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Satan, more formally known as Sadao Maou to the public, opened the door to his house.

"I'm home," He said, taking off his shoes and sitting down at the table beside the new white haired guest.

As Sadao glanced at the white haired man, his thoughts returned to a few days prior.....


There was a knock on the door. Sadao grudgingly got up to answer it. When he opened the door, a white haired man bowed.

"Forgive me for the intrusion, Lord Satan but I bring something of great importance,"

Sadao blinked for a few minutes, "Do I know you?"

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Ash, formally an Angel. You don't remember me, But may I ask to speak with you inside?"

Sadao moved out of the way, slightly Confused.

The two sat down. "So, what do you want? I can't say I'm not glad that some angels have good manners like you." Sadao said.

Ash nodded. "What I am about to explain to you may sound strange, however, I ask you to listen. First off, although you are Satan, you are not the true Satan. A long time ago, Your powers grew too much for your body to contain, therefore you separated your body from your spirit along with your memories of the event. Because of this, you were able to bypass the seal that trapped you in Gehenna and live among the humans. Your spirit has been busy, acting on it's own without you. It is your spirit that transformed me from an Angel into one of your servants, " Ash explained.

Sadao listened to Ash explain and scratched his head.

"Okay, I think I get what you were saying. But I don't think-"

"My Lord, Even if you regained your powers in this world, you won't be as strong as you are supposed to be!" Ash Interjected.

"The reason for this is because the bulk of your power is connected to your Spirit along with your memories! But do not fret! Your spirit gave me a piece of it, so that you might regain your memories as well as most of your natural powers, making you even stronger!"

Ash pulled out a small vial containing blue flickering flames.

"This is it. By drinking this, Your powers will grow and your lost memories will return!"

Ash bowed and held out the vial in front of himself.

Sadao stared questioningly at the vial. "You're saying if I drink this I'll get stronger?"

"Yes My lord!"

Sadao sighed. "What the hell," he said, Taking the vial and unscrewing the top. He stared at the liquid before chugging it down.

All of a sudden, pain spread through Sadao's head as memories flooded in. Images of a woman and two babies flickered through his mind causing an aching pain in Sadao's chest.

"Y-yuri!" Sadao called out before blackness overtook him. Sadao collapsed on the floor.

When Sadao awoke, Ashiya was leaning over him with a look of concern on his face. "Are you alright? I knew I shouldn't have went shopping today! Please tell me you're okay!"

Sadao sat up and rubbed his head. "I'm fine. What You said was true Ash. What are You going to do now?" He questioned, turning his attention to Ash.

"If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to stick around," Ash responded.

Sadao glanced at the clock. "Holy crap, I'll be late!" He shouted, getting up and quickly heading towards the door.

"Stay if you want! I'll be back later!" Sadao yelled, throwing open the door and heading off to work.


Coming Back to current time, Sadao sighed and closed his eyes and allowed the images of his children to enter his mind.

Soon, I'll get to see him again... Sadao thought.

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