chapter 18

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A/n: you know what's funny that y/n is base if the moon from soul eater and the intro paper moon. With this insight, I wonder what similar is you guys can find.



Y/n open his eyes and saw that he was tied to something and had tape on his mouth

Y/n: hm?

It was about to do something but he was kind of comfortable being like this but then he had an inch and with the power of anyone who had an inch that they couldn't scratch ripped is Stitches open and blew a flame paper that folded into a throwing star and cut himself lose

Y/n: tha wah hagh( that was hell )

???: oh there you are!

Y/n turned to see  Hibana walking towards him

Hibana: y/n are you hurt-

Hibana saw what y/n looked like without his stitches for the first time and was in ragged and what they had done to

Hibana: your stitches came loose.

Y/n: Ish fing iul fig ich latagh iul- song ob bish she tough my mash!( it's fine I'll fix it later I'lll- son if bitch she stole my mask!)

Hibana: who!?

Y/n didn't know how to answer that and simply ran ti find the others mostly O/n only but was stopped by the girl again

???: how did you escape no matter I'll just capture you again.

Y/n: whu ah yoh and wha da ya hav ta du wi mah?

???: * head tilt * what?

Hibana: go on ahead I'll handle her.

Y/n nod with and ran leavening the 2 to fight

**** timeskip brought to you by chibi Hibana catfighting the mystery girl ****

Y/n made it to the house and saw O/n standing triumphantly over the White Cloth person

Y/n: oh ma ya dig grac o/n!

O/n saw y/n and with a tearful eye( can octopuses even cry? ) and placed itself on y/n's head their Union was interrupted by Arthur Who Fell at their feet

Arthur: I can't go on any longer shinobi, my kingdom is in your hands...

Arthur "dead" leave y/n with those parting words

???: you're the one song wave was supposed to retrieve.

With the help of O/n y/n was able to keep his jaw Place long enough to say this

Y/n: that's song wave what type of name is that?

The man didn't answer and formed a flail and swung it at y/n who dodged and shifted out the way

???:  by the word of commander I will capture you!

The man fell over from exhaustion

Y/n: wow you really did a number on this guy huh Arthur.

He went down but Arthur could go down knowing that he took the guy with them on another note y/n went inside the but a pledge doctor was thrown through a wall completely distracted he looked at the guy curious

Y/n: are you dead, I mean I don't think anyone could survive going through a solid wall like that.

Y/n poked  the guy but didn't respond figuring he was dead y/n he started walking only for an arrow to stop him

Y/n: this getting really annoying now.

Shinra: y/n were have you've bee-

Shinra paused looking at something curious y/n like in that direction and saw the bow lady and a kid?

Y/n: this is just becoming more confusing.

???: tell me are you the one I just linked with?

Shinra smiled and was one of his nervous smiles it was a full-hearted genuine smile

Shinra: it's gotta be you right you're Sho! Hey listen I think we might be brothers, to be honest, I'm pretty sure of it!

Y/n: ( brothers ? ) okay seriously what the hell is going on?

Shinra: I'm Shinra your big brother.

Y/n: ok this wir-

In less than a second y/n was slammed into some garbage and Sho took his place where he was standing

Y/n: ow ok I don't like him.

Shinra: why he's like crazy adorable! good looks must run in the family your gonna be a hit at school bro!

I don't think Shinra could hear what you were saying but I guess it's understandable the fact he hasn't seen him in years that you would ask such a way

Sho:( I see now the evangelist said I know him on sight and so I do this is my brother. It's true. )

Y/n pulled himself out of the wreckage and it was about to commit a felony on Shinra's little brother but O/n

Y/n: stop it let just kick the brat's ass!

O/n: * shakes head *

Y/n: what do you mean no it's obvious you can take it!

Sho: ( why is that guy talking to an octopus? )

Dismissing the thought he hit went plus ultra on Shinra

A/n: you guys really have to know your stuff to get that reference.

Hitting him with the butt of his sheath knocking the wind out of him

Sho: as wilder's of the Adolla burst you have to come with us now.

This was the suprise of the century but Arthur came  back from the dead to give assistance

Y/n: Arthur wait!

Sho was about to attack but for the reason, he stops everything stopped Y/n eyes we're spinning to the point of rupturing

Y/n: huh?

Sho slowly started running towards Arthur but a burst of energy stopped Sho

Y/n: huh

Sho: huh that ability song wave told me about is all it was said to be.

Sho simply walk away but the explosion was set off not by y/n creating a Smokescreen and a pick truck drove in the distance and Everyone jumped in

**** timeskip brought to you by chibi Victor hitting Sho ****

After dropping Arthur and Yu off at the hospital y/n was sitting on the roof question what Song wave said

Y/n: who was she?

???: there you are.

Y/n turned around to see Maki

Maki: dinners ready you to come down.

Y/n: maybe later.

Maki saw something was bothering him and I think she figured out what

Maki: I get it. You are scared of eating without your mask.

Y/n: what?

Maki: Oh come on you is he with it on, don't worry no one will judge you.

Maki took Y/n's head and with her gorillas Cyclops train pulled him downstairs and what you said about judging without the window cuz everyone stared at him eating with bits of food falling out of his mouth while trying to chew as well as blood and drool dripping onto the table

Y/n: what?

Obi: do you need a towel?

Y/n looked down shrugged

Y/n: not really.

taking a drink from his cup but the contents of the Cub dripped out of his cheeks and onto a shirt

Y/n: on second thought yeah maybe.


A/n: and that's the end of this chapter sorry it was a bit all over the place but I was interrupted 12 times in a row while writing this and on the 12th I was just trying to finish the chapter so I can go to sleep which I'm going to do right now.


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