The Stranger

The Stranger

2,156 137 14

ERIC" he whispered in my ear, i started to feel he had a mind reader stached somewhere, but i didn't hold that thought for long because my mind was occupied with how passionate and sexy he sounded all at once, he kept thrusting and looked on as i moaned, My hands were wrapped around him i could feel his heat. He finally reached satisfaction and so did i. Still feeling paralysed from pleasure i just lay still trying to recover from the trance i was in. He took a deep long breath, looked at me,and said"you were amazing "…

Soul's Bond: The bond of Souls.

Soul's Bond: The bond of Souls.

121 78 7

Just Read The Damn Thing!!!…

Libro 1 - El Joven Mediocre

Libro 1 - El Joven Mediocre

35 0 15

Los inmortales son los seres más formidables debajo de los cielos. Para convertirse en uno de ellos, debes ser un discípulo de alguna de las sectas de élite. Pero aún si tienes la suerte de entrar en una, no garantizara tu éxito en este dificil camino.Acompaña a Wang Ling (Tie Zhu), un ordinario joven sin talento alguno. Su sueño le hará trabajar duramente para lograrlo, llegar a ser un inmortal.Wang Lin es un niño muy inteligente con padres amorosos. A pesar de que él y sus padres son rechazados por el resto de sus familiares, sus padres siempre han tenido la esperanza de que se convertirá en un gran ser. Un día, Wang Lin se ganó la oportunidad de caminar por la senda de un inmortal, pero desafortunadamente descubrió que es solo un mediocre. Siendo así decide irse de su hogar para recorrer su propio camino para convertirse en un Inmortal pero obtiene un objeto extraño!…

Have you seen my brother Mello?

Have you seen my brother Mello?

1,528 87 9

When you discover your long lost brother is the head of the mafia, how do you adjust to being put in the center of his world. A DeathNote Fanfic.…



45 8 5

The Long Distance Relationship Have enormous Troubles And Ends In Failure And Breakup. But In This Story The Couple Will Do Different❤️They are the true long distance lovers✈️.You May Heard Many Love Stories,But My Story Is Something That Melts The Heart Of The Readers.CHECK IT OUT!…

A New Found Love (Les Twins Boyxboy)

A New Found Love (Les Twins Boyxboy)

27,830 1,110 27

The sequel to "Blind Love". What happens when Laurent tells Larry about the dream?? Does it come true? Does Larry hate him? Read "A New Found Love" to find out.…

Theirs [Fifth Harmony/You]

Theirs [Fifth Harmony/You]

439,815 10,686 23

"You're Ours" They sayI'm Theirs…

sin sentido.

sin sentido.

3 0 1

la vida es eso, una justificación para querer encontrar un sentido aquello que deseamos y que a su ves tan solo puede ser un reflejo de aquello que los demás quieres que hagas, siempre dije era una chica rebelde, la cual desidia por si misma, era la que siempre pensaba que lo que asía era por que yo lo desidia ...pero no fue así, durante un tiempo me hice llamar lilith por que mi nombre ya verán, soy una chica de 17 la cual descubrió esta verdad desde ahí todo cambio, todo tomo otro rumbo.…

1992 Mystery Case [Fifth Harmony/You]

1992 Mystery Case [Fifth Harmony/You]

40,720 1,858 13

What happens in the past never really goes away…

ma tête, mon monde, ma lune

ma tête, mon monde, ma lune

1,026 18 62

Dans ce livre vous rencontrez mes pensées, vous rentrez dans ma tête, vous en visitez chaque coins, chaque chapitres, chaque éléments importants et gravés dans ces pages, pendant cette lecture vous êtes ce nouveau moi, et vous partagez enfin ce que je ressens.Ce recueil de poèmes est écrit en français et en anglais, chacun dans la langue qui correspond le mieux à leur écriture d'après moi.J'espère que vous saurez apprécier mes mots, et que vous pourrez ressentir les émotions que j'y ai déposé.…

