning in your own feelings and you've long forgotten your tether with the world around you.

And then they diagnose you with psychosis because that's the only thing that can explain it to them. "

Tsuki's eyes were focused blankly ahead as if she just re-lived everything she had gone through. A single teardrop rolled off her cheek as she took a deep shaky breath to try to compose herself. When that didn't help, she took out a little case of pills and took one from it.

Kira didn't have a word to say. She was beyond stunned at this point. What was the most astonishing to her was that she identified with a lot of the things Tsuki had described. Was she heading on the same route as her? Would she lose her sanity one day too?

"How does he do that? What are the odds of the same thing happening to two girls consecutively?" She chuckled awkwardly in disbelief.

"Not just two!" Tsuki exclaimed as she turned to her shook her head, "Not just two! There are more. I don't know how many but certainly not two or three. And I'm one of the lucky few that came to my senses quick enough, it may take decades to some others. " She paused, "That's why when I spotted you two in the mall that day I had to say something. I can't imagine anyone else going through what I went through. " She began crying with her face covered in her palm. The sleeve of her sweater fell back and Kira noticed several scars on her hands.

She quieted down quickly and noticed Kira staring.

"I fell on a glass table while having one of my episodes. " She quietly revealed.

Kira gave her some time to calm down and a heavy silence reigned during that time.

"But why?" She blurted again.

"I looked into it because, I agree, this is a very strange thing to happen over and over again. I got to researching as soon as I was any better. " Tsuki said, "But the conclusion I reached was even stranger. "

Kira's breath hitched and she anxiously waited for her to reveal it.

"Promise me you will give me the benefit of doubt. You have to promise me before I say anything further."

Kira promptly nodded.

"Say it!"

"I promise I won't dismiss you."

Tsuki sighed to prepare for revealing the definitive answer, " The reason he has this effect is because he isn't human. " She stopped to let Kira process it but seeing Kira's eager expression she continued,

"I don't exactly know what they call his kind but that's the reason he can charm us in an extraordinary way. He's done it to many before us. There's been instances like this before and some of them were documented which is why I was able to come to this conclusion. No regular human being would do that to one."

Kira frowned at this bit of information. It was all proving to be too much for her. She clutched her head in frustration cursing at her fate and what she had gotten herself into.

"You know what you have to do now. " Tsuki said conclusively.

"I can't do it. I love him too much. I can't leave him. " She said, on the verge of crying.

"You need to prepare yourself. But don't take too long. " With that she got up and slowly walked away. 

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