The Exorcist: Father

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Yukio stared at the letter in his hand in disbelief.

" Here in Japan?" He whispered.

The letter entailed for Yukio to return to McRonalds and sit down, in which afterwards Satan would show himself.

The thought of Satan finally escaping Gehenna sent a shiver down Yukio's spine. He wondered whether he should turn in the information.

Yukio shook his head of the thought. Crumbling up the paper, Yukio decided it was best to meet him alone.

Yukio did as the letter specified and sat in McRonalds waiting. He didn't wait long.

A young Man wearing the McRonald uniform sat in front of him and smiled.
"Hello Yukio. As you can guess, I'm your father,"

Yukio was silent and looked the Young man over. He was A lot younger looking than Yukio would have ever guessed for Satan to appear. He also bore a similar physical appearance to Rin. The only striking difference would be the eyes. While Rin had Blue eyes, the man in front of Yukio had red.

Yukio recognized the Young man as the one who delivered his order the last time he was at the restaurant.

Throughout the time Yukio was observing The young man, there was an ever growing silence.

Neither person was speaking, and Yukio wondered why exactly Satan would choose to show himself. Millions of other questions flooded Yukio's mind, such as how Satan escaped Gehenna and Why did he order Sebastian to become Rin's butler among other things.

Despite initiating the meeting between the two, Yukio noted that Satan was not speaking. As if he was waiting for Yukio to speak. This was odd to Yukio for he expected him to act more...demon like.

Yukio pushed up his glasses and broke the silence. "So, You're my father...Satan,"

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