The Master, Rin: A Party

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Rin scratched his head in confusion. "So what you're saying is, you want me to attend a party dressed as a girl?"

"Yes," Ciel responded.

"No way," Rin answered.

"If I attend, it'll look as if I and the Jaeger are on friendly terms. But if I send a representative, it shows that I don't trust her. She'll get the message. But she's already seen you so you could be harmed. If you are dressed as a girl, no one will be able to tell it's you," Ciel explained. "Besides, you'll be able to get information about Pandora much more easily as a girl."

"I'm not doing it!" Rin said.

"You're going and that's an order!" Ciel yelled, annoyed.

Rin stood up, "Fine! I'll do it! I hope you enjoy it!" he yelled sarcastically, before running out.

"My my, like a strict father lecturing his young teenage daughter," Sebastian commented, smiling.

"Oh shut up,"


Rin was forced to endure the embarrassment of learning to behave like a girl. He wore a long dark blue wig and now stood dressed in an elegant dark blue dress beside his escort who he refused to refer to as his date, Dantalion.

Dantalion was forced to go by William who snickered as Dantalion and Rin stood too close for comfort outside the carriage.

"I'll get you back William..." Dantalion muttered under his breath as he climbed into the Carriage after Rin.

The ball was pretty standard, with nothing out of the ordinary besides the fact that the guests of honor had not shown up.

"How am I gonna learn about Pandora in these circumstances?" Rin mumbled, crossing his arms.

"Oh my, what is a beautiful young lady like yourself doing all alone?"

Rin glanced at the man who spoke. "I an the Viscount of Druitt, Alistair Chamber and you are?"

"I'm...Sakura..." Rin responded.

"What a pretty name," The Viscount said, lifting up Rin's hand and kissing it. Rin shuddered and looked around for a way to escape.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce our guests of honor, the Bell organization!" Someone said.

All eyes went to the front and Rin sighed in relief as he yanked his hand away from the Viscount.

The relief was quickly replaced with shock as he stared up at a familiar face.


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