chapter 17

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A/n: already in this chapter you learn not to mess with a grounded octopus!


After watching the hologram this and O/n getting a slice of home the group went back inside to see y/n sitting against the wall readjusting his jaw as the force of all those cans ripped his stitching everyone just looked at him as blood and drool drips out of his mouth and on to his shirt.

Y/n: yu wounit hapam ta hav ah soing kih or stapuls wouya?


Y/n probably realized that they probably couldn't understand him so he pushed his jaw back in place and repeated himself. A but concerning and wanting him to leave as soon as possible Lisa pointed where he could find some

Lisa: upstairs.

Y/n followed her finger upstairs grabs what you needed and left

**** timeskip brought to you by chibi Yu cleaning y/n's bloody drool with a  mope****

Everyone was sitting by someone wrecked cars figuring their next plan of action while explaining what they've learned

Arthur: you think company 3's captain is trying to kill Vulcan?

Shinra: it's basically just a hunch, I feel sure thought.

Iris: but he was trying to recruit Vulcan if he wasn't then why would he try to murder him? It just doesn't make sense to me.

Shinra: it might be because of his family's history- you that any other time except now!?

Everyone looked towards y/n who was sewing his mouth together while O/n held a mirror Infront

Y/n: nah pah mah noh min.

Y/n just turned around blocking his face from the others, with a sigh Shinra continued

Shinra: as I was saying it might have something to do with his family's history with haijima.

Arthur: are you playing to tell Vulcan about this? I doubt he'll believe you, after all, I don't even believe you.

Iris: I might be wrong but I have a hunch of my own.

Y/n: then you two need to see a chiropractor.

Iris: not that one, probably something to do with your adolla burst?

Y/n: maybe?

Shinra: you heard back to the workshop, tell Vulcan he's in danger.

Y/n: and you?

Shinra: need to find out if this is just Giovanni or the whole of company 3. Luckily he doesn't know where here yet I'll try to scout him out from a high vantage point we can base our next move over what I find.

Shinra shouts in the air scaring O/n thinking was about to be turning the calamari

Arthur: what was the plan!?

Y/n: seriously?

**** timeskip brought to you by chibi O/n explaining everything to a clueless Arthur****

Vulcan: why would you think Dr. Giovanni is trying to kill me? If one of us was going to jump to murder it would be me. I'm the one who got a grudge against him.

Iris: well um

Arthur jumps in explaining Shinra's vision except with his ears and Vulcan just looked at them like where Just crazy

Vulcan: I was hoping you guys would have been different from the other fire soldiers but making up some crap just to scare me into joining I'd pretty damn topical.

Y/n: ( don't wanna how many times that occurred.)

Arthur; you really can't imagine a motive for him you got history with haijima, right?

Vulcan: true but I'm the one who has beef with-

A tentacle slid across Vulcan's face and O/n slide off y/n's head and towards Vulcan a new one

A/n: ladies and gentlemen I give you octopus tirade.

O/n: blurglerberbergh! Herbluegergerph! blurburgerberderblut!

O/n went on with these garglings of who knows what but everyone's attention was drawn to Yu who pointed out there was a giant crowd of people covered in white cloth

Lisa: think there are close to a hundred of them.

Vulcan: all of this just to get me that's crazy!

Arthur: How did Shinra let such a big force get past him? The is hell doing out there!?

Vulcan: you 3 are fire soldiers right can you fight these guys?

Y/n: Arthur can't without his lightsaber, Iris is a nun, and threw soda cans at me just for stepping foot on your property.

Point taken Vulcan started building Arthur a sword and makeshift Noble Steed that you would ride if you were like four and 3 exited

Iris: 3?

Y/n: yeah 3 me, Arthur, and o/n.

Vulcan: yeah bring that thing with you are you?

Y/n: pretty much!

O/n armed itself with a frying pan and some soda cans.

Arthur: hi ho silver!

Y/n: you look ridiculous.

Arthur went off about his knightly duty snd stuff I really don't care to write

???: Who are you? I doubt you from the workshop.

Arthur: ride for a silver in the name of the Round Table I smite the Excalibur!

With a swing of his sword, a plasma wave destroyed all of the illusions

Y/n: but you seem to have things handled, so I'll you with O/n.

Y/n please o/n the ground and tan into the woods

Arthur: where are you going!?

Y/n: to find Shinra!

With a signal jump, you let it straight into the thicket. O/n crawled its way to the other white cloth person

???: What are you?

O/n: * gurgling  resembling a battle cry*

O/n jumped on the white clothes person's face sinking its hooked suckers deep Inand hit him with the pan while sprayed ink on his face

???: * muffled crying * Get this thing off me!!

**** with y/n while o/n still hits the knocked out white clothes male with the pan ****

Y/n was running through the forest shouting for Shinra

Y/n: how is it so hard to find something who can!?

All of a sudden something sent him upwards and into a tree but he was able to land safely

Y/n: what was that?

A girl wearing white cloth with long black hair and music note pupils came from behind a tree while playing a Shamisen( 3 stringed guitar) walked calmly towards y/n

Y/n: uh hello?

???: I finally get to see you again y/n...

Y/n: you know me?

???: I Know Who You Are but the real question is do you remember who I am and what you did!

She stopped playing and everything went silent

???: no! You can't forget not when I've come this far!

Y/n didn't know what you were talking about so he ran to attack her but he violently struck the guitar string sending him flying into a tree

???: you'll see, as long as you live you will never forget.

Y/n vision was blurred from the combined the multiple soda cans to the head and now this almost made him see a small girl Infront of him hid vision faded to black


A/n: and that is the end of this chapter I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it I hope you're not the new addition of a new character not going to reveal too much about her yet everything will come in time see you in the next one.


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