THE BATTLE OF DRAGONS: Auryn and the fate of Nagendra

THE BATTLE OF DRAGONS: Auryn and the fate of Nagendra

418 79 25

Auryn (18) is a beloved , (mostly feared )warrior in her kingdom. She gets along well with dragons, which is very strange, because the dragons are always rebellious. When the queen decides to send her to an almost impossible mission, she starts to question her strange behavior and wants to find out her secrets. But there is no time for that, and so she leaves, and it looks like there is no way back to home...In this story, you'll see a stubborn, "dumb" warrior teen who is insecure about her actions and thinks she can do whatever she wants grow into someone who thinks everything through, listens to others and fixing her mistakes instead of accepting it.…

the talented

the talented

66,753 2,300 36

| in which a girl attends a school for talented kids and meets people who will change her life forever |…

A Teacher's Love... (Les Twins Boyxboy)

A Teacher's Love... (Les Twins Boyxboy)

54,818 3,107 36

Regular teacherxstudent love story... Or is it?…

Jeu d'été LGDC

Jeu d'été LGDC

230 33 15

Petit jeu durant l'été ! Un jour sur deux, vous aurez une question concernant La Guerre des Clans…

𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒 - camp cretaceous

𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒 - camp cretaceous

2,393 87 10

❝I had to get you this...❞❝Awh, Darius! I love it, thank you, thank you!❞ The campers have dealt with the big game hunters, but their journey isn't over. A raging storm and food scarcity lead Kiara, Darius and the rest of the Camp Fam on a treasure hunt.Secrets of the island and park are revealed, new dinosaurs are met, and a whole lot of chaos is welcomed with closed arms.But Jurassic World sits on a dinosaur-infested island with no electricity blocking the enclosure fences, and a particular dinosaur is certainly peeved...More and more goes down on the island, but of them all, only one thing remains in Kiara's mind.She is sure it won't be leaving soon...~Rankings:#1 yas - 01/06/24#2 yaz - 09/10/23#3 yasmina - 09/10/23#7 jurassicworldcampcretaceous - 29/05/24All credits go to the makers of Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous. I only take credit for characters, storylines, speeches, etc., not in the original series!!…

Living With 5H

Living With 5H

110,821 3,023 24

Book 1I thought dealing with one roommate was hard but try dealing with 5 new roommates and to top it off finding out they're one of the biggest girl bands in the world…

carousel|| a. chase

carousel|| a. chase

13,283 878 17

in which aurelie nightshade's life is just a carousel spinning around after her sister willingly lets herself die[annabeth chase x fem!oc][the titan's curse - the blood of olympus][started; 11/23/23] [finished; xx.xx.xxxx]…

"Stalker" || Camren || ✔

216,393 26,219 118

Camila to zwykła dziewczyna, która potrafiła pół dnia przesiedzieć na portalu społecznościowym jakim był Twitter. Pomimo tak młodego wieku, Lauren Jauregui osiągnęła bardzo dużo. Można to stwierdzić po ilości cennych nagród na jej półkach i najważniejsze - miała oddanych fanów. Nie jedna gwiazda jej tego zazdrościła lecz nikt nie znał prawdziwej Lauren, bez fleshy i sztucznego uśmiechu, który coraz częściej przybierała. Chcąc z kimś popisać założyła nowe konto udając własną fankę. Czy Lauren zdobędzie prawdziwych przyjaciół? Co się stanie gdy Camila odkryje prawdę? I najważniejsze, czy ich przyjaźń to przetrwa? Uwaga. Fifth Harmony nie istnieje. Lauren to piosenkarka solowa. Najwyżej #81 w fanfiction.…

Golden Girl

Golden Girl

47,004 1,750 46

"In Latin my name, Aurelia, basically means 'the golden one.' My mother literally named me her golden light through the storm that was her life. That is my job. To be everyone's light at the end of the tunnel. And I got stuck worrying so much about everyone else, I was never able to truly understand myself. " [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] A story in which the daughter of the Roman god of fear learns to express her emotions.fem OC x Jason Grace~Heroes of Olympus Series~The Son of Neptune: COMPLETE ✔️The Mark of Athena: ONGOINGTW: Mentions of suicide, violence, torture, mental illness…