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Frank came in looking absolutely wrecked. He looked awful.

I kid you not, he looked like he'd been trampled by a herd of pink fluffy unicorns. Dancing on rainbows (Grover convinced me to watch that YouTube clip once, it was actually quite good).

Anyway, Frank was just looking ready to kill when he entered.

I held Grover's hand, hoping like crazy his anger would not be taken out on me.

He scanned the room.

"Juniper. Truth, dare, or name?"

I gulped. "Uhh, that is to say, um... well... that is... truth?"

He relaxed a little, or maybe that was just my imagination. "Why do you like Grover?"

I blushed. A tree nymph can find it hard to get a satyr to like them.

"To start with, he's loyal", I explained. "And he is simply an amazing satyr."

Frank seemed satisfied.

Apparently he had no other ideas for me.

I turned to Grover. "Truth, dare or name?"

The sensible goat chose name.

I smiled. "Me."

He smiled too. "9.9".

I grinned. (Inside joke, in case you were wondering).

"Okay, then, your turn Goat-boy", Leo snickered.

Grover rolled his eyes. "No, dud, Leo, no dud."

Leo looked confused.

"I think you mean, 'no duh', Grover," Annabeth realized.

An awkward moment of understanding passed throughout the room.

 Leo broke the awkward silence. "So Grover, choose."

Grover searched the room, before selecting his victim. 


Percy's eyes narrowed. "Be nice to her. You mess with her, you mess with Riptide". He brought out his sword, to demonstrate his point. 

"I get it", my boyfriend replied dryly. 

"So, I pick Name", Annabeth said.

"Luke", smirked Grover.

Glancing nervously at Percy, Annabeth said, "Dare".

"Oh, she gonna regret that", Leo smirked.

Percy was looking offended that Annabeth had actually chosen Dare to avoid the Name. He seemed to be wondering about what she might say.

Grover smiled evilly. "I dare you to delete three building plans from your laptop."

Annabeth's eyes widened. "Oh no you didn't!"

My boyfriend looked nervous. "That's your dare. And by the way, there are not allowed to be multiple copies of the ones you delete."

Annabeth gritted her teeth and pulled out her laptop. She reluctantly deleted her three least favourite designs. When Grover was satisfied, he pulled me to my feet and told the others, "see you, we have to go to this meeting with Chiron. We are gonna stop playing from now on. We'll let you know if we change our minds". Grover looked as if he would rather eat meat than join in this game again. 

"Bye", they said in unison.

"Bye", I called, as we slipped out the door. 

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