chapter 11

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A/n: even I have to go admit this chapter is weird as hell and I might as well change the of your eyes from future sight to plot sight



After the mission and mishap with the catgirl, y/n decided it was time to take one of his 3 hour-long mid-day naps

****dream state****

Y/n was surrounded by his origami creations but before he could marvel he turned around to see a shadowy figure with a crescent grin and closed eyes

Y/n: *head tilt*

???: *head tilt*

Y/n: are you-

Before y/n could finish the figure poked his head and a flash if images flashed of kids burning in his head as the crescents in both of there eyes started

****dream ends****

Y/n woke in a cold sweat breathing heavily until the music box was heard calming him down he looked at his clock

Y/n: it's only been an hour and 3 minutes.

For the first time since I don't even know y/n choose not to sleep and got up  but then he saw burning footprints

Y/n: was Shinra chasing Arthur again?

Looking at it closely they were caused by more than one person looking even closer the prints turned into stars and cat paws

Y/n: interesting...

Y/n then started following the prints leading out of the company

****time skip brought to you by Chibi y/n walking while looking through a magnifying glass****

Y/n was walking through the city looking at the prints until he bumped into an old woman

Y/n: oh sorry-


Y/n: I'm sorry there no-


y/n slowly walked away from the old  lady as she continued cursing him out for an honest mistake and continued with his search

Y/n: ( what's her problem?)

**** timeskip brought to you by that really angry old lady following you still cursing at you****

You followed the prints to an abandoned building more prints appeared causing him more confusion

Y/n: what are these-

Y/n eyes started burning more as the crescents started to spin as he heard the sound of screaming then silence as he was on his knees as but he didn't hear the song but something different

As he walked he stopped again S his eyes started burning even more as the screaming grew louder then silent once more this time the music grew louder in his head

Y/n: I need to master Tento about this-

Again his eyes started burning this something different happened after the screaming stopped there was no music just silence a dead calm and he somehow knew what's going on

Y/n: kids burning, screaming, in pain, then release, death..., but I know this?

Y/n started running towards the build once inside his foot was covered in origami flame and to the shapes of a beetles foot and kicked Rekkka's sending him into a pillar after his foot turned back the flame turn to Ash and look down at tamaki

Y/n: when did you get here?

A/n: I did have a gif of Tamaki crying but I wouldn't fit so tried to make it smaller and it just ended becoming really blurry so I just decided not to use it sorry.

Tamaki started crying y/n thinking he did something bad he gave her a confused look

Y/n: did I do-

Rekka: my stars!

Rekka got up punching y/n in the face sending him flying once he gained he have Rekka an indifferent response

Y/n: ow that really hurt-

Rekka: don't interfere with my work!

Rekka then went for another attack but this time y/n dodged

Rekka: or you'll feel my star first Jab!

A/n: and the I've been waiting to since the beginning of this chapter stars vs moons!!!!!

After y/n dodged he kicked Rekka in the face and put him in a leg hold

Y/n: it's over so could you please stop trying to fight me?

Rekka then brought his hand down on his face completely burning his mask

Rekka: I don't care if there's Nowhere to go back to the only direction I move is forward!

Before Rekka could punch him y/n kicked him right in the mouth

Y/n: that was for my mask.

Y/n then kicked up and kicked him in the chest

Y/n: and that*thinks for a minute* can't find another reason so I  guess that's for my mask.

Rekka: I will not let anyone interfere with our evangelism!

Y/n: *head tilt*...what?

Rekka: this isn't too much trouble one more body to burn at least!

Soundly more screaming was heard and your eyes started burning once more but you heard them more clearly

???: please free us!!

Rekka: it seems to be attracted to your flames, I see you one of the people the evangelist are looking for you have an undefiled Flame an adolla burst!

Y/n:... soka.

Rekka: your one of the lucky people that who serve under the evangelist  been seeking, something that can only be possessed by the offspring of the great soul, I thought Shinra was the only one but it appears that I've been fortunate enough to find 2

Y/n: (what...)

Rekka: the sacred flame to lead mankind!

Y/n: ( does that make me and Shinra related in some way?)

A/n: hey don't look at me I don't know how this Genghis Khan s*** works.

Rekka: my stars, the heat if my passion arms will burn all the way, come at me, bro!

You did what he said and but as you sent throwing stars at him he punched then and you away and you ended up between Tamaki's breast

Y/n: *muffled* we really need to get you a bell or some good luck like that.

Tamaki: get out of there you pervert!?

Y/n: could you please stop calling a pervert?

Y/n got up and thought

Y/n: ( something off with my attacks but what?)

Tamaki: could you give me back my skirt?

Y/n looked at the skirt in his hand and brush his fingertips over his scar and sighed

Y/n: on second thought call me a pervert.

Y/n rip the skirt and tied it around his face

Tamaki: what are you doing you sicko!?

Y/n: keeping myself at peace...

Rekka: you flames are bright ut there not as hot as mine!

Y/n was engulfed flames and after a second the Flames turn blue and thinned

Rekka: what?

Rekka looked in the flame and saw a glowing torn at grin in the shape of a crescent and the flames to the form of giant crescents that spoon with his eyes

Rekka: this heat it's too much!

The spinning crescent around Rekka  as the flames subsided y/n heard the music again

???: thank you...

Y/n's is stopped spinning and collapse in exhaustion


A/n: and that's the end of this chapter I had a lot of fun writing it I hope you enjoyed it and I hope they left some questions in the back of your brains no homework for you but maybe enough for you to figure out what the hell just happened because I can't explain but see you on the next chapter


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